Install the Edge apigee-setup utility

To install Edge on a node, you first install the Edge apigee-setup utility. If you are in an environment where your nodes do not have an external internet connection, you must also install a local copy of the Apigee repo.

Default installation directory: /opt/apigee

Edge installs all files in the /opt/apigee directory. You cannot change this directory. However, if desired, you can create a symlink to map /opt/apigee to another location. See Installation Requirements for more information.

Prerequisite: Disable SELinux

You must disable SELinux, or set it to permissive mode, before you can install Edge apigee-setup utility or any Edge components. If necessary, after installing Edge, you can re-enable SELinux.

  • To temporarily set SELinux to permissive mode, execute the following command:
    • On a Linux 6.x operating system:
      sudo echo 0 > /selinux/enforce

      To re-enable SELinux after installing Edge:

      sudo echo 1 > /selinux/enforce
    • On a Linux 7.x operating system:
      sudo setenforce 0

      To re-enable SELinux after installing Edge:

      sudo setenforce 1
  • To permanently disable SELinux or set it to permissive mode:
    1. Open /etc/sysconfig/selinux in an editor.
    2. Set SELINUX=disabled or SELINUX=permissive
    3. Save your edits.
    4. Restart the node.
    5. If necessary, re-enable SELinux after Edge installation by repeating this procedure to set SELINUX=enabled.

Prerequisite: Enable EPEL repo

You must enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) to install or update Edge, or to create a local repo. The command you use depends on your version of RedHat/CentOS:

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.0, see Prerequisites for RHEL 8.

  • For Red Hat/CentOS/Oracle 7.x:
    sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  • For Red Hat/CentOS/Oracle 6.x:
    sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm
  • For AWS-2:
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
    sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel

Prerequisite: Check libdb4 library version on RedHat 7.4 and CentOS 7.4

On RedHat 7.4 and CentOS 7.4, check the version of the libdb4 RPMs before you install. Edge requires version 4.8 and some versions of RedHat 7.4 and CentOS 7.4 ship with a later version. If you have a later version, uninstall it and the Edge installer will then install version 4.8.

You can use the following command to check your version:

rpm -qa | grep libdb4

If you see that the libdb4 RPM version is later than version 4.8, uninstall it.

Prerequisites for RHEL 8

If you are installing Edge on a server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8, do the following steps before performing the installation:

  1. Enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL):
    sudo dnf install
  2. Disable Postgres and Nginx:
    sudo dnf module disable postgresql
    sudo dnf module disable nginx
  3. Install Python 2:
    sudo dnf install -y python2

Install Edge apigee-setup utility on a node with an external internet connection

To install Edge on a node with an external internet connection:

  1. Obtain the username and password from Apigee that you use to access the Apigee repository. If you have an existing username:password for the Apigee ftp site, you can use those credentials.
  2. Log in to your node as root to install the Edge RPMs
  3. Install yum-utils and yum-plugin-priorities.
    sudo yum install yum-utils
    sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities
  4. Disable SELinux.
  5. Enable the EPEL repo.
  6. Check your version of libdb4.
  7. If you are installing on RHEL 8, follow the steps in Prerequisites for RHEL 8.
  8. If you are installing on Oracle 7.x, run the following command:
    sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest
  9. If you are installing on AWS, run the following yum-configure-manager commands:
    yum update rh-amazon-rhui-client.noarch
    sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-extras rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional
  10. Download the Edge file to /tmp/
    curl -o /tmp/
  11. Install the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies:
    sudo bash /tmp/ apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord

    Where uName:pWord are the username and password you received from Apigee. If you omit pWord, you will be prompted to enter it.

    By default, the installer checks to see that you have Java 1.8 installed. If you do not, it installs it for you. Use the JAVA_FIX option to specify how to handle Java installation. JAVA_FIX takes the following values:

    • I: Install OpenJDK 1.8 (default)
    • C: Continue without installing Java
    • Q: Quit. For this option, you have to install Java yourself.

    The installation of the apigee-service utility creates the /etc/yum.repos.d/apigee.repo file that defines the Apigee repository. To view the definition file, use the command:

    cat /etc/yum.repos.d/apigee.repo

    To view the repo contents, use the command:

    sudo yum -v repolist 'apigee*'
  12. Use apigee-service to install the apigee-setup utility:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install
  13. Use apigee-setup to install and configure Edge components on the node. See Install Edge components on a node for more.


When attempting to install on a node with an external internet connection, you might encounter one or more of the following errors:

Cannot open: https:// : @ Error: Repo configuration failed

error: package package_name is not installed

The following table lists some possible resolutions for these errors:

Error Type Possible Resolution
Password contains bad characters Do not use special characters in your Apigee password.
Connectivity issues

Test your network connectivity by executing the following ncat command:

nc -v 443

You should get a message similar to the following:

Connection to 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!

If you don't have nc installed, you can execute the following telnet command:

telnet 443

If the commands succeed, you can use CTRL+C to abort the open connection.

If either command fails, then you have limited or no network connectivity. Check with your network administrator.

Incorrect credentials

Ensure that your username and password are correct.

For example, check if you get an error when you try to use the following command with your Apigee username and password:

curl -i -u username:password
Proxy issues Your local configuration uses an egress HTTP proxy and you have not extended the same configuration to the yum package manager. Check your environment variables:
echo $http_proxy
echo $https_proxy

For an egress HTTP proxy, you should use one of the following options:

  • Add an HTTP proxy configuration in /etc/yum.conf
  • Add global HTTP proxy configuration in /etc/environment

Install Edge apigee-setup utility on a node with no external internet connection

If your Edge nodes are behind a firewall, or in some other way are prohibited from accessing the internet, then you must create several repositories, or mirrors, that contain files you'll need during the install. Those mirrors must then be accessible to all nodes. Once created, nodes can then access these local mirrors to install Edge.

The Apigee Edge installation process for nodes with no internet connections requires access to the following local repos:

Create a local Apigee repository

To create the internal Apigee repository, you do require a node with an external internet access to be able to download the Edge RPMs and dependencies. Once you have created the internal repo, you can then move it to another node or make that node accessible to the Edge nodes for installation.

After you create a local Apigee repository, you might later have to update it with the latest Edge release files. The following sections describe how to create a local Apigee repository, and how to update it.

To create a local Apigee repo:

  1. Obtain the username and password from Apigee that you use to access the Apigee repository. If you have an existing username:password for the Apigee ftp site, you can use those credentials.
  2. Log in to your node as root to install the Edge RPMs.
  3. Disable SELinux as described above.
  4. Download the Edge file to /tmp/
    curl -o /tmp/
  5. Install the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies:
    sudo bash /tmp/ apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord

    Where uName:pWord are the username and password you received from Apigee. If you omit pWord, you will be prompted to enter it.

  6. Install the apigee-mirror utility on the node:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror install
  7. Use the apigee-mirror utility to sync the Apigee repo to the /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/repos/ directory.

    To minimize the size of the repo, include the --only-new-rpms to download just the latest RPMs.

  8. (Optional) If you want to install Edge from the local repo onto the same node that hosts the local repo, then you need to first run the following commands:
    1. Run from the local repo to install the apigee-service utility:
      sudo bash /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/repos/ apigeeprotocol="file://" apigeerepobasepath=/opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/repos
    2. Use apigee-service to install the apigee-setup utility:
      /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install
    3. Use apigee-setup to install and configure Edge components on the node. See Install Edge components on a node for more.

Install apigee-setup on a remote node from the local repo

You have two options for installing Edge from the local repo. You can either:

  • Create a .tar file of the repo, copy the .tar file to a node, and then install Edge from the .tar file.
  • Install a webserver on the node with the local repo so that other nodes can access it. Apigee provides the Nginx webserver for you to use, or you can use your own webserver.

Install from the .tar file

To install from the .tar file:

  1. On the node with the local repo, use the following command to package the local repo into a single .tar file named /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/apigee-4.52.02.tar.gz:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror package
  2. Copy the .tar file to the node where you want to install Edge. For example, copy it to the /tmp directory on the new node.
  3. On the new node, disable SELinux as described above.
  4. On the new node, be sure that you can access the local Yum utility repo and the EPEL repo.
  5. Double check that all external internet repos are disabled (this should be the case because you are installing on a machine without internet access):
    sudo yum repolist

    All external repos should be disabled, but the local Apigee repo and your internal repos should be enabled.

  6. On the new node, install yum-utils and yum-plugin-priorities from your local repo.
    sudo yum install yum-utils
    sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities

    Your ops team or other group within your organization must set up a local repo for you to be able to install the Yum tools.

  7. On the new node, check your version of libdb4 as described above.
  8. If you are installing on Oracle 7.x, run the following command:
    sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest
  9. If you are installing on AWS, run the following yum-configure-manager command:
    sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-extras rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional
  10. On the new node, untar the file to the /tmp directory:
    tar -xzf apigee-4.52.02.tar.gz

    This command creates a new directory, named repos, in the directory containing the .tar file. For example /tmp/repos.

  11. Install the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies from /tmp/repos:
    sudo bash /tmp/repos/ apigeeprotocol="file://" apigeerepobasepath=/tmp/repos

    Notice that you include the path to the repos directory in this command.

  12. Use apigee-service to install the apigee-setup utility:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install
  13. Use apigee-setup to install and configure Edge components on the node. See Install Edge components on a node for more.

Install from the repo using the Nginx webserver

To install from the repo using the Nginx webserver:

  1. Install the Nginx webserver on the repo node:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror nginxconfig
  2. By default, Nginx is configured to use localhost as the server name and port 3939. To change these values:
    1. Open /opt/apigee/customer/application/ in an editor. Create the file if it does not exist.
    2. Set the following values as necessary:
    3. Restart Nginx:
      /opt/nginx/scripts/apigee-nginx restart
  3. By default, the repo requires a username:password of admin:admin. To change these credentials, set the following environment variables:
  4. On the new node, install yum-utils and yum-plugin-priorities.
    sudo yum install yum-utils
    sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities
  5. On the new node, disable SELinux as described above.
  6. On the new node, ensure that the local EPEL repo is enabled.
  7. On the new node, check your version of libdb4 as described above.
  8. On the remote node, download the Edge file to /tmp/
    curl http://uName:pWord@remoteRepo:3939/ -o /tmp/

    Where uName:pWord are the username and password you set above for the repo, and remoteRepo is the IP address or DNS name of the repo node.

  9. On the remote node, install the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies:
    sudo bash /tmp/ apigeerepohost=remoteRepo:3939 apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord apigeeprotocol=http://

    Where uName:pWord are the repo username and password.

  10. On the remote node, use apigee-service to install the apigee-setup utility:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install
  11. Use apigee-setup to install and configure Edge components on the remote node. See Install Edge components on a node for more.

Update a local Apigee repository

To update the repo, you must download the latest file and then perform a new sync.

To update the repo:

  1. Download the Edge file to /tmp/
    curl -o /tmp/
  2. Run the Edge file:
    sudo bash/tmp/ apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord

    Where uName:pWord are the username and password you received from Apigee. If you omit pWord, you will be prompted to enter it.

  3. Update apigee-mirror:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror update
  4. Perform the sync:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror sync --only-new-rpms
  5. If you want to entire repo:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror sync

Clean a local Apigee repo

Cleaning the local repo deletes /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror and /var/tmp/yum-apigee-*.

To clean the local repo, use:

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror clean

Add or update Edge 4.16.0x/4.17.0x in a 4.52.02 repo

If you have to maintain installations for Edge 4.16.0x or 4.17.0x in a 4.52.02 repo, you can maintain a repo that contains all versions. From that repo, you can then install any version of Edge.

To add 4.16.0x/4.17.0x to a 4.52.02 repo:

  1. Ensure that you have installed the 4.52.02 version of the apigee-mirror utility:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror version

    You should see a result in the form below, where xyz is the build number:
  2. Use the apigee-mirror utility to download Edge 4.16.0x/4.17.0x to your repo. Notice how you prefix the command with the desired version:
    apigeereleasever=4.17.01 /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror sync --only-new-rpms

    Use this same command to later update the 4.16.0x/4.17.0x repos by specifying the required version numbers.

  3. Examine the /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/repos directory to see the file structure:
    ls /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/repos

    You should see the following files and directories:


    Notice how you have a bootstrap file for all versions of Edge. The apigee directory also contains separate directories for each version of Edge.

  4. To package the repo into a .tar file, use the following command:
    apigeereleasever=4.17.01 /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror package

    This command packages all the 4.17.0x and 4.16.0x repos into the same .tar file. You cannot package only part of the repo.

To install Edge from the local repo or .tar file, just make sure to run the correct bootstrap file by using one of the following commands. This example installs Edge 4.17.01:

  • If installing from a .tar file, run the correct bootstrap file from the repo:
    sudo bash /tmp/repos/ apigeeprotocol="file://" apigeerepobasepath=/tmp/repos

    To complete the installation, follow the remaining steps from "Install from the .tar file" above.

  • If installing using the Nginx webserver, download and then run the correct bootstrap file from the repo:
    /usr/bin/curl http://uName:pWord@remoteRepo:3939/ -o /tmp/
    sudo bash /tmp/ apigeerepohost=remoteRepo:3939 apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord apigeeprotocol=http://

    To complete the installation, follow the remaining steps from "Install from the repo using the Nginx webserver" above.