Naming restrictions for Apigee Edge artifacts

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This topic lists naming restrictions for the kinds of files and entities you can create while building API proxies.

Named Item Maximum Characters Allowed characters
API key 255 Alphanumeric and the following: _ -
API product 100(1) Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - . # $ %
Note: The API product name must not end in a trailing whitespace.
API product bundle (API package) 255 Alphanumeric, spaces, and these characters: . _ -. Must begin with an alphanumeric character.
App: company Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - . # $ %. Must begin with an alpha character or digit.
App: developer 255 Alphanumeric, space, and the following: . _ -. Must begin with an alphanumeric character.
Cache name 255 Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - .
Company Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - . # $
Custom role name Alphanumeric and the following: _ - .
Email ID Valid email address syntax
Environment name 255 Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - .
Key value map (KVM) name Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - . # $ %
Password for Edge administrators >=8, <= 100 Alphanumeric, special characters. The password must have at least one lowercase character, one uppercase character, one number, and one special character.
Monetization company name Alphanumeric, spaces, and the following: . _ -. Must begin with an alphanumeric character. Saved as lowercase, so uppercase characters will be converted to lowercase.
Monetization rate plan 255 Alphanumeric, spaces, and the following: . _ -. Must begin with an alphanumeric character.
Organization name 255 Alphanumeric and - (hyphen). No spaces, no underscores, no periods.

For Apigee Edge for Private Cloud, the organization name must use alphanumeric lowercase characters, with a maximum length of 20 characters.

Policy name (or step definition) 255 Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - .
Proxy name 2048(2) Alphanumeric, space, and special characters. Long names with many or recurring repeating characters (special or non-special) might cause rendering or other issues and should be avoided.
Resource file names. Also used for keystore resource names like cert and alias. 255 Alphanumeric, space, and the following: : / \ ! @ # $ % ^ & { } [ ] ( ) _ + - = , . ~ '
Resource file types. Also used for keystore resource names like cert and key. 255 Alphanumeric and the following: _ - .
Node.js script target name 255 Alphanumeric and the following: ! @ # $ % ^ & { } [ ] ( ) _ + - = , . ~ '
Revision name 5 Numeric
URL paths Valid URL, excluding protocol
User role name 255 Alphanumeric and the following: _ - .
Virtual host name 255 Alphanumeric, space, and the following: _ - .

(1) Total length including organization name and product display name, in this form: <org_name>@@@<display_name>. For example, "MyOrg1@@@API Product Name".

(2) Including http:// or https://.

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Last updated 2025-03-18 UTC.