Edge Demo Installation Requirements

Edge for Private Cloud v4.18.05

You can install Edge for the Private Cloud on a single host machine as part of a demo or proof of concept installation. This type of installation is referred to as an Edge "all-in-one" installation. The host machine can be a standalone machine or a VM that meets the system prerequisites listed below.

After you install Edge for the Private Cloud on the host machine, you can optionally install Apigee Developer Services portal (or simply, the portal) on its own host machine.


Each installation of Edge requires a unique license file that you obtain from Apigee. If you do not yet have a license, contact Sales here.

System requirements for Edge

The following table lists the system requirements for installing Edge on a single host machine:




Access to Apigee RPM repo

Ensure access to https://software.apigee.com

Ensure you received a username/password from Apigee for the repo:

  • If you are a prospect evaluating Apigee, please contact Apigee Sales here.
  • If you are an existing Apigee customer, please contact your Apigee representative.

curl -v https://software.apigee.com returns HTTP 200

Access to your backend services

Ensure access to your backend services

curl -v http://backend to check access to your backend services

License key

Check for an email from Apigee with license key attached

Ensure license key deployed to host machine

OS Version

Supported OS version as listed at Supported software and supported versions.

cat /etc/redhat-release returns the OS version

Java version

Supported Java versions:

  • Oracle JDK 1.8
  • OpenJDK 1.8

java -version returns the installed Java version

If required Java version not found, Edge installer downloads and installs it.

CPU cores

8 minimum

lscpu returns number of CPUs

cat /proc/cpuinfo returns CPU Information


16 GB minimum

cat /proc/meminfo returns memory information


100 GB minimum

df -h returns the disk space.

df -h /opt returns the disk space for /opt, the Edge install directory


Hostname set to IP address of host

hostname -i returns the IP address of host


External Internet access required.

For RedHat OS, access to RHEL yum repository.

yum repolist returns available repos.

For RedHat, check the availability of repos from /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat-rhui.repo

ports, iptables, firewalld

Ensure that ports 8080, 9000, 9001, and 9002 can accept incoming packets.

This requirement is dependent on your OS and OS configuration. There are several commands you can use to view the current settings:

iptables -nvL

Linux 6.x: service iptables status

Linux 7.x: sysctl firewalld status

If necessary, you can stop iptables or firewalld


Disable SELinux, or set it to permissive mode, during install. Re-enable after install if necessary

Temporarily set SELinux to permissive mode:

On a Linux 6.x operating system:

echo 0 > /selinux/enforce

To re-enable after installing Edge:

echo 1 > /selinux/enforce

On a Linux 7.x operating system:

setenforce 0

To re-enable after installing Edge:

setenforce 1

To permanently disable SELinux, see Install the Edge apigee-setup utility.

System user access

User performing install requires:

  • sudo access or root access
  • ability to add users on host machine

sudo whoami should return root

SMTP Server

Access to SMTP server to send emails to new Edge users.

System requirements for the portal

You can install the portal on a machine different than the one you used to install Edge. Make sure you have satisfied the following requirements before you install the portal:




Access to Apigee RPM repo

Ensure access to https://software.apigee.com

Ensure you received a username/password from Apigee for the repo.

curl -v https://software.apigee.com returns HTTP 200

Edge installed on the host

Ensure that you have already installed Edge on the host machine

See System requirements for Edge above.


Ensure port 8079 is available and accessible

netstat -nlptu | grep 8079