2.0.11 - 2.1.0 Edge Microgateway Release Notes

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These are the release notes for Apigee Edge Microgateway versions 2.0.11 through 2.1.0.

Installation note

Some previous versions of Edge Microgateway let you install the software by downloading a ZIP file. These ZIP files are no longer supported. To install Edge Microgateway, you must use:

npm install -g edgemicro

Refer to the installation topic for more details.

New features and enhancements

Following are the new features and enhancements:

Specify a port on startup (in 2.0.11)

The start command lets you specify a port number to override the port specified in the configuration file. You can also specify a port number using the PORT environment variable. See start command for details.

Optionally preserve auth headers (in 2.0.11)

A new configuration setting, keepAuthHeader, lets you preserve the Authorization header sent in the request. If set to true, the Auth header is passed on to the target. See oauth attributes.

Ability to use a custom authorization service (in 2.0.11)

If you want to use your own custom service to handle authentication, change the authUri value in the Edge Microgateway config file to point to your service. For details, see Using a custom auth service.

Specify client SSL/TLS options (in 2.1.0)

You can specify client options for SSL/TSL connections to targets using a new set of config options. See Using client SSL/TSL options.