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API Platform Base Path:{org_name}
API Resource Path: /environments/{env_name}/stats/{dimension_name}
Description: Use the GET method to retrieve metrics for a dimension
Verb: | GET |
Auth: | Basic Auth |
Media types: |
resource, accompanied by:
- An optional URI parameter that defines the dimension for the report. Apigee defines a set of dimensions a pre-aggregates a set of metrics against those dimensions. If no dimension is defined (i.e., if the URI parameter is empty), then a report is generated for all APIs present in the environment specified.
- A set of query parameters that define the metrics, time range, time interval, and filter/drill-down aspects of the report.
: A URI parameter that defines the entity for which the API
Platform metrics should be retrieved. Apigee defines a set of dimensions that can be used in
reports. Supported dimensions include:
: API proxies in an organization on the API Platform/stats/apiproducts
: API products defined in an organization/stats/apps
: The name of the developer app making the request to your API/stats/client_ip
: IP addresses of apps making the request to APIs on the API Platform/stats/developer_email
: The email address of a developer registered in an organization on the API Platform/stats/developer_app
: The name of the developer app making the request to your API/stats/devs
:The unique Edge-generated developer ID registered in an organization on the API Platform/stats/access_token
: The app end user's OAuth access token
Filters can be applied to custom resources. Custom resources are:
Symbol | Operation |
in |
for list inclusion |
notin |
for list exclusion |
eq |
= |
ne |
!= or |
gt |
> |
lt |
ge |
>= |
le |
Description | Filter query structure |
Stats for API proxies named either api1 or api2 | filter=(apiproxy in 'api1','api2') |
Stats for all API proxies except api1 and api2 | filter=(apiproxy notin 'ap1','api2') |
Stats where there are no errors | filter=(iserror eq 0) |
Stats where there is no error messages or the API proxy name is api1 or api2 | filter=(iserror eq 1) or (apiproxy in 'api1','api2') |
Stats where (response code is either 201 or 301) and (there are errors) or (API proxy name is either api1 or api2) | filter=(responsecode le 201 or responsecode eq 301) and (iserror eq 1) or
(apiproxy in 'api1','api2') |
Sample Request:
$ curl -X GET -H "Accept:application/json" \{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/{dimension_name}?"select={metric_name}&timeRange=1/1/2013%2000:00~1/2/2013%2000:00&timeUnit=hour&sortby={metric_name}&sort=DESC&filter=(apiproxy%20in%20'weather','news')" \ -u myname:mypass
Name | Description | Default | Required? |
select | Designates the metric to be aggregated for the report. Supported metrics are message_count, error_count, total_response_time, max_response_time, min_response_time, data_exchange_size, end_point_response_time | N/A | Yes |
timeRange | The start and end time for the desired interval. The date format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. For example, 1/1/2013%2000:00~1/2/2013%2000:00. The maximum time range is 6 months | N/A | Yes |
timeUnit | second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year, decade, century, millennium | N/A | Yes |
sortby | When two or more select values are specified, 'sortby' can be used to specify the select used for sorting results: message_count, error_count, total_response_time, max_response_time, min_response_time, data_exchange_size, end_point_response_time | N/A | No |
sort | Supported sort scopes are DESC or ASC | N/A | No |
topk | Take "top k" results from results, for example, to return the top 5 results "topk=5". | N/A | No |
filter | Enables drill-down on specific dimension values | N/A | No |
limit | Set the limit for the number of entries returned by the API | N/A | No |
offset | Use offset with limit to enable pagination of results. For example, to display results 11-20, set limit to '10' and offset to '10'. | N/A | No |
{ "environments" : [ { "dimensions" : [ { "metrics" : [ { "name" : "message_count", "values" : [ { "timestamp" : 1335241800000, "value" : "1.0" } ] } , { "name" : "error_count", "values" : [ { "timestamp" : 1335241800000, "value" : "0.0" } ] } ], "name" : "api1" }, { "metrics" : [ { "name" : "message_count", "values" : [ { "timestamp" : 1335241800000, "value" : "1.0" } ] }, { "name" : "error_count", "values" : [ { "timestamp" : 1335241800000, "value" : "0.0" } ] } ], "name" : "api2" } ], "name" : "test" } ], "metaData" : { } }
Name | Description |
metadata | Metadata associated with the report |
environments | Environments in the organization where the statistics are collected (supports wildcard * for cross environment statistics collection) |
metrics | The values returned for the specified dimension |
dimensions | The dimension defined for measurement: in this example api_name. |
metrics | Metrics for the report |