Adding a Router or Message Processor node

You can add a Router or Message Processor node to an existing installation. For a list of the system requirements for a Router or Message Processor, see Installation Requirements.

Add a Router

After you install Edge on the node, use the following procedure to add the Router:

  1. Install Edge on the node using the internet or non internet procedure as described in the Edge Installation manual.
  2. At the command prompt, run the script:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p r -f configFile

    The -p r option specifies to install the Router. See Install Edge components on a node for information on creating a configFile.

  3. When the installation completes, the script displays the UUID of the Router. If you need to determine the UUID later, use the following cURL command on the host where you installed the Router:
    curl http://router_IP:8081/v1/servers/self
  4. If you are using Cassandra authentication, enable the Router to connect to Cassandra:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-router store_cassandra_credentials -u username -p password

    For more information, see Enable Cassandra authentication.

  5. To check the configuration, you can run the following curl command:
    curl -v -u adminEmail:pword "http://ms_IP:8080/v1/servers?pod=pod_name"

    Where pod_name is gateway or your custom pod name. You should see the UUIDs of all Routers, including the Router that you just added.

    If the Router UUID does not appear in the output, run the following cURL command to add it:

    curl -v -u adminEmail:pword \
      -X POST http://ms_IP:8080/v1/regions/region_name/pods/pod_name/servers \
      -d "action=add&uuid=router_UUID&type=router"

    Replace ms_IP with the IP address of the Management Server, region_name with the default region name of dc-1 or your custom region name, and pod_name with gateway or your custom pod name.

  6. To test the router, you should be able to make requests to your APIs through the IP address or DNS name of the Router. For example:

    For example, if you completed the first tutorial where you created the weather API:


Add a Message Processor

After you install Edge on the node, use the following procedure to add a Message Processor:

  1. Install Edge on the node using the internet or non internet procedure as described in the Edge Installation manual.
  2. At the command prompt, run the script:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p mp -f configFile

    The -p mp option specifies to install the Message Processor. See Install Edge components on a node for information on creating a configFile.

  3. When the installation completes, the script displays the UUID of the Message Processor. Note that UUID as you need it to complete the configuration process. If you need to determine the UUID, use the following curl command on the host where you installed the Message Processor:
    curl http://mp_IP:8082/v1/servers/self
  4. For each environment in each organization in your installation, use the following curl command to associate the Message Processor with the environment:
    curl -v -u adminEmail:pword \
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST
      "http://ms_IP:8080/v1/o/org_name/e/env_name/servers" \
      -d "action=add&uuid=mp_UUID"

    Replace ms_IP with the IP address of the Management Server and org_name and env_name with the organization and environment associated with the Message Processor.

  5. To check the configuration, you can run the following curl command:
    curl -v -u adminEmail:pword \

    Where org_name is the name of your organization, and env_name is the environment. You should see the UUIDs of all Message Processors associated with the organization and environment, including the Message Processor that you just added.

  6. If you are using Cassandra authentication, enable the Message Processor to connect to Cassandra:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-message-processor store_cassandra_credentials -u username -p password

    For more information, see Enable Cassandra authentication.

Restart the Routers

After you add all Message Processor nodes, it's recommended that you restart the Routers:

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-router restart

Add both a Router and a Message Processor

After you install Edge on the node, use the following procedure to add a Router and Message Processor at the same time:

  1. At the command prompt, run the apigee-setup script:
    /opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p rmp -f configFile

    The -p rmp option specifies to install the Router and Message Processor. See Install Edge components on a node for information on creating a configFile.

  2. Follow the procedures above to configure the Router and Message Processor.