Edge Installation Overview

A typical Edge installation consists of Edge components distributed across multiple nodes. After you install Edge on a node, you then install and configure one or more Edge components on the node.

Installation process

Installing Edge on a node is a multi-step process:

  1. Disable SELinux on the node or set it to permissive mode. See Install the Edge apigee-setup utility for more.
  2. Decide if you want to enable Cassandra authentication.
  3. Decide if you want to set up master-standby replication for Postgres.
  4. Select your Edge configuration from the list of recommended topologies. For example, you can install Edge on a single node for testing, or on 13 nodes for production. See Installation Topologies for more.
  5. On each node in your selected topology, install the Edge apigee-setup utility:
    • Download the Edge bootstrap_4.53.00.sh file to /tmp/bootstrap_4.53.00.sh.
    • Install the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies.
    • Install the Edge apigee-setup utility and dependencies.

      See Install the Edge apigee-setup utility for more.

  6. Use the apigee-setup utility to install one or more Edge components on each node based on your selected topology.

    See Install Edge components on a node.

  7. On the Management Server node, use the apigee-setup utility to install apigee-provision, the utilities that you use to create and manage Edge organizations.

    See Onboard an organization for more.

  8. Restart the Classic UI component on each node after the installation is complete, as the following example shows:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-ui restart
  9. (Recommended) After you complete the initial installation, Apigee recommends that you install the new Edge UI (whose component name is edge-management-ui), which is an enhanced user interface for developers and administrators of Apigee Edge for Private Cloud.

    For more information, see Install the new Edge UI.

After the installation is complete, check out this list of common post-installation actions.

Who can perform the install

The Apigee Edge distribution files are installed as a set of RPMs and dependencies. To install, uninstall, and update Edge RPMs, the commands must be run by the root user or by a user that has full sudo access. For full sudo access, that means the user has sudo access to perform the same operations as root.

Any user who wants to run the following commands or scripts must either be root, or be a user with full sudo access:

  • apigee-service utility:
    • apigee-service commands: install, uninstall, update.
    • apigee-all commands: install, uninstall, update.
  • setup.sh script to install Edge components (Unless you have already used "apigee-service install" to install the required RPMs. Then root or full sudo access if not required.)
  • update.sh script to update Edge components

Also, the Edge installer creates a new user on your system, named "apigee". Many Edge commands invoke sudo to run as the "apigee" user.

Any user who wants to run all other commands than the ones shown above must be a user with full sudo access to the "apigee" user. These commands include:

  • apigee-service utility commands, including:
    • apigee-service commands such as start, stop, restart, configure.
    • apigee-all commands such as start, stop, restart, configure.

Creating a user with full sudo access to "apigee" user

To configure a user to have full sudo access to the "apigee" user, use the "visudo" command to edit the sudoers file to add:

installUser        ALL=(apigee)      NOPASSWD: ALL

Where installUser is the username of the person working with Edge.

Setting permissions on configuration files

Any files or resources used by the Edge commands must be accessible to the "apigee" user. This includes the Edge license file and any config files.

When creating a configuration file, you can change its owner to "apigee:apigee" to ensure that it is accessible to Edge commands:

  1. Create the file in an editor as any user.
  2. chown the owner of the file to "apigee:apigee" or, if you changed the user running the Edge service from the "apigee" user, chown the file to the user who is running the Edge service.

Separating Edge install tasks between root and non-root user

While it is simplest to perform the entire Edge install process as root or by a user that has full sudo access, that is not always possible. Instead, you can separate the process into tasks performed by root and tasks performed by a user with full sudo access to the "apigee" user.

  1. Tasks performed by root:
    1. Download and run the bootstrap_4.53.00.sh file:
      curl https://software.apigee.com/bootstrap_4.53.00.sh -o /tmp/bootstrap_4.53.00.sh
      sudo bash /tmp/bootstrap_4.53.00.sh apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord

      This step installs the apigee-service utility and creates the "apigee" user.

    2. Configure a user to have full sudo access to the "apigee" user as described in Creating a user with full sudo access to "apigee" user.
    3. Install the apigee-setup utility:
      /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install
    4. Use the apigee-setup utility to install Edge RPMs on the node:
      /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service compName install

      The Edge RPMs that you install on the node depend on your topology. The list of available components includes: apigee-provision, apigee-validate, apigee-zookeeper, apigee-cassandra, apigee-openldap, edge-management-server, edge-ui, edge-router, edge-message-processor, apigee-postgresql, apigee-qpidd, edge-postgres-server, edge-qpid-server.

  2. After the root user installs the Edge RPMs on the node, the user with full sudo access to the "apigee" user completes the configuration process:
    1. Use the setup.sh utility to complete the configuration of the Edge components on the node. The form of the command depends on the components that you installed on the node. For a complete list, see Install Edge components on a node.

      For example, to complete the installation of ZooKeeper and Cassandra, use the following command:

      /opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/setup.sh -p ds -f configFile

      Where configFile is the Edge configuration file.

      Or, to perform an all-in-one install, use the following command:

      /opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/setup.sh -p aio -f configFile

Location of installation configuration files

You must pass a configuration file to the apigee-setup utility that contains the information about the Edge installation. The only requirement on silent installations is that the configuration file must be accessible or readable by the "apigee" user. For example, put the file in the /usr/local/var or /usr/local/share directory on the node and chown it to "apigee:apigee".

All information in the configuration file is required except for the Edge system administrator's password. If you omit the password, the apigee-setup utility prompts you to enter it on the command line.

See Install Edge components on a node for more.

Handling an installation failure

In the case of a failure during the installation of an Edge component, you can try to correct the issue, and then run the installer again. The installer is designed to be run repeatedly in cases where it detects a failure, or if you later want to change or update a component after installation.

After installing or upgrading, be sure to restart the Edge UI component on each node on which it is running.

Internet or non-Internet installation

To install Edge on a node, the node must be able to access the Apigee repository:

  • Nodes with an external Internet connection

    Nodes with an external internet connection access the Apigee repository to install the Edge RPMs and dependencies.

  • Nodes without an external Internet connection

    Nodes without an external Internet connection can access a mirrored version of the Apigee repository that you set up internally. This repository contains all Edge RPMs, but you have to ensure that you have all other dependencies available from repos on the internal network.

    To create the internal Apigee repository, you do require a node with an external internet access to be able to download the Edge RPMs and dependencies. Once you have created the internal repo, you can then move it to another node or make that node accessible to the Edge nodes for installation.

Using a local Edge repository to maintain your Edge version

One of the reasons to use a local, or mirrored, repository is for installing Edge on nodes with no external internet connection, as described in the previous section.

Resolving RPM installation dependencies

The Apigee Edge distribution files are installed as a set of RPM files, each of which can have its own chain of installation dependencies. Many of these dependencies are defined by third-party components that are outside the control of Apigee and can change at any time. Therefore, the documentation does not list the explicit version number of each dependency.

If you are performing an installation on a machine with internet access, the node can download the necessary RPMs and dependencies. However, if you are installing from a node without internet access, you typically set up an internal repo containing all necessary dependencies. The only way to guarantee that all dependencies are included in your local repo is to attempt an installation, identify any missing dependencies, and copy them to the local repo until the installation succeeds.

Common Yum commands

The Edge installation tools for Linux rely on Yum to install and update components. You might have to use several Yum commands to manage an installation on a node.

  • Clean all Yum caches:
    sudo yum clean all
  • To update an Edge component:
    sudo yum update componentName

    For example:

    sudo yum update apigee-setup
    sudo yum update edge-management-server

File System Structure

Edge installs all files in the /opt/apigee directory.

In this guide and in the Edge Operations Guide, the root installation directory is noted as:


The installation uses the following file system structure to deploy Apigee Edge for Private Cloud.

Log Files

The log file for apigee-setup and the setup.sh script is written to /tmp/setup-root.log.

The log files for each component are contained in the /opt/apigee/var/log directory. Each component has its own subdirectory. For example, the logs for the Management Server are in the directory:


The following tables lists the location of the log files:

Component Location

Management Server




The Edge Router is implemented using Nginx. For additional logs, see:


Message Processor


Apigee Qpid Server

Apigee Postgres Server /opt/apigee/var/log/edge-postgres-server
Classic UI (not the new Edge UI, whose component name is edge-management-ui) /opt/apigee/var/log/edge-ui
ZooKeeper /opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-zookeeper
OpenLDAP /opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-openldap
Cassandra /opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-cassandra/system.log
Qpidd /opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-qpidd
PostgreSQL database /opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-postgresql
apigee-monit /opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-monit


Component Location
Management Server /opt/apigee/data/edge-management-server
Router /opt/apigee/data/edge-router
Message Processor /opt/apigee/data/edge-message-processor
Apigee Qpid agent /opt/apigee/data/edge-qpid-server
Apigee Postgres agent /opt/apigee/data/edge-postgres-server
ZooKeeper /opt/apigee/data/apigee-zookeeper
OpenLDAP /opt/apigee/data/apigee-openldap
Cassandra /opt/apigee/data/apigee-cassandra/data
Qpidd /opt/apigee/data/apigee-qpid/data
PostgreSQL database /opt/apigee/data/apigee-postgres/pgdata
apigee-monit /opt/apigee/data/apigee-monit

Enable system check on install

The Edge installation configuration file supports the following property:


If you set this property to "y", the installer checks that the system meets the CPU and memory requirements for the component being installed. The default value is "n" to disable the check.