Step 3: Configure the GKE cluster

Specify configuration overrides

The Apigee hybrid installer uses defaults for many settings; however, there are a few settings that do not have defaults. You must provide values for these settings, as explained next.

  1. Be sure you are in the hybrid-base-directory/hybrid-files directory.
  2. Copy the overrides-small.yaml file from the $APIGEECTL_HOME/examples directory to your overrides directory:
    cp $APIGEECTL_HOME/examples/overrides-small.yaml ./overrides/overrides.yaml

    This example file provides a basic configuration for a small-footprint hybrid runtime installation, a configuration that is suitable for a your first installation.

  3. cd into the overrides directory:
  4. cd overrides
  5. Open overrides.yaml and add the required property values, shown below. A detailed description of each property is also provided below:


    The overrides.yaml file has the following structure and syntax. Values in red, bold italics are property values that you must provide:

    gcpProjectID: project-id
    k8sClusterName: cluster-name
    org: org-name
      - name: environment-name  # The same name of the env you created in the UI
        hostAlias: test-host-alias
        sslCertPath: ./certs/test-cert-name.pem
        sslKeyPath: ./certs/test-key-name.key
          synchronizer: ./service-accounts/synchronizer-service-account-name.json
          udca: ./service-accounts/udca-service-account-name.json
      hostAlias: mart-host-alias
      serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/mart-service-account-name.json
      sslCertPath: ./certs/mart-cert-name.pem
      sslKeyPath: ./certs/mart-key-name.key
      serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/metrics-service-account-name.json
      enabled: false


    The following example shows a completed overrides file with example property values added:

    gcpProjectID: hybrid-project
    k8sClusterName: apigee-hybrid
    org: hybrid-org
      - name: test
        hostAlias: "*"
        sslCertPath: ./certs/keystore.pem
        sslKeyPath: ./certs/keystore.key
          synchronizer: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-synchronizer.json
          udca: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-udca.json
      hostAlias: ""
      serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-mart.json
      sslCertPath: ./certs/fullchain.pem
      sslKeyPath: ./certs/privkey.key
      serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-metrics.json
      enabled: false
  6. When your finished, save the file.

The following table describes each of the property values that you must provide in the overrides file.

Variable Description
project-id Your GCP project ID.
cluster-name Your Kubernetes cluster name.
org-name The name of your Apigee hybrid organization.
environment-name Use the same name that you used when you created an environment in the UI, as explained in Step 5: Add a new environment in the hybrid UI.

(Required) For the quickstart, use the wildcard character "*".

The use of * is only recommended for a trial installation when using self-signed TLS credentials. Later, as you develop more complex Apigee hybrid configurations, such as creating multiple environments, you will need to use a qualified domain name for this value.

Enter the name of the self-signed TLS key and certificate files that you generated previously in the step Create TLS credentials for the runtime gateway. These files must be located in the base_directory/hybrid-files/certs directory. For example:
sslCertPath: ./certs/keystore.pem
sslKeyPath: ./certs/keystore.key
synchronizer-service-account-name The name of the synchronizer service account key file that you generated with the create-service-account tool. For example:
synchronizer: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-synchronizer.json
udca-service-account-name The name of the udca service account key file that you generated with the create-service-account tool. For example:
udca: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-udca.json
mart-host-alias A qualified DNS name for the MART server endpoint. This name must match the common name (CN) used in the authorized TLS certificate required for this configuration. For example,
mart-service-account-name The name of the mart service account key file that you generated with the create-service-account tool.
Enter the name of the authorized TLS key and certificate files that you generated previously in the step Create TLS credentials for the MART gateway. These files must be located in the base_directory/hybrid-files/certs directory. For example:
sslCertPath: ./certs/fullchain.pem
sslKeyPath: ./certs/privkey.key
metrics-service-account-name The name of the metrics service account key file that you generated with the create-service-account tool. For example:
serviceAccountPath: ./service-accounts/hybrid-project-apigee-metrics.json


The configuration file tells Kubernetes how to deploy the hybrid components to a cluster. Next, you will apply this configuration to your cluster.

1 2 3 (NEXT) Step 4: Install hybrid runtime