
apigeectl is a command-line interface (CLI) for installing and managing Apigee hybrid in a Kubernetes cluster. For information on downloading and installing apigeectl, see Download and install apigeectl.

apigeectl syntax

apigeectl [command] [flags]


  • command: Specifies the operation you want to perform. For a complete list of commands, see apigeectl commands.

  • flags: Specifies command parameters. For a complete list of flags, see apigeectl flags.

apigeectl commands

The following table lists the apigeectl commands:

Command Description

Applies configurations for Apigee hybrid runtime components to your Kubenetes cluster. Use the -c flag to specify one or more (comma-separated) components.

If you do not specify the -c flag, then the apply command applies all of the components to the cluster.


Checks the status of the hybrid component pods. When all component pods are ready, the message "All containers ready" is output. For automated scripting, note that the command exits with a status of 0 when the containers are all ready. When there is at least one pod not ready, the command exits with a status of 1.

If you do not specify the -c flag, then the check-ready command applies to all components in the cluster.


Deletes hybrid components from the cluster. Use the --all flag to remove ALL of the components. If you omit --all, only the Apigee-specific components are removed (the components installed with apigeectl init are not deleted). Apigee-specific components are the components that are installed with the apply command.

If you do not specify the -c flag, then the delete command applies to all of the components deployed in the cluster.

help Prints online help.

Applies configurations for prerequisite components, such as Istio and Apigee Deployment, to the cluster. Use the -c flag to specify one or more (comma-separated) components.

version Prints the CLI version information.

apigeectl flags

The following table lists the apigeectl flags:

Flag Description
-c, --components

Specifies a single component to which the command applies.

If you do not specify this flag, then the command applies to all components (the entire deployment) in the cluster. Possible values include:

  • cassandra
  • logger
  • mart
  • metrics
  • runtime
  • synchronizer
  • udca

For example, -c cassandra

Or, to specify multiple components add comma-separated values: -c cassandra, runtime

--dry-run Executes the specified command without changing the cluster. Use with ‑‑print-yaml to output the rendered object spec to a file.
‑f, ‑‑file‑override‑config Specifies a YAML file containing custom configuration properties for the hybrid deployment. The default value is ./overrides.yaml. An overrides file is required for the apply, check-ready, delete, and init commands.

You must specify the full path with this flag. For more information, see Managing runtime plane components.

-h, --help Displays help for the command.
--print-yaml Prints the configuration template output to stdout. For an example that uses this flag, see Print the configuration to a file.
-s, --settings

Specifies a configuration to which the command applies. Currently, this flag is only supported for the virtualhosts configuration, which is part of the runtime component. Use this flag if you make changes to the virtualhosts property, and nothing else. (Added v1.2.0)

For example, if you make a change to the virtualhosts configuration in your overrides file, apply it to the cluster with this command:

apigeectl apply -f my-overrides.yaml --settings virtualhosts -c runtime


Initialize the cluster configuration

Apply prerequisite component configurations to your cluster with init. You must run the init command before apply.

apigeectl init -f my_overrides.yaml

Apply the cluster configuration

To apply hybrid configurations to your Kubernetes cluster, use the apply command. The first time you run apply all of the hybrid runtime components are created in your cluster. If you make configuration changes, rerun apply to apply only the changes or use -c to apply a specific component only.

The following example applies the configuration for hybrid runtime plane components to your cluster:

apigeectl apply -f my_overrides.yaml

Apply the configuration for a single component

To restrict the apply command to a particular component, use the -c flag, as described in apigeectl flags.

The following example only applies the configuration for the Synchronizer component:

apigeectl apply -c synchronizer -f my_overrides.yaml

The following example only applies the configuration for the Cassandra and runtime components:

apigeectl apply -c cassandra,runtime -f my_overrides.yaml

Print the configuration to a file

If you're debugging an installation problem, it's useful to print out the entire cluster configuration to a file so that you can inspect the configuration settings. The --print-yaml flag prints the hybrid configuration to stdout, and the --dry-run flag allows the command to run without making any changes to the cluster.

apigeectl apply -f my_overrides.yaml --dry-run --print-yaml > apigee-hybrid.yaml

Check pod status

The following example checks the status of pods deployed to your cluster:

apigeectl check-ready
All containers ready in namespace 'my-namespace'

Delete hybrid from the cluster

The following example deletes only the hybrid runtime components to your Kubernetes cluster. To delete everything, use the --all flag.

apigeectl delete -f my_overrides.yaml