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Edge Microgateway v. 2.4.x
The Edge Microgateway CLI lets you control and manage all aspects of an Edge Microgateway instance.
Managing certificates
The cert
commands let you install and manage the public/private key
pair that is used to sign bearer tokens used by clients to make secure calls through Edge
Microgateway. The keys are stored on Apigee Edge in an encrypted Key Value Map (KVM). Edge Microgateway uses the
public key to validate signed bearer tokens. These keys are generated when you run the edgemicro
configure command, as explained in Setting
up and configuring Edge Microgateway. You can use
the cert commands described here to regenerate and manage these keys
if needed.
Install a certificate
Installs the keys in an encrypted Key Value Map (KVM) using the Apigee Edge secure store service and returns the public key as output. Key pairs are scoped to a specified organization.
edgemicro cert install -o [organization] -e [environment] -u [username] -p [password] --force
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-u, --username |
Your Apigee username. You must be an org administrator for the specified organization. |
-p, --password |
(Optional) Your password. You will be prompted if you do not provide this parameter on the command line. |
-f, --force |
(Optional) If a key is already stored in the encrypted KVM, force its replacement. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro cert install -o docs -e test -u -f
current nodejs version is v6.1.0 current edgemicro version is 2.2.4-beta password: deleting vault creating vault adding private_key adding public_key installed cert
Delete a certificate
Deletes the key pair for an organization.
edgemicro cert delete -o [organization] -e [environment] -u [username] -p [password]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-u, --username |
Your Apigee username. You must be an org administrator for the specified organization. |
-p, --password |
(Optional) Your password. You will be prompted if you do not provide this parameter on the command line. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro cert delete -o docs -e test -u
deleting vault Vault deleted!
Check a certificate
Checks that your organization has a certificate installed.
edgemicro cert check -o [organization] -e [environment] -u [username] -p [password]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-u, --username |
Your Apigee username. You must be an org administrator for the specified organization. |
-p, --password |
(Optional) Your password. You will be prompted if you do not provide this parameter on the command line. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro cert check -o docs -e test -u
Output (Success)
checked cert successfully
Output (Failure)
If the certificate does not exist, an error is returned.
Get the public key
Returns the public key for the specified organization. Does not require authentication.
edgemicro cert public-key -o [organization] -e [environment]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro cert public-key -o docs -e test
Output (Sample)
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICpDCCAYwCCQCKpXWGum9uTjANBgkq9w0BAQsFADAUMRIwEAYDVQQDEwls b2NhbGhvc3cNMTYxMTAyMjAxNTA2WhcNMTYxMTAzMjAxNTA2WjAUMRIwEAYD VQQDEwlsb2Nvc3QwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDD ETr/ne/gP47+9LgjLvBJjpbFVdaeUabZZ3wbA7sSIVnnNXWt3yPklrWSfIh+ L2+dq4k+YunsQE2+dwPdXA2x8DPGvqGcCdWPxnpZ7ix5Akbs8i/J+Ue0pXT4 jkpWbaDDftGL2tcxwP45yI+slpDYvmWRps07TFXkAPjGEHYPvCT9/v/35GkL 0h4v0S+XfpcjS5c47o7CIWlkgEM5GBosQUb17kuVR48392vGFPsnCP34iNe7 zguhiCXYg2zkOcj/N3AE4xKIhCz0QcewULy08GltWMmyjJ/30zs8P41JqoA4 RwfeEZ8RenN3rJQim1ppAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHcORIfc+ySe 2FMmqicNe6Wt5V/5zOaBMLsGQdqGOHB5cQc79sMBrk680KVhrwHXZ2nBIkVe UEL+2qLY1VLfswBNAvcNwV9U4TwHq4eIANiD751oJK1tHmM/ujThQkwNf96o 6I7Ws+wfpGO3ppJCttRbtnATIxrwsCHN4i5lbW/tJSL7t/Zf6T1B+YSJU9AF xuvLq22cCqyYJQdmKq2vVS55WRZdllm+mRtJrv7MLM9gfDPRxVlwrBz/eQHy Fv+dwzxcvQjkz03RNhZUodzuD34DPJoYeK++rItsddwQ26KTahH80yYTAFzY x9gfPf1/+qo= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Configuring Edge Microgateway for Apigee Edge Cloud
Enables Edge Microgateway to operate with an Apigee Edge Cloud instance. It wraps and performs a sequence of commands to deploy a required authentication proxy to Edge, generate authentication tokens, and update config files. For a complete working example, see the Setting up and configuring Edge Microgateway.
edgemicro configure -o [organization] -e [environment] -u [username] -p [password]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-u, --username |
Your Apigee username. You must be an org administrator for the specified organization. |
-p, --password |
(Optional) Your password. You will be prompted if you do not provide this parameter on the command line. |
-r, --url |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual host alias for your organization:environment. See the
Edge documentation to learn about virtual hosts.
Default: |
-c, --configDir |
(Optional) Specifies the path to the Edge Microgateway configuration file. By default, the configuration file is in ./config/config.yaml. (Added v2.4.x) |
-x, --proxyName |
(Optional) Sets the basepath for the edgemicro-auth proxy. If the edgemicro-auth proxy is deployed under a different path from the default, /edgemicro-auth, this feature allows you to set the new path in Edge Microgateway. By default, the basepath is /edgemicro-auth. (Added v2.4.x) |
-t, --token |
(Optional) Lets you use an OAuth token for authentication instead of username/password.
For example:edgemicro configure -o docs -e test -t <your token> |
-v, --virtualHosts |
(Optional) Overrides the default virtual hosts, which are
"default,secure ". Use this option if you have virtual hosts specified for your
Edge organization:environment other than these defaults. See the Edge documentation to
learn about virtual hosts. |
-d, --debug |
(Optional) Provides debug information. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
Usage notes
This command stores configuration information in
edgemicro configure -o docs -e test -u
Upon success, the command returns a set of keys that you need to use when you start Edge Microgateway.
... The following credentials are required to start edge micro key: d2f0a246ad52b5d2a8b04ba65b43c76348aba586691cf6185cd7bb9fb78fe9f secret: 59813bc1db4a7ada182705ae40893c28a6fae680c3deb42aefbf1a4db42e372 edgemicro configuration complete!
Generating keys
The genkeys
command generates a key and secret pair used by Edge
Microgateway to authenticate itself when asynchronously posting analytics data to Apigee
edgemicro genkeys -o [organization] -e [environment] -u [username] -p [password]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-u, --username |
Your Apigee username. You must be an org administrator for the specified organization. |
-p, --password |
(Optional) Your password. You will be prompted if you do not provide this parameter on the command line. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
Usage notes
Upon success, the command returns three items. The first is a URL that you need to place in the configuration file. The other two are a key pair that are required when you start an Edge Microgateway instance.
- bootstrap URL: This URL points to an Apigee Edge service that enables an
Edge Microgateway instance to send analytics data to Apigee Edge. You need to copy that URL
into the Edge Microgateway config file: ~
. - key: The key. This key, and the secret, are required as input to the CLI command used to start an instance of Edge Microgateway.
- secret: The secret.
edgemicro genkeys -o docs -e test -u
Output (Sample)
Upon success, the command returns a set of keys that you need to use when you start Edge Microgateway.
configuring host for region us-east-1 Please copy the following property to the edge micro agent config bootstrap: The following credentials are required to start edge micro key: db39324077989c75eac34c13d285772ea8e3b982b957b3f52916f3048511443f secret: 5bf8da39de0056f88fdd5f25a8602d22f312c1c8c870580a5fef55ac6637b7ae finished
Configuring Edge Microgateway for Apigee Edge Private Cloud
Configures Edge Microgateway to work with an Apigee Edge Private Cloud installation.
edgemicro private configure -o [organization] -e [environment] -u [username] -p [password]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-u, --username |
Your Apigee username. You must be an org administrator for the specified organization. |
-p, --password |
(Optional) Your password. You will be prompted if you do not provide this parameter on the command line. |
-r, --runtime-url |
Specifies the runtime URL for your private cloud instance. |
-m, --mgmt-url |
The URL of the management server for your private cloud instance. |
-v, --virtualHosts |
Comma-separated list of virtual hosts for your organization:environment. Default
"default,secure ". |
-c, --configDir |
(Optional) Specifies the path to the Edge Microgateway configuration file. By default, the configuration file is in ./config/config.yaml. (Added v2.4.x) |
-t, --token |
(Optional) Lets you use an OAuth token for authentication instead of username/password.
For example:edgemicro configure -o docs -e test -t <your token> |
-d, --debug |
(Optional) Provides debug information. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
Usage notes
This command stores configuration information in
edgemicro private configure -o docs -e test -u -r -m
Upon success, the command returns a set of keys that you need to use when you start Edge Microgateway.
... The following credentials are required to start edge micro key: d2f0a246ad52b5d2a8b04ba65b43c76348aba586691cf6185cd7bb9fb78fe9f secret: 59813bc1db4a7ada182705ae40893c28a6fae680c3deb42aefbf1a4db42e372 edgemicro configuration complete!
Starting Edge Microgateway
Before starting Edge Microgateway, you must first run the edgemicro configure (Public Cloud) or edgemicro private configure (Private Cloud). The configure command returns the key and secret values that are required to start Edge Microgateway.
edgemicro start -o [organization] -e [environment] -k [public-key] -s [secret-key]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-k, --key |
The key value returned that is returned when you run the "edgemicro
configure " command. |
-s, --secret |
The secret value returned that is returned when you run the "edgemicro
configure " command. |
-p, --processes |
(Optional) The number of processes to start. Default: The number of cores on your system. |
-d, --pluginDir |
(Optional) Absolute path to the plugin directory. |
-r, --port |
(Optional) Overrides the port number specified in the
~/.edgemicro/org-env-config.yaml file. Default: 8000 |
-c, --cluster |
(Optional) Starts Edge Microgateway in cluster mode. Note: As of v2.3.1, this option has been removed. In v2.3.1 and later versions, Edge Micro always starts in cluster mode. |
-c, --configDir |
(Optional) Specifies the path to the Edge Microgateway configuration file. By default, the configuration file is in ./config/config.yaml. (Added v2.4.x) |
-d, --debug |
(Optional) Provides debug information. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
Setting the port
The start
command lets you specify a port number to override the port
specified in the configuration file. You can also specify a port number using
the PORT
environment variable. For example:
edgemicro start -o docs -e test -k abc123 -s xyz456 -p 2 --port 8002
export PORT=8002 edgemicro start -o org -e test -k key -s secret -p 2
If the port is in use, Edge Microgateway returns an error.
About clustering
Edge Microgateway employs the Node.js cluster module to enable clustering. Clustering allows Edge Microgateway to take advantage of multi-core systems. For details, see this Node.js documentation.
edgemicro start -o docs -e test -k abc123 -s xyz456
Sample output:
... PROCESS PID : 54709 installed plugin from analytics installed plugin from analytics installed plugin from oauth installed plugin from oauth installed plugin from analytics installed plugin from oauth 5a86b570-a142-11e6-aa1f-6730e9065d6c edge micro listening on port 8000 5a86dc80-a142-11e6-962c-43d9cc723190 edge micro listening on port 8000 5a8751b0-a142-11e6-8241-cf1c517c91eb edge micro listening on port 8000 installed plugin from analytics installed plugin from oauth 5a924e30-a142-11e6-8740-2944162ce275 edge micro listening on port 8000
Managing tokens
The token
commands let you obtain, decode, and verify signed OAuth2
access tokens. See also Secure
API calls with an OAuth2 access token.
Decode a token
Decodes a signed, encoded bearer token into its plain-text JSON JWT (Java Web Token) representation. A token conveys information about the Apigee Edge developer app that provided the keys used to create the token, including application name, client_id, product list, and more.
edgemicro token decode -f [filename]
Parameters | Description |
-f, --file |
The name of a file containing the JWT token to decode. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro token decode -f token.jwt
Output (Sample)
{ header: { typ: 'JWT', alg: 'RS256' }, payload: { application_name: 'b43342ef-86f6-4666-a121-b9ac2025d217', client_id: 'O9ZQRZKnn1rdgcKQgsABSMdOsKS', scopes: [], api_product_list: [ 'MicroTest' ], iat: 1436280566, exp: 1436282365 }, signature: ... }
Generate a token
Generates a signed bearer token. The token allows client apps to make authenticated API calls to Edge Microgateway. The token is an OAuth 2.0-compliant JSON Web Token (JWT). It requires as input the Consumer Key (client id) and Consumer Secret (client secret) values from a registered developer app on Apigee Edge. See also Secure API calls with an OAuth2 access token.
edgemicro token get -o [org] -e [env] -i [client_id] -s [client_secret]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-1, --key |
The Client ID from the Developer App associated with your Microgateway-aware proxy. |
-s, --secret |
The Client Secret from the Developer app associated with your Microgateway-aware proxy. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro token get -o docs -e test -i 5UzOwAXGoOeo60aew94PPG5MAZE3aJp -s 6vahKFGS9a3qMLwz
Output (Sample)
{ token: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1JhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9Glvbl9uYW1lIjoiNWNiMGY0NTV6TV3 EtOWMzOC00YmJjLWIzNzEtZGMxZTQzOGMxIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiNVV6T3dBWEdvSU9lbz YwYWV3OTRQN0c1TUFaRTNhSnAiLCJzY2MiOltdLCJhcGlfcHJvZHVjdF9saXN0IjpbIkVkZ2 VNaWNyb1Rlc3RQcm9kdWN0Il0sImlhdCI3ODEyMzQ2MSwiZXhwIjoxNDc4MTI1MjYwfQ.Dx5 f5U7PXm8koNGmFX4N6VrxKMJnpndKgoJ5zWSJvBZ6Ccvhlpd85ipIIA5S2A5nx4obYWp_rpY RJpIGYwyxP6Oq2j0rxnVjdCC4qyYMgthZjhKgEBVBe3s1ndP72GP2vV6PsSA9RQ2-yzsy9r0 TzhAZ3NJTxT1tS0XKqKngE-OhR3fJHVLAzdMDT0AmS9H0Z2NAJtQOuK6RTpCjG9B6Bc48AEM sj7QSM-1LWiQ8LdY8k_BoC06qsTI7bCQGWwTuqL-ismbcx2bxovUxSemZIaoROfuF-dCZHG3 2aTP75WxBvvNgBBvPvQtPzbeSOtEaww' }
Making an HTTP request to get a token
You can also make a raw HTTP request to get the token. Here's a curl example. Just substitute your org and environment names in the URL, and substitute the Consumer Id and Consumer Secret values for the client_id and client_secret params:
curl -i -X POST "http://<org>-<test>" -d '{"grant_type": "client_credentials", "client_id": "4t8X137pOUUtMR7wag3M1yZTcRxeK", "client_secret": "RAcOFVOvO0jns"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Verify a token
Verifies a signed bearer token against the public key stored on Apigee Edge for the specified organization and environment.
edgemicro token verify -o [org] -e [env] -f [filename]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-f, --file |
The name of a file containing the JWT to verify. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro token get -o docs -e test -f token.jwt
Sample output for valid token
{ application_name: 'b43342ef-86f6-4666-a121-b9ac2025d217', client_id: 'O9ZQRZKnn1rdgcKQsAZUBkQSMdOsKS', scopes: [], api_product_list: [ 'MicroTest' ], iat: 1436396155, exp: 1436397954 }
Sample output for invalid token
{ [JsonWebTokenError: invalid token] name: 'JsonWebTokenError', message: 'invalid token' }
Sample output for expired token
{ [TokenExpiredError: jwt expired] name: 'TokenExpiredError', message: 'jwt expired', expiredAt: Tue Jul 07 2015 09:19:25 GMT-0600 (MDT) }
Obtaining bearer tokens directly
You may prefer to obtain bearer tokens directly, by making an HTTP request to the token endpoint on Apigee Edge. The actual token endpoint is implemented in the proxy that is deployed with the deploy-edge-service CLI command.
Here's a curl example. Just substitute your org and environment names in the URL, and substitute the Consumer Id and Consumer Secret values obtained from a developer app on Apigee Edge for the client_id and client_secret params:
curl -i -X POST "http://<org>-<test>" -d '{"grant_type": "client_credentials", "client_id": "4t8X137pOUUtMR7wag3M1yZTcRxeK", "client_secret": "RAcOFVOvO0jns"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Sample output:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Powered-By: Express Cache-Control: no-store Pragma: no-cache Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 640 ETag: W/"280-ze/g/k+c9taqp110vjYQ" Date: Fri, 17 07 2015 15:49:24 GMT Connection: keep-alive "<long string of numbers and letters>"
Initializing a new Edge Microgateway configuration
Run this command once after you first install Edge Microgateway. Creates a new default
configuration file: ~/.edgemicro/default.yaml
edgemicro init
Parameters | Description |
-c, --configDir |
(Optional) Specifies the path to the Edge Microgateway configuration file. By default, the configuration file is in ./config/config.yaml. (Added v2.4.x) |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro init
Output (Success)
config initialized to /MyHome/.edgemicro/default.yaml
Verifying Edge Microgateway configuration
Verifies that Edge Microgateway is properly configured.
edgemicro verify -o [organization] -e [environment] -k [public-key] -s [secret-key]
edgemicro verify -o docs -e test -k abc123 -s xyz456
Output (Success)
logging to /var/tmp/edgemicro-My-Machine.local-a0c48610-a148-11e6-8466-93f081b05988 installed plugin from analytics installed plugin from oauth a0c48610-a148-11e6-8466-93f081b05988 edge micro listening on port 8000 verifying analytics negative case: OK verifying bootstrap url availability:OK verifying jwt_public_key availability: OK verifying products availability: OK verifying quota with configured products: OK verifying analytics with payload: OK verification complete
Check the microgateway cluster status
Added: v2.2.4-beta
By default, Edge Microgateway starts in cluster mode. You can use this command to check the status of the cluster.
edgemicro status
Parameters | Description |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro status
Output (Success)
current nodejs version is v6.1.0 current edgemicro version is 2.2.4-beta edgemicro is running with 4 workers
Stopping the microgateway cluster
Added: v2.2.4-beta
Stops the Edge Microgateway cluster.
edgemicro stop
Parameters | Description |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro stop
Output (Success)
current nodejs version is v6.1.0 current edgemicro version is 2.2.4-beta Stop Completed Successfully
Reloading the microgateway cluster
Added: v2.2.4-beta
Provides zero-downtime restart after a configuration change. Reloads the Edge Microgateway by pulling in a new configuration.
edgemicro reload -o [organization] -e [environment] -k [public-key] -s [secret-key]
Parameters | Description |
-o, --org |
The Apigee organization for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-e, --env |
An environment for which you configured Edge Microgateway. |
-k, --key |
The key value returned that is returned when you run the "edgemicro
configure " command. |
-s, --secret |
The secret value returned that is returned when you run the "edgemicro
configure " command. |
-h, --help |
Output usage information. |
edgemicro reload -o docs -e test -k abc123 -s xyz456
Output (Success)
... Reload Completed Successfully