Viewing pod details

Edge for Private Cloud v4.18.05

You can use the following API call to view server registration details at the end of the installation for each pod. This is a useful monitoring tool.

curl -u adminEmail:pword http://ms_IP:8080/v1/servers?pod=podName

Where ms_IP is the IP address or DNS name of the Management Server, and podName is one of the following:

  • gateway
  • central
  • analytics

For example, for the "gateway" pod:

curl -u adminEmail:pword http://ms_IP:8080/v1/servers?pod=gateway

You see output in the form:

[ {
  "externalHostName" : "localhost",
  "externalIP" : "",
  "internalHostName" : "localhost",
  "internalIP" : "",
  "isUp" : true,
  "pod" : "gateway",
  "reachable" : true,
  "region" : "dc-1",
  "tags" : {
    "property" : [ {
      "name" : "jmx.rmi.port",
      "value" : "1101"
    }, ... ]
  "type" : [ "message-processor" ],
  "uUID" : "276bc250-7dd0-46a5-a583-fd11eba786f8"
  "internalIP" : "",
  "isUp" : true,
  "pod" : "gateway",
  "reachable" : true,
  "region" : "dc-1",
  "tags" : {
    "property" : [ ]
  "type" : [ "dc-datastore", "management-server", "cache-datastore", "keyvaluemap-datastore", "counter-datastore", "kms-datastore" ],
  "uUID" : "13cee956-d3a7-4577-8f0f-1694564179e4"
  "externalHostName" : "localhost",
  "externalIP" : "",
  "internalHostName" : "localhost",
  "internalIP" : "",
  "isUp" : true,
  "pod" : "gateway",
  "reachable" : true,
  "region" : "dc-1",
  "tags" : {
    "property" : [ {
      "name" : "jmx.rmi.port",
      "value" : "1100"
    }, ... ]
  "type" : [ "router" ],
  "uUID" : "de8a0200-e405-43a3-a5f9-eabafdd990e2"
} ]

For more information about pods, see About planets, regions, pods, organizations, environments and virtual hosts.