VerifyAPIKey policy

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The Verify API Key policy lets you enforce verification of API keys at runtime, letting only apps with approved API keys access your APIs. This policy ensures that API keys are valid, have not been revoked, and are approved to consume the specific resources associated with your API products.


<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyVerifier">
    <APIKey ref="request.queryparam.apikey" />

In this example, the policy expects to find the API key in a flow variable called request.queryparam.apikey. The variable request.queryparam.{name} is a standard Edge flow variable that is populated with the value of a query param passed in the client request.

The following curl command passes the API key in a query param:

<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyVerifier">
    <APIKey ref="request.header.x-apikey" />

In this example, the policy expects to find the API key in a flow variable called request.header.x-apikey. The variable request.header.{name} is a standard Edge flow variable that is populated with the value of a header passed in the client request.

The following cURL shows how to pass the API key in a header:

curl "" -H "x-apikey:IEYRtW2cb7A5Gs54A1wKElECBL65GVls"
<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyVerifier">
    <APIKey ref="requestAPIKey.key"/>

The policy can reference any variable that contains the key. The policy in this example extracts the API key from a variable named requestAPIKey.key.

How that variable is populated is up to you. For example, you could use the Extract Variables policy to populate requestAPIKey.key from a query parameter named myKey, as shown below:

<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="SetAPIKeyVar">
    <QueryParam name="myKey">
        <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{key}</Pattern>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="accessverifyvars">
    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>

Edge automatically populates a set of flow variables when executing the Verify API Key policy for a valid API key. You can use these variables to access information such as the app name, app ID, and information about the developer or company who registered the app. In the example above, you use the Assign Message policy to access the developer's first name, last name, and email address after the Verify API Key executes.

These variables are all prefixed by:


In this example, the Verify API key policy name is "verify-api-key". Therefore, you reference the first name of the developer making the request by accessing the variable verifyapikey.verify-api-key.developer.firstName.

About the Verify API Key policy

When a developer registers an app on Edge, Edge automatically generates a consumer key and secret pair. You can see the app's consumer key and secret pair in the Edge UI or access them from the Edge API.

At the time of app registration, the developer selects one or more API products to associate with the app, where an API product is a collection of resources accessible through API proxies. The developer then passes the API key (consumer key) as part of every request to an API in an API product associated with the app. See Publishing overview for more.

API keys can be used as authentication tokens, or they can be used to obtain OAuth access tokens. In OAuth, API keys are referred to as "client id". The names can be used interchangeably. See OAuth home for more.

Edge automatically populates a set of flow variables when executing the Verify API Key policy. See Flow variables below for more.

Element Reference

Following are elements and attributes you can configure on this policy:

<VerifyAPIKey async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Verify-API-Key-1">
    <DisplayName>Custom label used in UI</DisplayName>
    <APIKey ref="variable_containing_api_key"/>

<VerifyAPIKey> attributes

The following example shows the attributes on the <VerifyAPIKey> tag:

<VerifyAPIKey async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Verify-API-Key-1">

The following table describes attributes that are common to all policy parent elements:

Attribute Description Default Presence

The internal name of the policy. The value of the name attribute can contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, underscores, and periods. This value cannot exceed 255 characters.

Optionally, use the <DisplayName> element to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.

N/A Required

Set to false to return an error when a policy fails. This is expected behavior for most policies.

Set to true to have flow execution continue even after a policy fails.

false Optional

Set to true to enforce the policy.

Set to false to turn off the policy. The policy will not be enforced even if it remains attached to a flow.

true Optional

This attribute is deprecated.

false Deprecated

<DisplayName> element

Use in addition to the name attribute to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.

<DisplayName>Policy Display Name</DisplayName>


If you omit this element, the value of the policy's name attribute is used.

Presence Optional
Type String

<APIKey> element

This element specifies the flow variable that contains the API key. Typically, the client sends the API key in a query parameter, HTTP header or a form parameter. For example, if the key is sent in a header called x-apikey, the key will be found in the variable: request.header.x-apikey

Default NA
Presence Required
Type String


The following table describes the attributes of the <APIKey> element

Attribute Description Default Presence

A reference to the variable that contains the API key. Only one location is allowed per policy.

N/A Required


In these examples, the key is passed in parameters and a header called x-apikey.

As a query parameter:

<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyVerifier">
    <APIKey ref="request.queryparam.x-apikey"/>

As an HTTP header:

<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyVerifier">
    <APIKey ref="request.header.x-apikey"/>

As an HTTP form parameter:

<VerifyAPIKey name="APIKeyVerifier">
    <APIKey ref="request.formparam.x-apikey"/>


Flow variables

When a Verify API Key policy is enforced on a valid API key, Edge populates a set of flow variables. These variables are available to policies or code executed later in the flow, and are often used to perform custom processing based on attributes of the API key such as the app name, the API product used to authorize the key, or custom attributes of the API key.

The policy populates several different types of flow variables, including:

  • General
  • App
  • Developer
  • Company
  • Analytics

Each type of flow variable has a different prefix. All variables are scalars except those specifically indicated as arrays.

General flow variables

The following table lists the general flow variables populated by the Verify API Key policy. These variables are all prefixed by:


For example: verifyapikey.{policy_name}.client_id

The available variables include:

Variable Description
client_id The consumer key (aka API key or app key) supplied by the requesting app.
client_secret The consumer secret associated with the consumer key.
redirection_uris Any redirect URIs in the request.

The ID of the developer app making the request. The app name of the developer app making the request.

The ID of the developer registered as the owner of the requesting app.

developer.{custom_attrib_name} Any custom attributes derived from the app key profile.
DisplayName The value of the policy's <DisplayName> attribute.
failed Set to "true" when API Key validation fails.
{custom_app_attrib} Any custom attribute derived from the app profile. Specify the name of the custom attribute.* The name of the API product used to validate the request.
apiproduct.{custom_attrib_name}* Any custom attribute derived from the API product profile.
apiproduct.developer.quota.limit* The quota limit set on the API product, if any.
apiproduct.developer.quota.interval* The quota interval set on the API product, if any.
apiproduct.developer.quota.timeunit* The quota time unit set on the API product, if any.
* API product variables are populated automatically if the API products are configured with valid environment, proxies, and resources (derived from the proxy.pathsuffix). For instructions on setting up API products, see Using the Edge management API to Publish APIs.

App flow variables

The following flow variables containing information about the app are populated by the policy. These variables are all prefixed by:


For example:


The available variables include:

Variable Description
name The name of the app.
id The ID of the app.
accessType Unused by Apigee.
callbackUrl The callback URL of the app. Typically used only for OAuth.
DisplayName The app's display name.
status The app status, such as 'approved' or 'revoked'.
apiproducts An array containing the list of API products associated with the app.
appFamily Any app family containing the app, or "default".
appParentStatus The status of the app's parent, such as 'active' or 'inactive'
appType The app type, as either "Company" or "Developer".
appParentId The ID of the parent app.
created_at The date/time stamp when the app was created.
created_by The email address of the developer who created the app.
last_modified_at The date/time stamp when the app was last updated.
last_modified_by The email address of the developer who last updated the app.
{app_custom_attributes} Any custom app attribute. Specify the name of the custom attribute.

Developer flow variables

The following flow variables containing information about the developer are populated by the policy. These variables are all prefixed by:


For example:


The available variables include:

Variable Description
id Returns {org_name}@@@{developer_id}
userName The developer's user name.
firstName The developer's first name.
lastName The developer's last name.
email The developer's email address.
status The developer's status, as active, inactive, or login_lock.
apps An array of apps associated with the developer.
created_at The date/time stamp when the developer was created.
created_by The email address of the user who created the developer.
last_modified_at The date/time stamp when the developer was last modified.
last_modified_by The email address of the user who modified the developer.
{developer_custom_attributes} Any custom developer attribute. Specify the name of the custom attribute.
Company The name of the company, if any, associated with the developer.

Company flow variables

The following flow variables containing information about the company are populated by the policy. These variables are all prefixed by:


For example:


The available variables include:

Variable Description
name The company name.
displayName The display name of the company.

The company ID.

apps An array containing the list of company apps.
The status of the app owner, as active, inactive, or login_lock.
created_at The date/time stamp when the company was created.
created_by The email address of the user who created the company.
last_modified_at The date/time stamp when the company was last modified.
last_modified_by The email address of the user who last modified the company.
{company_custom_attributes} Any custom company attribute. Specify the name of the custom attribute.

Analytics variables

The following variables are automatically populated in Analytics when a Verify API Key policy is enforced for a valid API key. These variables are only populated by the Verify API Key policy and the OAuth policies.

The variables and values can be used as dimensions to build Analytics reports to gain visibility into consumption patterns by developers and apps.

  • client_id

Error reference

This section describes the fault codes and error messages that are returned and fault variables that are set by Edge when this policy triggers an error. This information is important to know if you are developing fault rules to handle faults. To learn more, see What you need to know about policy errors and Handling faults.

Runtime errors

These errors can occur when the policy executes.

Fault code HTTP status Cause
keymanagement.service.CompanyStatusNotActive 401 The Company associated with the Developer App that has the API key you are using has an inactive status. When a Company's status is set to inactive, you cannot access the developers or apps associated with that Company. An org admin can change a Company's status using the management API. See Set the Status of a Company.
keymanagement.service.DeveloperStatusNotActive 401

The developer who created the Developer App that has the API key you are using has an inactive status. When an App Developer's status is set to inactive, any Developer Apps created by that developer are deactivated. An admin user with appropriate permissions (such as Organization Administrator) can change a developer's status in the following ways:

keymanagement.service.invalid_client-app_not_approved 401 The Developer App associated with the API key is revoked. A revoked app cannot access any API products and cannot invoke any API managed by Apigee Edge. An org admin can change the status of a Developer App using the management API. See Approve or Revoke Developer App.
oauth.v2.FailedToResolveAPIKey 401 The policy expects to find the API key in a variable that is specified in the policy's <APIKey> element. This error arises when the expected variable does not exist (it cannot be resolved).
oauth.v2.InvalidApiKey 401 An API key was received by Edge, but it is invalid. When Edge looks up the key in its database, it must exactly match the on that was sent in the request. If the API worked previously, make sure the key was not regenerated. If the key was regenerated, you will see this error if you try to use the old key. For details, see Register apps and manage API keys.
oauth.v2.InvalidApiKeyForGivenResource 401 An API key was received by Edge, and it is valid; however, it does not match an approved key in the Developer App associated with your API proxy through a Product.

Deployment errors

These errors can occur when you deploy a proxy containing this policy.

Error name Cause
SpecifyValueOrRefApiKey The <APIKey> element does not have a value or key specified.

Fault variables

These variables are set when a runtime error occurs. For more information, see What you need to know about policy errors.

Variables Where Example"fault_name" fault_name is the name of the fault, as listed in the Runtime errors table above. The fault name is the last part of the fault code. Matches "FailedToResolveAPIKey"
oauthV2.policy_name.failed policy_name is the user-specified name of the policy that threw the fault. oauthV2.VK-VerifyAPIKey.failed = true

Example error responses

      "faultstring":"Invalid ApiKey",
      "faultstring":"Developer Status is not Active"

Example fault rule

<FaultRule name="FailedToResolveAPIKey">
    <Condition>( Matches "FailedToResolveAPIKey") </Condition>

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