Important Data to Remember From the Installation Process

Edge for Private Cloud v4.18.01

Before you can perform any maintenance tasks, you need to know a few things about your Apigee Edge environment that are set during the system installation process. Be sure that you have the following information available to your operations team:

  • Gateway pod name (default "gateway")
  • Central pod name (default "central")
  • Analytics pod name (default "analytics")
  • Region name (default "dc-1")
  • Administrative user ID and password

Other important information, such as the Apigee version number or the unique identifiers (UUIDs) of an Apigee component, can be found as follows:

  • Use the following command to display the status of all Edge components installed on the node:
    > /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-all status
  • Use the following command to display the version numbers of all Edge components installed on the node:
    > /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-all version
  • Use the following API call to display the UUID of install Edge components:
    > curl http://<ms_IP>:<port_num>/v1/servers/self -u $ADMINEMAIL:$PW
    where ms_IP is the IP address or DNS name of the Management server node, and port_num is:
    • 8081 for the Router
    • 8082 for the Message Processor
    • 8083 for Qpid
    • 8084 for Postgres