管理 LDAP 资源

针对以下应用使用 LDAP 政策时: 身份验证或 DN(域名)查询,此政策将使用 Apigee 端 LDAP 资源, 包含您的 LDAP 提供商的连接详情。本部分介绍如何创建和 通过 API 管理 LDAP 资源。

创建 LDAP 资源

以下是用于创建 LDAP 资源的 API:


以下是带注释的 XML 载荷,其中描述了您要执行的 LDAP 资源配置 send 以创建资源:

<LdapResource name="ldap1">
      <Host port="636">foo.com</Host> <!-- port is optional: defaults to 389 for ldap:// and 636 for ldaps:// -->
    <SSLEnabled>false</SSLEnabled> <!-- optional, defaults to false -->
    <Version>3</Version> <!-- optional, defaults to 3-->
    <Authentication>simple</Authentication> <!-- optional, only simple supported -->
    <ConnectionProvider>jndi|unboundid</ConnectionProvider> <!-- required -->
    <ServerSetType>single|round robin|failover</ServerSetType> <!-- not applicable for jndi -->
    <LdapConnectorClass>com.custom.ldap.MyProvider</LdapConnectorClass> <!-- If using a custom LDAP provider, the fully qualified class -->
  <ConnectPool enabled="true"> <!-- enabled is optional, defaults to true -->
    <Timeout>30000</Timeout> <!-- optional, in milliseconds; if not set, no timeout -->
    <Maxsize>50</Maxsize> <!-- optional; if not set, no max connections -->
    <Prefsize>30</Prefsize> <!-- optional; if not set, no pref size -->
    <Initsize></Initsize> <!-- optional; if not set, defaults to 1 -->
    <Protocol></Protocol> <!-- optional; if not set, defaults to 'ssl plain' -->


以下示例创建了一个名为 ldap1 的 LDAP 资源:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
  https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/myorg/environments/test/ldapresources \
  -u apigee_email:password -d \
  '<LdapResource name="ldap1">
      <ServerSetType>round robin</ServerSetType>
    <ConnectPool enabled="true">

列出所有 LDAP 资源

curl https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/myorg/environments/test/ldapresources \
  -u apigee_email:password

获取 LDAP 资源的详细信息

curl https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/myorg/environments/test/ldapresources/ldap1 \
  -u apigee_email:password

更新 LDAP 资源

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
  https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/myorg/environments/test/ldapresources/ldap1 \
  -u apigee_email:password -d \
  '<LdapResource name="ldap1">
      <ServerSetType>round robin</ServerSetType>
    <ConnectPool enabled="true">

删除 LDAP 资源

curl -X DELETE \
  https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/myorg/environments/test/ldapresources/ldap1 \
  -u apigee_email:password