Install and configure Apigee SSO

To install and configure the Apigee SSO module with an external IDP, you must do the following:

  1. Create keys and certificates.
  2. Set up the base Apigee SSO configuration: The base file must include the properties that are common to all SSO configurations.
  3. Add IDP-specific configuration properties: Use one of the following IDP-specific blocks of configuration properties in your configuration file:
  4. Install Apigee SSO: Install the Apigee SSO module, and pass the configuration file to the installer.

Each of these steps is described in the sections that follow.

Create keys and certificates

This section describes how to create self-signed certificates which might be fine for your testing environment but you should use certificates signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) for a production environment.

To create the key pair to sign for verification:

  1. As a sudo user, create the following new directory:
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/jwt-keys
  2. Change to the new directory:
    cd /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/jwt-keys/
  3. Generate the private key with the following command:
    sudo openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048
  4. Generate the public key from the private key with the following command:
    sudo openssl rsa -pubout -in privkey.pem -out pubkey.pem
  5. Change the owner of the output PEM file to the "apigee" user:
    sudo chown apigee:apigee *.pem

To create the key and self-signed cert, with no passphrase, for communicating with the IDP:

  1. As a sudo user, make a new directory:
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/idp/
  2. Change to the new directory:
    cd /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/idp/
  3. Generate your private key with a passphrase:
    sudo openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
  4. Remove the passphrase from the key:
    sudo openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key
  5. Generate certificate signing request for CA:
    sudo openssl req -x509 -sha256 -new -key server.key -out server.csr
  6. Generate self-signed certificate with 365 days expiry-time:
    sudo openssl x509 -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out selfsigned.crt
  7. Export the key and certificate to a keystore:
    1. Export the key and certificate to a PKCS12 keystore:
    2. sudo openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in <certificate_path> -inkey <key_path> -out <keystore_path> -name <alias>


      • certificate_path: Path to the certificate created in Step 6.
      • key_path: Path to the private key generated in Step 3.
      • keystore_path: Path to the newly created PKCS12 keystore containing the certificate and private key.
      • alias: Alias used to reference the key and certificate pair within the keystore.

      See the OpenSSL documentation for more details.

    3. (Optional) Export the key and certificate from PKCS12 to JKS keystore:
    4. sudo keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <PKCS12_keystore_path> -srcstoretype PKCS12 
      -destkeystore <destination_keystore_path> -deststoretype JKS -alias <alias>


      • PKCS12_keystore_path: Path to the PKCS12 keystore created in Step 7 containing the certificate and private key.
      • destination_keystore_path: Path to the newly created JKS keystore containing the same certificate and key.
      • alias: Alias used for the key and certificate pair within the JKS keystore.

      See the keytool documentation for more details.

    5. Change the owner of the output keystore file to the "apigee" user:
      sudo chown apigee:apigee <keystore_file>
    6. Update the following properties in silent.conf:
    7. # Path to your keystore  
      # Keystore password
      # Alias within keystore that stores the key and certificate  
      # [Optional] Only specify if you are using something other than JKS. Values could be PKCS12 or BCFKS  

    To enable TLS on the Apigee SSO module, by setting SSO_TOMCAT_PROFILE to SSL_TERMINATION or to SSL_PROXY, you cannot use a self-signed certificate. You must generate a cert from a CA. See Configure Apigee SSO for HTTPS access for more information.

    Apigee SSO configuration settings

    Before you can install the Apigee SSO module, you must define a configuration file. You pass this configuration file to the installer when you install the Apigee SSO module.

    The configuration file has the following form:

    ## Management Server configuration.
    # Management Server IP address and port
    # Edge sys admin username and password as set when you installed Edge.
    # Set the protocol for the Edge management API. Default is http.
    # Set to https if you enabled TLS on the management API.
    ## Postgres configuration.
    # Postgres IP address and port
    # Postgres username and password as set when you installed Edge.
    ## Apigee SSO module configuration.
    # Choose either "saml" or "ldap".
    # Externally accessible IP or DNS name of apigee-sso.
    # Default port is 9099. If changing, set both properties to the same value.
    # Set Tomcat TLS mode to DEFAULT to use HTTP access to apigee-sso.
    # SSO admin user name. The default is ssoadmin.
    # SSO admin password using uppercase, lowercase, number, and special chars.
    # Enable the ability to sign an authentication request with SAML SSO.
    # Path to signing key and secret from Create the TLS keys and certificates above.
    #                 Define External IDP                     #
    # Use one of the following configuration blocks to        #
    # define your IDP settings:                               #
    #  - SAML configuration properties                     #
    #  - LDAP Direct Binding configuration properties        #
    #  - LDAP Indirect Binding configuration properties       #
    INSERT_IDP_CONFIG_BLOCK_HERE (SAML, LDAP direct, or LDAP indirect, below)
    # Configure an SMTP server so that the Apigee SSO module can send emails to users
    # omit for no username
    # omit for no password
    # The address from which emails are sent
    SMTPMAILFROM="My Company <>"

    SAML SSO configuration properties

    If you are using SAML for your IDP, use the following block of configuration properties in your configuration file (defined above):

    ## SAML Configuration Properties
    # Insert this section into your base configuration file, as described previously.
    # Name of SAML IDP. For example, okta or adfs.
    # Text displayed on the SSO sign-in page after being redirected by either the New or Classic Edge UI for SAML logins.
    # Note: Installing SSO does not depend on the Edge UI or which version of the UI you are using.
    SSO_SAML_IDP_LOGIN_TEXT="Please log in to your IDP"
    # The metadata URL from your IDP.
    # If you have a metadata file, and not a URL,
    # see "Specifying a metadata file instead of a URL" below.
    # Determines whether to skip TLS validation for the URL specified
    # This is necessary if the URL uses a self-signed certificate.
    # The default value is "n".
    # Keystore configuration details
    # [Optional] Only specify KEYSTORE_TYPE if you are using something other than JKS. Values could be PKCS12 or BCFKS.
    # Requires that SAML responses be signed by your IDP.
    # This property is enabled by default since release

    LDAP Direct Binding configuration properties

    If you are using LDAP direct binding for your IDP, use the following block of configuration properties in you configuration file, as shown in the example above:

    ## LDAP Direct Binding configuration
    # Insert this section into your base configuration file, as described previously.
    # The type of LDAP profile; in this case, "direct"
    # The base URL to which SSO connects; in the form: "ldap://hostname_or_IP:port
    # Attribute name used by the LDAP server to refer to the user's email address; for example, "mail"
    # Pattern of the user's DN; for example: =cn={0},ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
    # If there is more than one pattern, separate with semicolons (";"); for example:
    # =cn={0},ou=people,dc=example,dc=org;=cn={0},ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

    LDAP Indirect Binding configuration properties

    If you are using LDAP indirect binding for your IDP, use the following block of configuration properties in your configuration file, as shown in the example above:

    ## LDAP Indirect Binding configuration
    # Insert this section into your base configuration file, as described previously.
    # Type of LDAP profile; in this case, "indirect"
    # Base URL to which SSO connects; in the form: "ldap://hostname_or_IP:port
    # DN and password of the LDAP server's admin user
    # LDAP search base; for example, "dc=example,dc=org"
    # LDAP search filter; for example, "cn={0}"
    # Attribute name used by the LDAP server to refer to the user's email address; for example, "mail" SSO_LDAP_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE=LDAP_email_attribute

    Install the Apigee SSO module

    After you create the keys and set up your configuration file, you can install the Apigee SSO module.

    To install the Apigee SSO module:

    1. Log in to the Management Server node. That node should already have apigee-service installed, as described in Install the Edge apigee-setup utility.

      Alternatively, you can install the Apigee SSO module on a different node. However, that node must be able to access the Management Server over port 8080.

    2. Install and configure apigee-sso by executing the following command:
      /opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p sso -f configFile

      Where configFile is the configuration file that you defined above.

    3. Install the utility used to manage admin and machine users for the apigee-sso module:
      /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-ssoadminapi install
    4. Log out of the shell, and then log back in again to add the utility to your path.

    Specify a metadata file instead of a URL

    If your IDP does not support an HTTP/HTTPS metadata URL, you can use a metadata XML file to configure Apigee SSO.

    To use a metadata file instead of a URL to configure Apigee SSO:

    1. Copy the contents of the metadata XML from your IDP to a file on the Apigee SSO node. For example, copy the XML to:
    2. Change ownership of the XML file to the "apigee" user:
      chown apigee:apigee /opt/apigee/customer/application/apigee-sso/saml/metadata.xml
    3. Set the value of SSO_SAML_IDP_METADATA_URL to the absolute file path:

      You must prefix the file path with "file://", followed by the absolute path from root (/).