Mappatura dei ruoli esterna

La mappatura dei ruoli esterni ti consente di mappare i tuoi gruppi o ruoli al controllo dell'accesso basato sui ruoli (RBAC) di ruoli e gruppi creati su Apigee Edge. Questa funzionalità è disponibile solo con Edge per è un cloud privato.


  • Devi essere un amministratore di sistema Apigee Private Cloud con amministratore di sistema globale credenziali per eseguire questa configurazione.
  • Devi conoscere la directory root dell'installazione del cloud privato Apigee Edge. La La directory principale predefinita è /opt.

Esempio di configurazione passo passo

Vedi questo articolo sui forum della community Apigee per un esempio dettagliato della configurazione di Mappatura dei ruoli.

Configurazione predefinita

La mappatura dei ruoli esterni è disabilitata per impostazione predefinita.

Abilita mappatura ruoli esterni

Per abilitare la mappatura dei ruoli esterni:

  1. Prima di poter completare la configurazione seguente, devi creare una classe Java che implementa l'interfaccia ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 e include la tua implementazione nella Percorso della classe del server di gestione:

    Per maggiori dettagli su questa implementazione, consulta la sezione Informazioni su ExternalRoleMapperImpl implementazione di esempio più avanti in questo documento.

  2. Accedi al server di gestione Apigee Edge e interrompi il processo del server di gestione:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-management-server stop
  3. Apri /opt/apigee/customer/application/ in un editor di testo. Se il file non esiste, crealo.
  4. Modifica il file delle proprietà in modo da applicare le seguenti impostazioni:
    # The user store to be used for authentication.
    # Use "externalized.authentication" for LDAP user store.
    # Note that for authorization, we continue to use LDAP.
    # See Enabling external authentication more on enabling external auth.
    #Enable the external authorizations role mapper.
  5. Salva il file
  6. Assicurati che sia di proprietà dell'utente apigee:
    chown apigee:apigee /opt/apigee/customer/application/
  7. Avvia il server di gestione:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-management-server start

Disabilita autorizzazione esterna

Per disabilitare l'autorizzazione esterna:

  1. Apri /opt/apigee/customer/application/ in un editor di testo. Se il file non esiste, crealo.
  2. Cambia l'archivio utenti di autenticazione in "ldap":
  3. Imposta questa proprietà su "false":
  4. Riavvia il server di gestione:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-management-server start

Informazioni su ExternalRoleMapperImpl implementazione di esempio

Nel file di configurazione descritto in precedenza in Abilitare la mappatura dei ruoli esterni, tieni presente quanto segue:


Questa classe implementa l'interfaccia ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 ed è obbligatoria. Devi creare una propria implementazione di questa classe che rifletta i rispettivi gruppi. Al termine, inserisci la classe compilata in un JAR e inserisci quel JAR nel classpath del server di gestione in:


Puoi assegnare il nome che preferisci alla classe e al pacchetto, purché implementi ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 è accessibile nel classpath e vi viene fatto riferimento correttamente in nel file di configurazione

Di seguito è riportato un esempio di implementazione di una classe ExternalRoleMapperImpl:

package com.customer.authorization.impl;

import com.apigee.authentication.*;
import com.apigee.authorization.namespace.OrganizationNamespace;
import com.apigee.authorization.namespace.SystemNamespace;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

/** *
* Sample Implementation constructed with dummy roles with expected namespaces.

public class ExternalRoleMapperImpl
       implements ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 {

   InitialDirContext dirContext = null;

   public void start(ConfigBean arg0) throws ConnectionException {

       try {
           // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
           // ImplementDirContextCreationLogicForSysAdmin method implementation.
           // Create InitialDirContext based on the system admin user credentials.
           dirContext = ImplementDirContextCreationLogicForSysAdmin();
       } catch (NamingException e) {
           // TODO Auto-generated catch block
           throw new ConnectionException(e);

   public void stop() throws Exception {

    * This method should be replaced with customer's implementation
    * For given roleName under expectedNamespace, return all users that belongs to this role
    * @param roleName
    * @param expectedNamespace
    * @return All users that belongs to this role. For each user, please return the username/email that is stored in Apigee LDAP
    * @throws ExternalRoleMappingException
   public Collection<String> getUsersForRole(String roleName, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {
       Collection<String> users = new HashSet<>();
       if (expectedNamespace instanceof SystemNamespace) {
           // If requesting all users with sysadmin role
           if (roleName.equalsIgnoreCase("sysadmin")) {
               // Add sysadmin's email to results
       } else {
           String orgName = ((OrganizationNamespace) expectedNamespace).getOrganization();
           // If requesting all users of engRole in Apigee LDAP
           if (roleName.equalsIgnoreCase("engRole")) {
               // Get all users in corresponding groups in customer's LDAP. In this case looking for 'engGroup';
               SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
               try {
                   NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> res ="ou=groups,dc=corp,dc=wacapps,dc=net",
                           "cn=engGroup", new Object[]{"",""}, controls);
                   while (res.hasMoreElements()) {
                       SearchResult sr = res.nextElement();
                       // Add all users into return
               } catch (NamingException e) {
                   // Customer needs to handle the exception here
       return users;

    * This method would be implemented by the customer and would be invoked
    * while including using X-Apigee-Current-User header in request.
    * X-Apigee-Current-User allows the customer to login as another user
    * Below is the basic example.
    * If User has sysadmin role then it's expected to set SystemNameSpace
    * along with the expected NameSpace. Otherwise role's expectedNameSpace
    * to be set for the NameSpacedRole.
    * Collection<NameSpacedRole> results = new HashSet<NameSpacedRole>();
    * NameSpacedRole sysNameSpace = new NameSpacedRole("sysadmin",
    * SystemNamespace.get());
    * String orgName =
    * ((OrganizationNamespace) expectedNameSpace).getOrganization();
    * NameSpacedRole orgNameSpace = new NameSpacedRole ("orgadmin",
    * expectedNameSpace);
    * results.add(sysNameSpace);
    * results.add(orgNameSpace);
    * @param username UserA's username
    * @param password UserA's password
    * @param requestedUsername UserB's username. Allow UserA to request UserB's userroles with
    *                          UserA's credentials when requesting UserB as X-Apigee-Current-User
    * @param expectedNamespace
    * @return
    * @throws ExternalRoleMappingException
   public Collection<NameSpacedRole> getUserRoles(String username, String password, String requestedUsername, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {
       /******************** Authenticate UserA ********************/

       // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
       // ImplementDnameLookupLogic method implementation.

       // obtain dnName for given username.
       String dnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(username);
       // Obtain dnName for given requestedUsername.
       String requestedDnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(requestedUsername);

       if (dnName == null || requestedDnName == null) {
           System.out.println("Error ");

       DirContext dirContext = null;
       try {

           // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
           // ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic method implementation

           // Create a directory context with dnName or requestedDnName and password
           dirContext = ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic();

           /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/
           return apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(dirContext, requestedDnName, expectedNamespace);

       } catch (Exception ex) {
           System.out.println("Error in authenticating User: {}" + new Object[] { username });

       } finally {
           // Customer implementation to close
           // ActiveDirectory/LDAP context.

       return null;


    * This method would be implemented by the customer and would be invoked
    * wihle using username and password for authentication and without the
    * X-Apigee-Current-User header
    * The customer can reuse implementations in
    *      getUserRoles(String username, String password, String requestedUsername, NameSpace expectedNamespace)
    * by
    *      return getUserRoles(username, password, username, expectedNamespace)
    * in implementations.
    * or the customer can provide new implementations as shown below.

   public Collection<NameSpacedRole> getUserRoles(String username, String password, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {
       /****************** Authenticate Given User ******************/

       // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
       // ImplementDnameLookupLogic implementation.

       // Obtain dnName for given username or email address.
       String dnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(username);

       if (dnName == null) {
           System.out.println("Error ");

       DirContext dirContext = null;
       try {
           // Create a directory context with username or dnName and password
           dirContext = ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic();

           /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/
           return apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(dirContext, dnName, expectedNamespace);

       } catch (Exception ex) {
           System.out.println("Error in authenticating User: {}" + new Object[] { username });

       } finally {
           // Customer implementation to close
           // ActiveDirectory/LDAP context.

       return null;

    * This method would be implemented by the customer and would be invoked
    * while using security token or access token as authentication credentials.
   public Collection<NameSpacedRole> getUserRoles(String username, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {

       /****************** Authenticate Given User ******************/

       // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
       // ImplementDnameLookupLogic implementation.

       // Obtain dnName for given username or email address.
       String dnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(username);

       if (dnName == null) {
           System.out.println("Error ");

       DirContext dirContext = null;
       try {
           // Create a directory context with username or dnName and password
           dirContext = ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic();

           /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/
           return apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(dirContext, dnName, expectedNamespace);

       } catch (Exception ex) {
           System.out.println("Error in authenticating User: {}" + new Object[] { username });

       } finally {
           // Customer implementation to close
           // ActiveDirectory/LDAP context.

       return null;

    *  This method should be replaced with Customer Specific Implementations
    *  Provided as a sample Implementation of mapping user groups to apigee-edge roles
   private Collection<NameSpacedRole> apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(DirContext dirContext, String dnName, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws Exception {

       Collection<NameSpacedRole> results = new HashSet<NameSpacedRole>();

       /************ Fetch internal groups *****************/

       String groupDN = "OU=Groups,DC=corp,DC=wacapps,DC=net";
       String userFilter = "(user=userDnName)";
       SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();

       // Looking for all groups the user belongs to in customer's LDAP
       NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> groups =,userFilter.replace("userDnName", dnName), new Object[] { "", "" }, controls);

       if (groups.hasMoreElements()) {
           while (groups.hasMoreElements()) {
               SearchResult searchResult = groups.nextElement();
               Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
               String groupName = attributes.get("name").get().toString();

               /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/

               if (groupName.equals("BusDev")) {
                   results.add(new NameSpacedRole("businessAdmin",SystemNamespace.get()));

               } else if (groupName.equals("Engineering")) {
                   if (expectedNamespace instanceof OrganizationNamespace) {
                       String orgName = ((OrganizationNamespace) expectedNamespace).getOrganization();
                       results.add(new NameSpacedRole("orgadmin", new OrganizationNamespace(orgName)));
                       // In OPDK 4.50 and later, do
                       // results.add(new NameSpacedRole("orgadmin", OrganizationNamespace.of(orgName)));

               } else if (groupName.equals("Marketing")) {
                   results.add(new NameSpacedRole("marketAdmin",SystemNamespace.get()));

               } else {
                   results.add(new NameSpacedRole("readOnly",SystemNamespace.get()));

       } else {
           // In case of no group found or exception found we throw empty roles.
           System.out.println(" !!!!! NO  GROUPS FOUND !!!!!");
       return results;

    * The customer need to replace with own implementations for getting dnName for given user
   private String ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(String username) {
       // Connect to the customer's own LDAP to fetch user dnName
       return customerLDAP.getDnName(username);

    * The customer need to replace with own implementations for creating DirContext
   private DirContext ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic() {
       // Connect to the customer's own LDAP to create DirContext for given user
       return customerLDAP.createLdapContextUsingCredentials();
