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Apigee Edge lets you make Edge API calls that are authenticated with OAuth2 tokens. Support for OAuth2 is enabled by default on Edge for the Cloud accounts. If you are using Edge for the Private Cloud, you cannot use OAuth2 without first setting up SAML or LDAP.
How OAuth2 works (with the Apigee Edge API)
Calls to the Apigee Edge API require authentication so that we can be sure that you are who you say you are. To authenticate you, we require an OAuth2 access token be sent with your request to access the API.
For example, if you wanted to get details about an organization on Edge, you would send a request to a URL like the following:
But you can't just send that request without telling us who you are. Otherwise, anyone could see your org's details.
This is where OAuth2 comes in: to authenticate you, we need you to send us an access token in that request, too. The access token tells us who you are so we can be sure that you're allowed to see the details of the organization.
Fortunately, you can get a token by sending your credentials to the Edge OAuth2 service. The service responds with access and refresh tokens.
OAuth2 flow: The initial request
The following image shows the OAuth2 flow when you access the Edge API for the first time:

As Figure 1 shows, when you make your initial request to the Edge API:
- You request an access token. You can do this with the
Edge API, acurl, or
. For example:get_token Enter username:
Enter the password for user ''[hidden input]
Enter the six-digit code if '' is MFA enabled or press ENTER:123456
- The Edge OAuth2 service responds with an access token, and prints it to
; for example:Dy42bGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJhM2YwNjA5ZC1lZTIxLTQ1YjAtOGQyMi04MTQ0MTYxNjNhNTMiLCJz AJpdGUiLCJhcHByb3ZhbHMubWUiLCJvYXV0aC5hcHByb3ZhbHMiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiZWRnZWNsaSIsIm NjbGkiLCJhenAiOiJlZGdlY2xpIiwiZ3JhbnRfdHlwZSI6InBhc3N3b3JkIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjJkMWU3NDI GzQyMC1kYzgxLTQzMDQtOTM4ZS1hOGNmNmVlODZhNzkiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJzY2ltLm1lIiwib3BlbmlkIiwic ENC05MzhlLWE4Y2Y2ZWU4NmE3OSIsIm9yaWdpbiI6InVzZXJncmlkIiwidXNlcl9uYW1lIjoiZGFuZ2VyNDI0 RI6ImUyNTM2NWQyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTI4OTE2NDA5LCJleHAiOjE1Mjg5MTgyMDksImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbG 420iLCJlbWFpbCI6ImRhbmdlcjQyNDJAeWFob28uY29tIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNTI4OTE2NDA5LCJhbCI6M 2lLmNvbSIsInppZCI6InVhYSIsImF1ZCI6WyJlZGdlY2xpIiwic2NpbSIsIm9wZW5pZCIsInBhc3N3b3JkIiw
utilities silently save the access and refresh tokens to~/.sso-cli
(The refresh token is not written tostdout
.) If you use the Edge OAuth2 service to get tokens, you need to save them for later use yourself. - You send a request to the Edge API with the access token.
attaches the token automatically; for example:acurl
If you use another HTTP client, make sure to add the access token. For example:
curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
- The Edge API executes your request and typically returns a response with data.
OAuth2 flow: Subsequent requests
On subsequent requests, you do not need to exchange your credentials for a token. Instead, you can just include the access token you already have, as long as it hasn't expired yet:

As Figure 2 shows, when you already have an access token:
- You send a request to the Edge API with the access token.
attaches the token automatically. If you use other tools, you need to add the token manually. - The Edge API executes your request and typically returns a response with data.
OAuth2 flow: When your access token expires
When an access token expires (after 12 hours), you can use the refresh token to get a new access token:

As Figure 3 shows, when your access token has expired:
- You send a request to the Edge API, but your access token has expired.
- The Edge API rejects your request as unauthorized.
- You send a refresh token to the Edge OAuth2 service. If you are using
, this is done automatically for you. - The Edge OAuth2 service responds with a new access token.
- You send a request to the Edge API with the new access token.
- The Edge API executes your request and typically returns a response with data.
Get the tokens
To get an access token that you can send to the Edge API, you can use the following
Apigee utilities, in addition to a utility such as curl
- get_token utility: Exchanges your Apigee credentials for access and refresh tokens that you can use to call the Edge API.
- acurl utility: Provides a convenience wrapper around a standard
command. Constructs HTTP requests to the Edge API, gets access and refresh tokens fromget_token
, and passes the access token to the Edge API. - Token endpoints in the Edge OAuth2 service: Exchange your Apigee credentials for the access and refresh tokens via a call to the Edge API.
These utilities exchange your Apigee account credentials (email address and password) for tokens with the following durations:
- Access tokens expire in 12 hours.
- Refresh tokens expire in 30 days.
As a result, once you have successfully made an API call with acurl
or get_token
you can continue to use the token pair for 30 days. After expiration, you must re-enter your
credentials and get new tokens.
Access the Edge API with OAuth2
To access the Edge API, you send a request to an API endpoint and include the access token.
You can do this with any HTTP client, including a command-line utility such as curl
a browser-based UI such as Postman, or an Apigee utility like acurl
Accessing the Edge API with acurl
and with curl
are described in
the sections that follow.
Use acurl
To access the Edge API with acurl
, your initial request must include your
credentials. The Edge OAuth2 service responds with the access and refresh tokens. acurl
saves the tokens locally.
On subsequent requests, acurl
uses the saved tokens in ~/.sso-cli
that you don't have to include your credentials again until the tokens expire.
The following example shows an initial acurl
request that gets details for the
"ahamilton-eval" organization:
acurl \ -u Enter the password for user ''[hidden input]
Enter the six-digit code (no spaces) if '' is MFA-enabled or press ENTER:1a2b3c
{ "createdAt" : 1491854501264, "createdBy" : "", "displayName" : "ahamilton", "environments" : [ "prod", "test" ], "lastModifiedAt" : 1491854501264, "lastModifiedBy" : "", "name" : "ahamilton", "properties" : { "property" : [ { "name" : "features.isSmbOrganization", "value" : "false" }, { "name" : "features.isCpsEnabled", "value" : "true" } ] }, "type" : "trial" }acurl
[ "SOAP-Message-Validation-1", "Spike-Arrest-1", "XML-to-JSON-1" ]
In addition to getting details about the organization, this example also shows a second request that gets a list of policies within the "helloworld" API proxy. The second request uses the shortening "o" for "organizations" in the URL.
Note that acurl
automatically passes the access token on the second request. You
do not need to pass your user credentials once acurl
stores the OAuth2 tokens. It
gets the token from ~/.sso-cli
for subsequent calls.
For more information, see Using acurl to access the Edge API.
Use curl
You can use curl
to access the Edge API. To do this, you must first get the
access and refresh tokens. You can get these using a utility such as get_token
or the
Edge OAuth2 service..
After you have successfully saved your access token, you pass it in the
header of your calls to the Edge API, as the following example
curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
The access token is valid for 12 hours after it is issued. After the access token expires, the refresh token can be used for 30 days to issue another access token without requiring credentials. Apigee recommends requesting a new access token only after the referesh token expires, rather than entering credentials and making a new request with every API call.
Token expiration
Once your access token expires, you can use the refresh token to get a new access token without having to submit your credentials again.
How you refresh your access token depends on which tool you are using:
: No action necessary.acurl
automatically refreshes the access token when you send a request that contains an outdated one.get_token
: Callget_token
to refresh the access token.- Edge OAuth2 service: Send a request that includes:
- Refresh token
form parameter set to "refresh_token"
OAuth2 for machine users
You can use the acurl
and get_token
utilities to script automated access
to the Edge APIs with OAuth2 authentication for machine users. The following example shows how to
use get_token
request an access token and then add the token value to a curl
TOKEN=$(get_token -u $USER:$PASS -m '')
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" ''
Alternatively, you can combine the token request and curl
call using the acurl
For example:
acurl -u $USER:$PASS -m '' ''
In both examples, setting the value of -m
to an empty string will prevent a machine user
from being prompted for an MFA code.