Uninstalling Edge

You can uninstall individual components, all components, or completely remove Edge from your system. In addition, you can roll back Edge if you upgraded.

Uninstall individual components

To uninstall a component, use the apigee-service utility in the form:

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service component_name uninstall

Where component_name identifies the component you want to uninstall. The possible values of component_name include the following:

  • apigee-cassandra (Cassandra)
  • apigee-openldap (OpenLDAP)
  • apigee-postgresql (PostgreSQL database)
  • apigee-qpidd (Qpidd)
  • apigee-sso (Edge SSO)
  • apigee-zookeeper (ZooKeeper)
  • edge-management-server (Management Server)
  • edge-management-ui (new Edge UI)
  • edge-message-processor (Message Processor)
  • edge-postgres-server (Postgres Server)
  • edge-qpid-server (Qpid Server)
  • edge-router (Edge Router)
  • edge-ui (Classic UI)

In addition to these components, you can also uninstall the apigee-provision and apigee-validate components.

For example, to uninstall the Edge UI:

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-ui uninstall

This command does not delete any data or log files. It only deletes the component.

Uninstall all components

To uninstall all Apigee components on the node, uninstall the apigee-service utility:

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-service uninstall

This command does not delete any data or log files. It only deletes the components.

Remove Edge

To completely remove Edge from your system:

  1. Stop all Edge services running on the machine:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-all stop
  2. Clear the yum cache:
    sudo yum clean all
  3. Remove all the Apigee RPMs:
    sudo rpm -e $(rpm -qa | egrep "(apigee-|edge-)")
  4. Remove the installation root directory:
    sudo rm -rf /opt/apigee
  5. Remove the NGINX directory:
    sudo rm -rf /opt/nginx