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Apigee Edge encapsulates OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2 capabilities in a set of policies. The life cycle management of tokens and secrets, including generation, validation, and storage, is managed by Apigee Edge on behalf of your backend services.
This document specifies the flow variables defined by OAuth policies. The variables can be used to implement custom behavior for OAuth flows. For OAuth usage, see OAuth.
OAuth 2.0 flow variables
The flow variables defined in this table are populated when the respective OAuth policies are executed, and hence are available to other policies or applications executing in the API proxy flow.
Verify access token policy |
* API product variables |
Sample policy: <OAuthV2 name="VerifyAccessToken"> <Operation>VerifyAccessToken</Operation> <Scope>space-separated-scopes</Scope>* <AccessToken>flow.variable</AccessToken>* <AccessTokenPrefix>Bearer</AccessTokenPrefix>* </OAuthV2> Only bearer tokens are supported. MAC tokens are not supported. By default, the access token must be passed in the Authorization HTTP request header. For example:
If the optional fields are not specified, the values are extracted per the OAuth 2.0 specification. |
Generate authorization code policy |
Variables set on success:
Sample policy: <OAuthV2 name="GetAuthCode"> <Operation>GenerateAuthorizationCode</Operation> <ExpiresIn>1000<ExpiresIn> <ResponseType>flow.variable</ResponseType>* <ClientId>flow.variable</ClientId>* <RedirectUri>flow.variable</RedirectUri>* <Scope>flow.variable</Scope>* <State>flow.variable</State>* <Attributes>* <Attribute name=”1” ref=”flow.variable”>value1</Attribute> <Attribute name=”2” ref=”flow.variable”>value2</Attribute> </Attributes> </OAuthV2> * Optional Any
If the optional fields are not specified, the values are extracted per the OAuth 2.0 specification. Attribute values are derived dynamically from the specified flow variable, or statically using a default value in the policy. If both are specified, flow variable takes precedence. |
Generate access token policy for grant types authorization code, user credentials, and client credentials |
Variables set on success:
Sample policy: <OAuthV2 name="GenerateAccessToken"> <Operation>GenerateAccessToken</Operation> <ExpiresIn>1000<ExpiresIn> <SupportedGrantTypes>* <GrantType>authorization_code</GrantType> <GrantType>password</GrantType> <GrantType>client_credentials</GrantType> </SupportedGrantTypes> <GrantType>flow.variable</GrantType>* <ClientId>flow.variable</ClientId>* <RedirectUri>flow.variable</RedirectUri>* <Scope>flow.variable</Scope>* <AppEndUser>flow.variable</AppEndUser>* <Code>flow.variable</Code>* <UserName>flow.variable</UserName>* <PassWord>flow.variable</PassWord>* <Attributes>* <Attribute name=”1” ref=”flow.variable”>value1</Attribute> <Attribute name=”2” ref=”flow.variable”>value2</Attribute> </Attributes> </OAuthV2> * Optional Any
If the optional fields are not specified, the values are extracted per the OAuth 2.0 specification. Attribute values are derived dynamically from the specified flow variable, or statically using a default value in the policy. If both are specified, flow variable takes precedence. |
Generate access token policy for Implicit grant type |
Variables set on success:
Sample policy: <OAuthV2 name="GenerateAccessToken"> <Operation>GenerateAccessTokenImplicitGrant</Operation> <ExpiresIn>1000<ExpiresIn> <ResponseType>flow.variable></ResponseType>* <ClientId>flow.variable></ClientId>* <RedirectUri>flow.variable></RedirectUri>* <Scope>flow.variable></Scope>* <State>flow.variable></State>* <AppEndUser>flow.variable</AppEndUser>* <Attributes>* <Attribute name=”1” ref=”flow.variable”>value1</Attribute> <Attribute name=”2” ref=”flow.variable”>value2</Attribute> </Attributes> </OAuthV2> * Optional Any
If the optional fields are not specified, the values are extracted per the OAuth 2.0 specification. Attribute values are derived dynamically from the specified flow variable, or statically using a default value in the policy. If both are specified, flow variable takes precedence. |
Refresh access token policy |
Variables set on success:
Sample policy: <OAuthV2 name="RefreshAccessToken"> <Operation>RefreshAccessToken</Operation> <ExpiresIn>1000<ExpiresIn> <GrantType>flow.variable</GrantType>* <RefreshToken>flow.variable</RefreshToken>* </OAuthV2> * Optional Any
If the optional fields are not specified, the values are extracted per the OAuth 2.0 specification. |
Get client attributes policy |
Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetClientAttributes"> <ClientId ref="{variable_name}"/> </GetOAuthV2Info> Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetClientAttributes"> <ClientId>{client_id}</ClientId> </GetOAuthV2Info> |
Get access token attributes policy |
Variables set on success:
Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes"> <AccessToken ref="{variable_name}"/> </GetOAuthV2Info> Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes"> <AccessToken>{access_token}</AccessToken> </GetOAuthV2Info> |
Get authorization code attributes policy |
Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetAuthCodeAttributes"> <AuthorizationCode ref="{variable_name}"/> </GetOAuthV2Info> Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetAuthCodeAttributes"> <AuthorizationCode>{authorization_code}</AuthorizationCode> </GetOAuthV2Info> |
Get refresh token attributes policy |
Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes"> <RefreshToken ref="{variable_name}"/> </GetOAuthV2Info> Sample policy: <GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes"> <RefreshToken>{refresh_token}</RefreshToken> </GetOAuthV2Info> |
OAuth 1.0a flow variables
The flow variables defined in this table are populated when the respective OAuth policies are executed, and hence are available to other policies or applications executing in the API proxy flow.
Generate request token policy
Sample policy:
<OAuthV1 name="GenerateRequestToken"> <Operation>GenerateRequestToken</Operation> </OAuthV1>
Variables set on success:
Generate access token policy
Sample policy:
<OAuthV1 name="GenerateAccessToken"> <Operation>GenerateAccessToken</Operation> </OAuthV1>
Variables set on success:
Access token verification policy
Sample policy:
<OAuthV1 name="VerifyAccessToken"> <Operation>VerifyAccessToken</Operation> </OAuthV1>
Variables set on success:
Verify API key policy
Sample policy:
<GetOAuthV1Info name="VerifyApiKey"> <OAuthConfig>{config_name}</OAuthConfig>* <APIKey ref="{variable_name}" /> </GetOAuthV1Info>
* Optional
Variables set on success:
Verify consumer policy
Sample policy:
<GetOAuthV1Info name="VerifyConsumer"> <OAuthConfig>{config_name}</OAuthConfig>* <ConsumerKey ref="{variable_name}" /> </GetOAuthV1Info>
* Optional
Variables set on success:
Verify token policy
Sample policy:
<GetOAuthV1Info name="VerifyToken"> <OAuthConfig>{config_name}</OAuthConfig>* <RequestToken ref="{variable_name}" /> </GetOAuthV1Info>
* Optional
Variables set on success: