Asignación de roles externa

La asignación de roles externos te permite asignar tus propios grupos o roles al control de acceso basado en roles (RBAC) y grupos creados en Apigee Edge. Esta función solo está disponible con Edge para Nube privada.

Requisitos previos

  • Debes ser administrador de sistemas de Apigee Private Cloud con administrador de sistema global credenciales para realizar esta configuración.
  • Debes conocer el directorio raíz de tu instalación de Apigee Edge Private Cloud. El el directorio raíz predeterminado es /opt.

Ejemplo de configuración paso a paso

Consulta este artículo sobre los Foros de la comunidad de Apigee para obtener un ejemplo paso a paso de la configuración de recursos externos Asignación de roles

Configuración predeterminada

La asignación de roles externa está inhabilitada de forma predeterminada.

Habilitar la asignación de roles externa

Para habilitar la asignación de roles externa, sigue estos pasos:

  1. Antes de completar la siguiente configuración, debes crear una clase de Java que implementa la interfaz ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 y, además, incluye tu implementación en el Ruta de clase del servidor de administración:

    Consulta la sección Acerca de ExternalRoleMapperImpl para obtener información detallada sobre esta implementación. implementación de muestra más adelante en este documento.

  2. Accede a tu servidor de administración de Apigee Edge y, luego, detén el proceso del servidor de administración:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-management-server stop
  3. Abrir /opt/apigee/customer/application/ en un editor de texto. Si este archivo no existe, créalo.
  4. Edita el archivo de propiedades para establecer la siguiente configuración:
    # The user store to be used for authentication.
    # Use "externalized.authentication" for LDAP user store.
    # Note that for authorization, we continue to use LDAP.
    # See Enabling external authentication more on enabling external auth.
    #Enable the external authorizations role mapper.
  5. Guarda el archivo
  6. Asegúrate de que sea propiedad del usuario de Apigee:
    chown apigee:apigee /opt/apigee/customer/application/
  7. Inicia el servidor de administración:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-management-server start

Inhabilitar autorización externa

Para inhabilitar la autorización externa, sigue estos pasos:

  1. Abrir /opt/apigee/customer/application/ en un editor de texto. Si el archivo no existe, créalo.
  2. Cambia el almacén de usuarios de autenticación a "ldap":
  3. Establece esta propiedad como "false":
  4. Reinicia el servidor de administración:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-management-server start

Información acerca de ExternalRoleMapperImpl implementación de muestra

En el archivo de configuración que se describió anteriormente en Habilita la asignación de roles externos, ten en cuenta esta línea:


Esta clase implementa la interfaz ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 y es obligatoria. Debes crea tu propia implementación de esta clase que refleje tus respectivos grupos. Cuando termine, Coloca la clase compilada en un archivo JAR y colócalo en la ruta de clase del servidor de administración en:


Puedes asignarle el nombre que desees a la clase y al paquete, siempre y cuando se implemente ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2, es accesible en tu ruta de clase y se hace referencia correctamente en el

El siguiente es un ejemplo de implementación de una clase ExternalRoleMapperImpl:

package com.customer.authorization.impl;

import com.apigee.authentication.*;
import com.apigee.authorization.namespace.OrganizationNamespace;
import com.apigee.authorization.namespace.SystemNamespace;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

/** *
* Sample Implementation constructed with dummy roles with expected namespaces.

public class ExternalRoleMapperImpl
       implements ExternalRoleMapperServiceV2 {

   InitialDirContext dirContext = null;

   public void start(ConfigBean arg0) throws ConnectionException {

       try {
           // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
           // ImplementDirContextCreationLogicForSysAdmin method implementation.
           // Create InitialDirContext based on the system admin user credentials.
           dirContext = ImplementDirContextCreationLogicForSysAdmin();
       } catch (NamingException e) {
           // TODO Auto-generated catch block
           throw new ConnectionException(e);

   public void stop() throws Exception {

    * This method should be replaced with customer's implementation
    * For given roleName under expectedNamespace, return all users that belongs to this role
    * @param roleName
    * @param expectedNamespace
    * @return All users that belongs to this role. For each user, please return the username/email that is stored in Apigee LDAP
    * @throws ExternalRoleMappingException
   public Collection<String> getUsersForRole(String roleName, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {
       Collection<String> users = new HashSet<>();
       if (expectedNamespace instanceof SystemNamespace) {
           // If requesting all users with sysadmin role
           if (roleName.equalsIgnoreCase("sysadmin")) {
               // Add sysadmin's email to results
       } else {
           String orgName = ((OrganizationNamespace) expectedNamespace).getOrganization();
           // If requesting all users of engRole in Apigee LDAP
           if (roleName.equalsIgnoreCase("engRole")) {
               // Get all users in corresponding groups in customer's LDAP. In this case looking for 'engGroup';
               SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
               try {
                   NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> res ="ou=groups,dc=corp,dc=wacapps,dc=net",
                           "cn=engGroup", new Object[]{"",""}, controls);
                   while (res.hasMoreElements()) {
                       SearchResult sr = res.nextElement();
                       // Add all users into return
               } catch (NamingException e) {
                   // Customer needs to handle the exception here
       return users;

    * This method would be implemented by the customer and would be invoked
    * while including using X-Apigee-Current-User header in request.
    * X-Apigee-Current-User allows the customer to login as another user
    * Below is the basic example.
    * If User has sysadmin role then it's expected to set SystemNameSpace
    * along with the expected NameSpace. Otherwise role's expectedNameSpace
    * to be set for the NameSpacedRole.
    * Collection<NameSpacedRole> results = new HashSet<NameSpacedRole>();
    * NameSpacedRole sysNameSpace = new NameSpacedRole("sysadmin",
    * SystemNamespace.get());
    * String orgName =
    * ((OrganizationNamespace) expectedNameSpace).getOrganization();
    * NameSpacedRole orgNameSpace = new NameSpacedRole ("orgadmin",
    * expectedNameSpace);
    * results.add(sysNameSpace);
    * results.add(orgNameSpace);
    * @param username UserA's username
    * @param password UserA's password
    * @param requestedUsername UserB's username. Allow UserA to request UserB's userroles with
    *                          UserA's credentials when requesting UserB as X-Apigee-Current-User
    * @param expectedNamespace
    * @return
    * @throws ExternalRoleMappingException
   public Collection<NameSpacedRole> getUserRoles(String username, String password, String requestedUsername, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {
       /******************** Authenticate UserA ********************/

       // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
       // ImplementDnameLookupLogic method implementation.

       // obtain dnName for given username.
       String dnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(username);
       // Obtain dnName for given requestedUsername.
       String requestedDnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(requestedUsername);

       if (dnName == null || requestedDnName == null) {
           System.out.println("Error ");

       DirContext dirContext = null;
       try {

           // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
           // ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic method implementation

           // Create a directory context with dnName or requestedDnName and password
           dirContext = ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic();

           /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/
           return apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(dirContext, requestedDnName, expectedNamespace);

       } catch (Exception ex) {
           System.out.println("Error in authenticating User: {}" + new Object[] { username });

       } finally {
           // Customer implementation to close
           // ActiveDirectory/LDAP context.

       return null;


    * This method would be implemented by the customer and would be invoked
    * wihle using username and password for authentication and without the
    * X-Apigee-Current-User header
    * The customer can reuse implementations in
    *      getUserRoles(String username, String password, String requestedUsername, NameSpace expectedNamespace)
    * by
    *      return getUserRoles(username, password, username, expectedNamespace)
    * in implementations.
    * or the customer can provide new implementations as shown below.

   public Collection<NameSpacedRole> getUserRoles(String username, String password, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {
       /****************** Authenticate Given User ******************/

       // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
       // ImplementDnameLookupLogic implementation.

       // Obtain dnName for given username or email address.
       String dnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(username);

       if (dnName == null) {
           System.out.println("Error ");

       DirContext dirContext = null;
       try {
           // Create a directory context with username or dnName and password
           dirContext = ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic();

           /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/
           return apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(dirContext, dnName, expectedNamespace);

       } catch (Exception ex) {
           System.out.println("Error in authenticating User: {}" + new Object[] { username });

       } finally {
           // Customer implementation to close
           // ActiveDirectory/LDAP context.

       return null;

    * This method would be implemented by the customer and would be invoked
    * while using security token or access token as authentication credentials.
   public Collection<NameSpacedRole> getUserRoles(String username, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws ExternalRoleMappingException {

       /****************** Authenticate Given User ******************/

       // Customer Specific Implementation will override the
       // ImplementDnameLookupLogic implementation.

       // Obtain dnName for given username or email address.
       String dnName = ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(username);

       if (dnName == null) {
           System.out.println("Error ");

       DirContext dirContext = null;
       try {
           // Create a directory context with username or dnName and password
           dirContext = ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic();

           /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/
           return apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(dirContext, dnName, expectedNamespace);

       } catch (Exception ex) {
           System.out.println("Error in authenticating User: {}" + new Object[] { username });

       } finally {
           // Customer implementation to close
           // ActiveDirectory/LDAP context.

       return null;

    *  This method should be replaced with Customer Specific Implementations
    *  Provided as a sample Implementation of mapping user groups to apigee-edge roles
   private Collection<NameSpacedRole> apigeeEdgeRoleMapper(DirContext dirContext, String dnName, NameSpace expectedNamespace) throws Exception {

       Collection<NameSpacedRole> results = new HashSet<NameSpacedRole>();

       /************ Fetch internal groups *****************/

       String groupDN = "OU=Groups,DC=corp,DC=wacapps,DC=net";
       String userFilter = "(user=userDnName)";
       SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();

       // Looking for all groups the user belongs to in customer's LDAP
       NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> groups =,userFilter.replace("userDnName", dnName), new Object[] { "", "" }, controls);

       if (groups.hasMoreElements()) {
           while (groups.hasMoreElements()) {
               SearchResult searchResult = groups.nextElement();
               Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
               String groupName = attributes.get("name").get().toString();

               /*** Map internal groups to apigee-edge roles ***/

               if (groupName.equals("BusDev")) {
                   results.add(new NameSpacedRole("businessAdmin",SystemNamespace.get()));

               } else if (groupName.equals("Engineering")) {
                   if (expectedNamespace instanceof OrganizationNamespace) {
                       String orgName = ((OrganizationNamespace) expectedNamespace).getOrganization();
                       results.add(new NameSpacedRole("orgadmin", new OrganizationNamespace(orgName)));
                       // In OPDK 4.50 and later, do
                       // results.add(new NameSpacedRole("orgadmin", OrganizationNamespace.of(orgName)));

               } else if (groupName.equals("Marketing")) {
                   results.add(new NameSpacedRole("marketAdmin",SystemNamespace.get()));

               } else {
                   results.add(new NameSpacedRole("readOnly",SystemNamespace.get()));

       } else {
           // In case of no group found or exception found we throw empty roles.
           System.out.println(" !!!!! NO  GROUPS FOUND !!!!!");
       return results;

    * The customer need to replace with own implementations for getting dnName for given user
   private String ImplementDnNameLookupLogic(String username) {
       // Connect to the customer's own LDAP to fetch user dnName
       return customerLDAP.getDnName(username);

    * The customer need to replace with own implementations for creating DirContext
   private DirContext ImplementDirectoryContextCreationLogic() {
       // Connect to the customer's own LDAP to create DirContext for given user
       return customerLDAP.createLdapContextUsingCredentials();
