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Version: 1.1.3
Execute functions deployed on AWS Lambda. Use this extension to list the functions available in your AWS account, then invoke specific functions.
Before using the extension from an API proxy using the ExtensionCallout policy, you must:
Get your Amazon access key ID and secret access key.
You'll need these, along with the name of the region where your functions are deployed, to configure this extension.
Deploy your Lambda function. For the extension to be able to access a Lambda function, it must either be:
- Deployed in a public VPC
- Deployed in a private VPC with public NAT gateway
See Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC for more.
About AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda provides compute environments where you can execute functions in one of the supported languages.
Invokes a function on AWS Lambda.
For more detail about parameters, see the AWS Lambda Invoke documentation.
"functionName" : "function-on-lambda",
"invocationType" : "RequestResponse | Event | DryRun",
"logType" : "None | Tail",
"qualifier" : "Version-or-alias",
"payload" : "Escaped-JSON-string"
"functionName" : "helloWorld",
"invocationType" : "RequestResponse",
"logType" : "None",
"qualifier" : "$LATEST",
"payload" : "{ \"key\": \"val\" }"
Request parameters
For more detail about parameters, see the AWS Lambda Invoke documentation.
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
functionName | The name of the function to invoke. | String. | None. | Yes. |
invocationType | Specifies whether to invoke the function synchronously, asynchronously, or validate parameter values. | String. | None. | No. |
logType | Optionally specifies whether to return the last 4 KB of log data. | String | None. | No. |
qualifier | The version of alias of a published Lambda function. | String | None. | No. |
payload | JSON as input to the Lambda function. | String | None. | No. |
An array of functions containing specific version details. The following is an example:
"StatusCode" : 200,
"Payload" : "{\"statusCode\":200,\"body\":\"\\\"Hello World!\\\"\"}"
Response properties
Property | Description | Type | Default |
StatusCode | HTTP status code. | Integer | None. |
Payload | JSON representing the object returned by the function. Present only if the invocation type is RequestResponse. For a function error, this contains an error description message. | String | None. |
Lists the available AWS Lambda functions.
For more detail about parameters, see the AWS Lambda ListFunctions documentation.
"masterRegion" : "ALL | [a-z]{2}(-gov)?-[a-z]+-\d{1}",
"functionVersion" : "ALL",
"maxItems" : 1 - 10000
"masterRegion" : "ALL",
"functionVersion" : "ALL",
"maxItems" : 50
Request parameters
For more detail about parameters, see the AWS Lambda ListFunctions documentation.
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
masterRegion | The region (such as us-east-2 ) whose functions should be listed; ALL to include functions from any region. If specified, you also must specify the functionVersion . |
String | None. | No. |
functionVersion | Specify ALL to list all published versions. If not specified, only the latest unpublished version ARN is returned. |
String | None. | No. |
maxItems | The maximum number of functions to return in response. Must be greater than 0. The absolute maximum that can be returned is 50. | Integer | None. | No. |
JSON representing an array of functions containing specific version details.
"FunctionName": "helloWorld",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:fake-region:012345:function:helloWorld",
"Runtime": "nodejs",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::012345:role/service-role/fakeRole",
"Handler": "index.handler",
"Description": "A Hello World lambda function.",
"Version": "$LATEST"
"FunctionName": "helloWorld",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:fake-region:012345:function:helloWorld",
"Runtime": "nodejs",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::012345:role/service-role/fakeRole",
"Handler": "index.handler",
"Description": "A Hello World lambda function.",
"Version": "1"
Response properties
Property | Description | Type | Default |
Description | A description of the function. | String. | None. |
Handler | The function that Lambda calls to begin executing the function. | String. | None. |
FunctionArn | The function's Amazon Resource Name. | String. | None. |
FunctionName | The name of the function. | String. | None. |
Role | The function's execution role. | String. | None. |
Runtime | The function's runtime environment. | String. | None. |
Version | The function's version. | String. | None. |
Configuration Reference
Use the following when you're configuring and deploying this extension for use in API proxies. For steps to configure an extension using the Apigee console, see Adding and configuring an extension.
Common extension properties
The following properties are present for every extension.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
name |
Name you're giving this configuration of the extension. | None | Yes |
packageName |
Name of the extension package as given by Apigee Edge. | None | Yes |
version |
Version number for the extension package from which you're configuring an extension. | None | Yes |
configuration |
Configuration value specific to the extension you're adding. See Properties for this extension package | None | Yes |
Properties for this extension package
Specify values for the following configuration properties specific to this extension.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
AWS Lambda Region | The name of the region where your functions are deployed. For example: us-east-1 . |
None. | Yes. |
Credentials | When entered in the Apigee Edge console, this is a JSON file containing your Amazon access key ID and access key in the following form:{ "accessKeyId" : "access-key-ID", "secretAccessKey" : "secret-access-key" } When sent via the management API, it is a base64-encoded value generated from that key JSON file. |
None. | Yes. |