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This topic discusses how to use message templates in API proxies and provides a function reference.
What is a message template?
A message template permits you to perform variable string substitution in certain policy and TargetEndpoint elements. This feature, where supported, lets you populate strings dynamically when a proxy executes.
You can include any combination of flow variable references and literal text in a message template. Flow variable names must be enclosed in curly braces, while any text not in curly braces is output as literal text.
See also Where can you use message templates?
For example, the Assign Message policy lets you use a message template within in the <Payload>
<AssignMessage name="set-dynamic-content"> <AssignTo createNew="false" type="response"></AssignTo> <Set> <Payload contentType="application/json"> {"name":"Alert", "message":"You entered an invalid username: {}"} </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>false</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </AssignMessage>
In the above example, the value of flow variable
(in curly braces) will be
evaluated and substituted into the payload string at runtime. So, for example, if
then the resulting message output in the payload will be: You entered an invalid username: jdoe
If the variable cannot be resolved, then an empty string is output.
When a quota is exceeded, it is a good practice to return a meaningful message to the caller. This
pattern is commonly used with a "fault rule" to provide output to give the caller information
about the quota violation. In the following Assign Message policy, message templates are used
to populate quota information dynamically in several XML elements:
<AssignMessage name='AM-QuotaViolationMessage'> <Description>message for quota exceeded</Description> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>false</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <Set> <Headers> <Header name='X-Quota-Reset'>{ratelimit.Quota-1.expiry.time}</Header> <Header name='X-Quota-Allowed'>{ratelimit.Quota-1.allowed.count}</Header> <Header name='X-Quota-Available'>{ratelimit.Quota-1.available.count}</Header> </Headers> <Payload contentType='application/json'>{ "error" : { "message" : "you have exceeded your quota", "clientId" : "{request.queryparam.apikey}" } } </Payload> <StatusCode>429</StatusCode> <ReasonPhrase>Quota Exceeded</ReasonPhrase> </Set> </AssignMessage>
In the AssignMessage policy, the following elements in the <Set>
element support message templating:
- Header
- QueryParam
- FormParam
- PayLoad
- Version
- Verb
- Path
- StatusCode
- ReasonPhrase
Again, note that flow variables in a message template must be enclosed in curly braces.
When this policy executes:
- The Header elements receive values of the specified flow variables.
- The Payload includes a mix of literal text and variables (the
is populated dynamically). - The StatusCode and ReasonPhrase only include literal text; however, these elements also support message templating if you wish to use it.
In a proxy TargetEndpoint definition, child-elements of <SSLInfo>
support message templating. Following the same pattern used in policies, the flow variables in curly braces are replaced when the proxy executes.
<TargetEndpoint name="default"> … <HTTPTargetConnection> <SSLInfo> <Enabled>{myvars.ssl.enabled}</Enabled> <ClientAuthEnabled>{myvars.ssl.client.auth.enabled}</ClientAuthEnabled> <KeyStore>{myvars.ssl.keystore}</KeyStore> <KeyAlias>{myvars.ssl.keyAlias}</KeyAlias> <TrustStore>{myvars.ssl.trustStore}</TrustStore> </SSLInfo> </HTTPTargetConnection> … </TargetEndpoint>
Where can you use message templates?
Message templates are supported in several policies as well as certain elements used in the TargetEndpoint configuration.
Policies that accept message templates
Policy | Elements and child-elements that support message templates |
AccessControl policy | <SourceAddress> , for the mask attribute and the
IP address. |
AssignMessage policy | <Set> child elements: Payload, ContentType, Verb, Version, Path, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, QueryParams, FormParams
ExtensionCallout policy |
<Input> |
ExtractVariables policy | <JsonPath>
GenerateJWS policy VerifyJWS policy |
<Payload> (GenerateJWS policy only)
* These elements support message template only when type=map. |
GenerateJWT policy VerifyJWT policy |
* These elements support message template only when type=map. |
LDAP policy | <SearchQuery> |
MessageLogging policy | <Syslog><Message>
OASValidation policy | element
RaiseFault policy | <Set> elements: Payload, ContentType, Verb, Version, Path, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, Headers, QueryParams, FormParams
SAMLAssertion policy | <Template>
* Only when the policy signature is |
ServiceCallout policy | <Set> elements: Payload, ContentType, Verb, Version, Path, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase, /Headers, QueryParams, FormParams
TargetEndpoint elements that accept message templates
HTTPTargetConnection elements | Child-elements that support message templates |
SSLInfo | Enabled, KeyAlias, KeyStore, TrustStore, ClientAuthEnabled, CLRStore |
LocalTargetConnection | ApiProxy, ProxyEndpoint |
Path | When using a LoadBalancer element, the Path element is active and accepts a message template. |
Message template syntax
This section explains the rules you must follow to use message templates.
Use curly braces to denote variables
Enclose variable names in curly braces { }. If the variable does not exist, an empty string is returned in the output; however, you can specify default values in message templates (values that are substituted if the variable is unresolved). See Setting default values in message templates.
Note that enclosing the entire message template string in quotes is permitted, but optional. For example, the following two message templates are equivalent:
<Set> <Headers> <Header name="x-h1">"Hello {}"</Header> <Header name="x-h1">Hello {}</Header> </Headers> </Set>
Setting default values in message templates
If a templated variable can't be resolved, Edge substitutes an empty string. However, you can specify a default value as follows:
<Header name="x-h1">Test message. id = {}</Header>
In the above sample if the variable
cannot be resolved then its value
is replaced by Unknown
. For example:
Test message. id = Unknown
Spaces are not allowed in function expressions
Spaces are not allowed anywhere in message template function expressions. For example:
{substring(alpha,0,4)} {createUuid()} {randomLong(10)}
Not Allowed:
{substring( alpha, 0, 4 )} { createUuid( ) } {randomLong( 10 )}
Legacy syntax for JSON payloads
In Edge versions before Cloud release 16.08.17, you could not
use curly braces to denote variable references within JSON payloads. In those older versions, you
needed to use the variablePrefix
and variableSuffix
attributes to specify
delimiter characters, and use those to wrap variable names, like so:
<Set> <Payload contentType="application/json" variablePrefix="@" variableSuffix="#"> {"name":"foo", "type":"@variable_name#"} </Payload> </Set>
Although Apigee recommends that you use the newer curly-brace syntax, the older syntax still works.
Using message template functions
Edge provides a set of functions that you can use within message templates to escape, encode, hash, and format string variables.
The message template functions are described in detail in Message template function reference.
Example: toLowerCase()
Use the built-in toLowerCase()
function to transform a string variable to
<AssignMessage name="AM-Set-Custom-Response"> <AssignTo createNew="false" type="response"/> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <Set> <Headers> <Header name="x-h1">Test header: {toLowerCase(}</Header> </Headers> </Set> </AssignMessage>
If the
flow variable resolves, then its characters will be all lowercase.
is unresolved then the default value FOO
is substituted and
converted to lowercase characters. For example:
Test header: foo
Example: escapeJSON()
Here's an interesting use case: Let's say your backend app returns a JSON response that contains valid escape characters. For example:
{ "code": "INVALID", "user_message": "Invalid value for \"logonId\" check your input." }
Then, let's say you want to return this message to the client caller in a custom payload. The usual way to do this is to extract the message from the target response payload and use Assign Message to add it to a custom proxy response (that is, send it back to the client).
Here's the Extract Variables policy that extracts the user_message
information into a variable called standard.systemMessage
<ExtractVariables name="EV-BackendErrorResponse"> <DisplayName>EV-BackendErrorResponse</DisplayName> <JSONPayload> <Variable name="standard.systemMessage"> <JSONPath>$.user_message</JSONPath> </Variable> </JSONPayload> </ExtractVariables>
Now, here's a perfectly valid Assign Message policy that adds the extracted variable to the response payload (the proxy response):
<AssignMessage name="AM-SetStandardFaultResponse"> <DisplayName>AM-SetStandardFaultResponse</DisplayName> <Set> <Payload contentType="application/json"> { "systemMessage": "{standard.systemMessage}" } </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="response"/> </AssignMessage>
Unfortunately, there's a problem. The Extract Variables policy removed the escaped quotation characters around part of the message. This means that the response returned to the client is invalid JSON. This is clearly not what you intended!
{ "systemMessage": "Invalid value for "logonId" check your input." }
To work around this problem, you can modify the Assign Message policy to use a message template function that escapes the quotes within the JSON for you. This function, escapeJSON()
, escapes any quotes or other special characters that occur within a JSON expression:
<AssignMessage name="AM-SetStandardFaultResponse"> <DisplayName>AM-SetStandardFaultResponse</DisplayName> <Set> <Payload contentType="application/json"> { "systemMessage": "{escapeJSON(standard.systemMessage)}" } </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="response"/> </AssignMessage>
The function escapes the embedded quotes, resulting in valid JSON, which is exactly what you wanted:
{ "systemMessage": "Invalid value for \"logonId\" check your input.", }
A message template is a dynamic string substitution feature that you can use in certain policies and in TargetEndpoint definitions. Message template functions let you perform useful operations such as hashing, string manipulation, character escaping, and others within a message template.
For example, in the following AssignMessage policy, the function toLowerCase()
is used in a
message template:
<AssignMessage name="AM-Set-Custom-Response"> <AssignTo createNew="false" type="response"/> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <Set> <Headers> <Header name="x-h1">Test header: {Hello, toLowerCase(}</Header> </Headers> </Set> </AssignMessage>
This topic describes the message template functions, their arguments, and outputs. This topic assumes that you are familiar with message templates and the contexts in which they are used.
Hash functions
Compute a hash value and return the string representation of that hash.
Hexadecimal hash functions
Compute a hash value and return the string representation of that hash as a hexadecimal number.
Function | Description |
Computes an MD5 hash expressed as a hexadecimal number. |
Computes a SHA1 hash expressed as a hexadecimal number. |
Computes a SHA256 hash expressed as a hexadecimal number. |
Computes a SHA384 hash expressed as a hexadecimal number. |
Computes a SHA512 hash expressed as a hexadecimal number. |
string - The Hash functions take a single string argument upon which the hash algorithm is computed. The argument can be a literal string or a string flow variable.
Function call:
Function call:
var str = 'abc'; sha256Hex(str)
Base64 hash functions
Compute a hash value and return the string representation of that hash as a Base64 encoded value.
Function | Description |
Computes an MD5 hash expressed as a Base64 encoded value. |
Computes a SHA1 hash expressed as a Base64 encoded value. |
Computes a SHA256 hash expressed as a Base64 encoded value. |
Computes a SHA384 hash expressed as a Base64 encoded valuer. |
Computes a SHA512 hash expressed as a Base64 encoded value. |
string - The Hash functions take a single string argument upon which the hash algorithm is computed. The argument can be a literal string or a string flow variable.
Function call:
Function call:
var str = 'abc'; sha256Base64(str)
String functions
Perform operations on strings within a message template.
Base64 encoding functions
Encode and decode strings using the Base64 encoding scheme.
Function | Description |
Encodes a string using Base64 encoding. For example: encodeBase64(value) , when value holds
abc , the function returns the string: YWJj
Decodes a Base64 encoded string. For example: decodeBase64(value) when value holds
aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk , the function returns the string hello, world .
string - The string to encode or decode. Can be a literal string or a string flow variable.
<AssignMessage name="AM-Set-Custom-Response"> <AssignTo createNew="false" type="response"/> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <Set> <Headers> <Header name="x-h1">Hello, {decodeBase64('d29ybGQK')}</Header> </Headers> </Set> </AssignMessage>
Case conversion functions
Convert a string to all uppercase or all lowercase letters.
Function | Description |
Convert a string to uppercase. |
Convert a string to lowercase. |
string - The string to convert. Can be a literal string or a string flow variable.
<AssignMessage name="AM-Set-Custom-Response"> <AssignTo createNew="false" type="response"/> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <Set> <Headers> <Header name="x-h1">Hello, {toLowerCase(}</Header> </Headers> </Set> </AssignMessage>
Substring function
Returns the characters between the starting and ending index of the specified string.
- str - A literal string or string flow variable.
- start_index - The starting index into the string.
- end_index - (Optional) The ending index into the string. If not supplied, ending index is the end of the string.
For the following examples, suppose that these flow variables exist:
Variable name | Value |
7 |
Here are results of function calls that use these variables:
Message template expression | Result |
hello {substring(alpha,22)}
hello WXYZ
Replace All function
Applies a regular expression to a string and for any matches, replaces the match with a replacement value.
- string - A literal string or string flow variable in which to make replacements.
- regex - A regular expression.
- value - The value to replace all regex matches within the string.
For the following examples, suppose these flow variables exist:
Variable name | Value |
"^Bearer "
Here are results of function calls that use these variables:
Message template expression | Result |
Replace First function
Replaces only the first occurrence of the specified regular expression match in the string.
- string - A literal string or string flow variable in which to make replacements.
- regex - A regular expression.
- value - The value to replace regex matches within the string.
Character escape and encoding functions
Functions that escape or encode special characters in a string.
Function | Description |
escapeJSON(string) | Backslash-escapes double-quotes. |
escapeXML(string) | Replaces angle brackets, apostrophe, double-quote and ampersands with the respective XML entities. Use for XML 1.0 documents.
escapeXML11(string) | Works the same way as escapeXML, but for XML v1.1 entities. See Usage notes below. |
encodeHTML(string) | Encodes apostrophe, angle brackets, and ampersand. |
string - The string to escape. Can be a literal string or a string flow variable.
Usage notes
XML 1.1 can represent certain control characters, but it cannot represent the null byte or unpaired Unicode surrogate codepoints, even after escaping. The escapeXML11() function removes characters that do not fit in the following ranges:
[#x1-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
The escapeXML11()
function escapes characters in the following ranges:
[#x1-#x8] | [#xB-#xC] | [#xE-#x1F] | [#x7F-#x84] | [#x86-#x9F]
Assume a flow variable called food exists with this value: "bread" & "butter"
. Then, the function:
results in:
"bread" & "butter"
Time format functions
Return a string representation of the time, formatted in the local time zone, or in UTC.
Function | Description |
Returns the date formatted in the local time zone. |
Returns the date formatted in the local time zone. |
Returns the date formatted in UTC. |
Returns the date formatted in UTC. |
- format - A date/time format string. Can be a literal string or a string variable.
- str - A string or string flow variable containing a time value. The value can be in seconds-since-epoch or milliseconds-since-epoch for timeFormatMs.
Assume the following values and assume the local timezone is Pacific:
epoch_time_ms = 1494390266000
epoch_time = 1494390266
fmt1 = yyyy-MM-dd
fmt2 = yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss
fmt3 = yyyyMMddHHmmss
The functions return the following results:
- key - (Required) Specifies the secret key, encoded as a string, used to compute the HMAC.
- valueToSign - (Required) Specifies the message to sign. It should be a string.
- keyencoding - (Optional) The secret key string will be decoded according to this
specified encoding. Valid values:
. Default:utf-8
- outputencoding - (Optional) Specifies the encoding algorithm to use for the output.
Valid values:
. The values are case insensitive;hex
are synonyms. Default:base64
- If no arguments are specified, the function returns a random long integer, as computed by the Java SecureRandom class.
- If one argument is present, it is treated as the minimum value of the computation.
- If a second argument is present, it is treated as the maximum value of the computation.
- (Required)
: (String) A JSON Path expression. - (Required)
: (String) A flow variable or string containing JSON. - (Optional)
: (String) If this parameter is set to'true'
and if the result set is an array, then all array elements are returned. If set to any other value or if this parameter is omitted, then only the zeroth element of a result set array is returned. If the result set is not an array, then this third parameter, if present, is ignored.
Function | Output |
timeFormatMs(fmt1,epoch_time_ms) |
2017-05-09 |
timeFormat(fmt1,epoch_time) |
2017-05-09 |
timeFormat(fmt2,epoch_time) |
2017-05-09 21:24:26 |
timeFormat(fmt3,epoch_time) |
20170509212426 |
timeFormatUTC(fmt1,epoch_time) |
2017-05-10 |
timeFormatUTC(fmt2,epoch_time) |
2017-05-10 04:24:26 |
timeFormatUTC(fmt3,epoch_time) |
20170510042426 |
HMAC calculation functions
The HMAC calculation functions provide an alternative to using the HMAC policy to compute an HMAC. The functions are handy when performing a cascaded HMAC calculation, as when the output of one HMAC is used as the key for a second HMAC.
Function | Description |
Computes an HMAC with the SHA-224 hash function. |
Encodes an HMAC with the SHA-256 hash function. |
Encodes an HMAC with the SHA-384 hash function. |
Encodes an HMAC with the SHA-512 hash function. |
Encodes an HMAC with the MD5 hash function. |
hmacSha1(key, valueToSign [,keyencoding[,outputencoding]])
Encodes an HMAC with the SHA-1 encryption algorithm. |
This example uses the AssignMessage policy to compute an HMAC-256 and assign it to a flow variable:
<AssignMessage name='AM-HMAC-1'> <AssignVariable> <Name>valueToSign</Name> <Template>{request.header.apikey}.{}</Template> </AssignVariable> <AssignVariable> <Name>hmac_value</Name> <Template>{hmacSha256(private.secretkey,valueToSign)}</Template> </AssignVariable> </AssignMessage>
This example illustrates how to generate a cascading HMAC that can be used with the AWS Signature v4 signing process. The example uses the AssignMessage policy to generate the five levels of cascaded HMAC used to calculate a signature for AWS Signature v4:
<AssignMessage name='AM-HMAC-AWS-1'> <!-- 1 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>DateValue</Name> <Template>{timeFormatUTCMs('yyyyMMdd',system.timestamp)}</Template> </AssignVariable> <!-- 2 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>FirstKey</Name> <Template>AWS4{private.secret_aws_access_key}</Template> </AssignVariable> <!-- 3 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>DateKey</Name> <Template>{hmacSha256(FirstKey,DateValue,'utf-8','base16')}</Template> </AssignVariable> <!-- 4 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>DateRegionKey</Name> <Template>{hmacSha256(DateKey,aws_region,'base16','base16')}</Template> </AssignVariable> <!-- 5 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>DateRegionServiceKey</Name> <Template>{hmacSha256(DateRegionKey,aws_service,'base16','base16')}</Template> </AssignVariable> <!-- 6 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>SigningKey</Name> <Template>{hmacSha256(DateRegionServiceKey,'aws4_request','base16','base16')}</Template> </AssignVariable> <!-- 7 --> <AssignVariable> <Name>aws4_hmac_value</Name> <Template>{hmacSha256(SigningKey,stringToSign,'base16','base16')}</Template> </AssignVariable> </AssignMessage>
Other functions
Create UUID function
Generates and returns a UUID.
Sample result:
Random Long Generator function
Returns a random long integer.
results in something like this:
Regex text generator
Generate a text string that matches a given regular expression.
regex - A regular expression.
This example generates a seven digit string with no zeros:
Example result:
Null-coalescing function
The firstnonnull()
function returns the value of the left-most, non-null argument.
var1 - A context variable.
varn - One or more context variables. You can set the right-most argument to a string to provide a fallback value (a value that will be set if none of the left-hand arguments are set).
The following table illustrates how to use the function:
Template | Var1 | Var2 | Var3 | Result |
Not set | foo
N/A | foo
N/A | foo
Not set | N/A | foo
Not set | bar
Not set | Not set | baz
Not set | Not set | Not set | null
Not set | N/A | N/A | null
N/A | N/A | foo
N/A | ""
{firstnonnull(var1,var2,'fallback value')}
fallback value
fallback value
XPath function
Applies an XPath expression to an XML variable.
xpath_expression - An XPath expression.
xml_string - A flow variable or string containing XML.
datatype - (Optional) Specifies the desired return type of the query. It can be nodeset, node, number, boolean, string. It defaults to nodeset. The default is usually the right choice.
Example 1
Suppose these context variables define an XML string and an XPath expression:
xml = "<tag><tagid>250397</tagid><readerid>1</readerid><rssi>74</rssi><date>2019/06/15</date></tag>" xpath = "/tag/tagid"
And the xpath()
function is used in an AssignMessage policy, as follows:
<AssignMessage> <AssignVariable> <Name>extracted_tag</Name> <Template>{xpath(xpath,xml)}</Template> </AssignVariable> </AssignMessage><
The function returns the value <tagid>250397</tagid>
. This value is placed in the
context variable called extracted_tag
Example 2
If you only want the value of the node, use the text()
function, as follows:
<AssignMessage> <AssignVariable> <Name>extracted_tag</Name> <Template>{xpath('/tag/tagid/text()',xml)}</Template> </AssignVariable> </AssignMessage>
As a result of this operation, the context variable extracted_tag
is set to
If multiple nodes are selected, then the result of xpath()
is all of the values
of the selection, concatenated with a comma.
Example 3: XML namespaces
To specify a namespace, append additional parameters, each one a string that looks like
. For example, an xpath()
function that selects
the child element of a SOAP body might be like this:
<AssignMessage> <AssignVariable> <Name>soapns</Name> <Value>soap:</Value> </AssignVariable> <AssignVariable> <Name>xpathexpression</Name> <Value>/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/*</Value> </AssignVariable> <AssignVariable> <Name>extracted_element</Name> <Template>{xpath(xpathexpression,xml,soapns)}</Template> </AssignVariable> </AssignMessage>
For additional namespaces, you can add up to 10 additional parameters to the xpath()
You can specify a simple XPath expression as a string surrounded by single quotes:
If the XPath expression includes namespace prefixes (and colons) then you need to assign that XPath expression to a variable and specify the variable name rather than the expression directly.
Example 4: Specifying a desired return type
The optional third parameter passed to the xpath()
function specifies the desired return
type of the query.
Some XPath queries can return numeric or boolean values. For example the count()
returns a number. This is a valid XPath query:
This valid query returns a boolean:
In those cases invoke the xpath()
function with a third parameter specifying that type:
{xpath(expression,xml,'number')} {xpath(expression,xml,'boolean')}
If the third parameter contains a colon, then it is interpreted as a namespace argument.
If not, then it is treated as the desired return type. In this case, if the third parameter is not
one of the valid values (ignoring case), the xpath()
function defaults to returning a nodeset.
JSON Path function
Applies a JSON Path expression to a JSON variable.
Example 1
If this is the message template:
The address is {jsonPath($.results[?( == 'Mae West')].address.line1,the_json_variable)}
and the_json_variable
{ "results" : [ { "address" : { "line1" : "18250 142ND AV NE", "city" : "Woodinville", "state" : "Washington", "zip" : "98072" }, "name" : "Fred Meyer" }, { "address" : { "line1" : "1060 West Addison Street", "city" : "Chicago", "state" : "Illinois", "zip" : "60613" }, "name" : "Mae West" } ] }
The result of the function is:
The address is 1060 West Addison Street
Note that in this case, the result set is a single element (not an array of elements). If
the result set were an array, then only the zeroth element of the array would be returned. To return
the full array, call the function with 'true'
as the third parameter, as shown in
the next example.
Example 2
If this is the message template:
and the_json_variable
{ "results" : [ { "config": { "quota": [ { "appname": "A", "operation": "ManageOrder", "value": "900" }, { "appname": "B", "operation": "ManageOrder", "value": "1000" }, { "appname": "B", "operation": "SubmitOrder", "value": "800" } ] } } ] }
The result of the function is: