Setting HTTP request/response header limits

Edge for Private Cloud v. 4.17.05

The Edge Router and Message Processor have predefined limits to the size of request/response headers and to the line size.

Configuring limits for the Router

For the Router, edit the following properties in /opt/apigee/customer/application/ to change the default values:

  # Request buffers
  conf_load_balancing_load.balancing.driver.large.header.buffers=8 16k
  # Response buffers

If that file does not exist, create it.

For conf_load_balancing_load.balancing.driver.large.header.buffers, the first parameter specifies the number of buffers, and the second the size of each buffer. The buffers are allocated dynamically and released after usage. These settings are only used if the request header is more than 1 KB. For requests that have header request URI less than 1 KB, the large buffers won't even be used.

For conf_load_balancing_load.balancing.driver.proxy.buffer.size, specify the size of the response buffer.

The Edge Router is implemented using Nginx. For more on these properties, see:

You must restart the Router after changing these properties:

> /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-router restart

Configuring limits for the Message Processor

For the Message Processor, which handles outgoing requests to your backend services, edit the following properties in /opt/apigee/customer/application/ to change these default values:


If that file does not exist, create it.

You must restart the Message Processor after changing these properties:

> /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-message-processor restart