Edge for Private Cloud v. 4.16.09
Use the following command to perform a restore:
> /<inst_root>/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service comp restore backupFile
where comp is the name of the component and backupFile is the name of the backup file. For example:
> /<inst_root>/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-cassandra restore backup-2016.03.17,14.40.41.tar.gz
The backup file is optional. If omitted, it uses the latest file in /<inst_root>/apigee/backup/comp.
The restore command:
- Gets the latest backup file, if a filename was not passed in, or uses the specified backup file.
- Checks to see if the directories are empty:
/<inst_root>/apigee/etc/comp.d - If the above directories are not empty, restore stops and ask you to remove them.
- Stops the component.
- Restore the component from the backup.
Note: You must explicitly restart the component after a restore.