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Version: 2.0.0
Access data in your Salesforce account. Insert, update, retrieve, and query data.
This content provides reference for configuring and using this extension.
This content provides reference for configuring and using this extension. Before using the extension from an API proxy using the ExtensionCallout policy, you must:
Create an RSA x509 private key/certification pair.
You will use the private key (.key) as credentials when configuring the extension. You'll use the certificate (.crt) file when creating a connected app that will give the extension access to Salesforce.
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 36500 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout salesforce.key -out salesforce.crt
A Salesforce connected app will provide access for the Salesforce extension. See the instructions below for setting up the app.
Get the consumer key for the connected app. The extension will use this when authenticating with the app.
- In Salesforce setup, in the left navigation, go to Apps > App Manager.
- In the list, locate the connected app you created.
- From the dropdown at the right in the application's row, click View.
- Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), locate the Consumer Key and copy its value to a safe place for use when configuring the extension.
Set up a connected app for access by the extension
Before the Salesforce extension can access Salesforce, you'll need to create a Salesforce connected app through which the extension can connect with Salesforce.
In Salesforce, a connected app provides a way for external applications to connect to Salesforce through APIs.
To set up a connected app
- Log in to Salesforce.
- Click the gear icon in the upper-right, then click Setup.
- In the navigation on the left, expand Apps > App Manager.
- In the App Manager page, click New Connected App.
- Under Basic Information, fill in the required fields. The values are for bookkeeping; they are not used by the extension.
- Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), select the Enable OAuth Settings check box.
- Although it isn't used by the extension, enter a Callback URL. You can use
or some other placeholder host. - Select the Use digital signatures check box.
- Under Use digital signatures, click Choose File to locate and upload the
that you generated earlier. - In the Selected OAuth Scopes section, add the following so they're under Selected OAuth Scopes:
- Access and manage your data (api)
- Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Click Save. If there are any errors, you may need to re-generate and upload the
file. - On the resulting app page, click Manage.
- On the App Manager page for the app you just created, click Edit Policies.
- Under OAuth policies, click the Permitted Users dropdown, then click Admin approved users are pre-authorized.
- Click Save.
- Back on the app page, under Profiles, click Manage Profiles.
On the Application Profile Assignment page, select the check boxes for the user profiles that can use this application.
Be sure to select a profile that corresponds to the user whose username you'll use when configuring the extension. Also make sure that at least System Administrator users have access to this application.
You can view the profile setting for the user in the Salesforce. In the Setup area, expand Users > Users, locate the user that the extension will represent, then locate their profile in the Profile column.
Click Save.
About Salesforce
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Customer Relationship Management helps companies understand their customers' needs and solve problems by better managing customer information and interactions — all on a single platform that’s always accessible from any desktop or device.
Insert records as sObject types.
"sobject": records-sObject-type,
"records":[ records-to-insert ],
"allOrNone": true | false
"sobject": "Account",
{ "Name": "MyAccountName" }
"allOrNone": true
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
sobject | The sObject type of records to insert. | String | None. | Yes. |
records | Array of sObject records in JSON. Maximum: 1000. | Array | None. | Yes. |
allOrNone | true to fail the entire update if any part of the update fails. |
Boolean | false | No. |
A results
array with results from the insert operation.
results: [
{ id: '0011U00000LQ76KQAT', success: true, errors: [] },
{ id: '0011U00000LQ76LQAT', success: true, errors: [] }
Property | Description | Type | Default | Required |
results[*].id | The sObject ID generated for the new record. | String | None. | Yes. |
results[*].success | true if inserting that record succeeded. |
Boolean | None. | Yes. |
results[*].errors | Array of errors, if any, caught during execution. | Array | None. | Yes. |
Update salesforce records.
"sobject": records-sObject-type,
"records": [ records-to-update ],
"allOrNone": true | false
"sobject": "Account",
"Name": "MyNewAccountName"
"allOrNone": true
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
sobject | The sObject type of records to update. | String | None. | Yes. |
records | Array of sObject records in JSON. Each record to update must include the record's ID value. Maximum: 1000. | Array | None. | Yes. |
allOrNone | true to fail the entire update if any part of the update fails. |
Boolean | false | No. |
A results
array containing results from the update.
results: [
{ id: '0011U00000LQ76KQAT', success: true, errors: [] },
{ id: '0011U00000LQ76LQAT', success: true, errors: [] }
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
results[*].id | The sObject ID generated for the updated record. | String | None. | Yes. |
results[*].success | true if inserting that record succeeded. |
Boolean | None. | Yes. |
results[*].errors | Array of errors, if any, caught during execution. | Array | None. | Yes. |
Retrieve records as sObjects by their IDs. Returns all fields of the sObject type.
"sobject": records-sObject-type,
"ids":[ IDs-of-records-to-retrieve ]
"sobject": "Account",
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
sobject | The sObject type of records to retrieve. | String | None. | Yes. |
ids | Array of sObject IDs records to retrieve. Maximum: 1000. | Array | None. | Yes. |
allOrNone | true to fail the entire operation if any part of the request fails. |
Boolean | false | No. |
A records
array of sObjects represented as JSON. Note that all the properties of the objects are included in the JSON, even if the property value is null.
records: [
{ sobject-json },
{ sobject-json }
Query using Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL).
"soql": soql-query-statement
"soql": "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account"
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
soql | SOQL statement to query with. | String | None. | Yes. |
Results of the query.
totalSize: 2,
records: [
attributes: { attributes-of-record },
Id: '0011U00000LQ76KQAT',
Name: 'AccountName1'
attributes: { attributes-of-record },
Id: '0011U00000LQ76LQAT',
Name: 'AccountName2'
done: true
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
totalSize | Number of records returned by the query. | Integer | None. | Yes. |
records | Array of returned records as sObjects in JSON. Maximum: 1000. | Array | None. | Yes. |
done | true if the query operation completed. |
Boolean | None. | Yes. |
List records. Returns all fields of the specified sObject type.
"sobject": records-sObject-type,
"limit": max-number-of-records,
"offset": record-index-at-which-to-begin-response-set
"sobject": "Account",
"limit": 1000,
"offset": 0
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
sobject | The sObject type of records to list. | String | None. | Yes. |
limit | Maximum number of records to return. | Integer | 1000 | No. |
offset | Offset for records to list. | Integer | 0 |
No. |
A records
array containing listed sObjects as JSON.
records: [
{ sobject-json },
{ sobject-json }
Delete records with the specified IDs.
"sobject": records-sObject-type,
"ids":[ IDs-of-records-to-retrieve ]
"sobject": "Account",
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default | Required |
sobject | The sObject type of records to delete. | String | None. | Yes. |
ids | Array of sObject IDs for records to delete. Maximum: 1000. | Array | None. | Yes. |
A results
array containing results of the operation.
{ id: '0011U00000LQ76KQAT', success: true, errors: [] },
{ id: '0011U00000LQ76LQAT', success: true, errors: [] }
Property | Description | Type | Default | Required |
results[*].id | sObject ID of the record specified. | String | None. | Yes. |
results[*].success | true if the operation succeeded for the record. |
Boolean | None. | Yes. |
results[*].errors | Array of errors, if any, caught during execution. | Array | None. | Yes. |
Get API access token. Can be used to query REST APIs.
Request parameters
The access token in JSON.
"instanceUrl": "",
"id": "",
"tokenType": "Bearer"
Property | Description | Type | Default | Required |
accessToken | The access token. | String | None. | Yes. |
scope | Scopes within which the token provides access. | String | None. | Yes. |
instanceUrl | URL for the instance used by the Salesforce org. | String | None. | Yes. |
id | ID of the connected app. | String | None. | Yes. |
tokenType | Type for the access token. | String | Bearer | Yes. |
Configuration Reference
Use the following when you're configuring and deploying this extension for use in API proxies.
Common extension properties
The following properties are present for every extension.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
name |
Name you're giving this configuration of the extension. | None | Yes |
packageName |
Name of the extension package as given by Apigee Edge. | None | Yes |
version |
Version number for the extension package from which you're configuring an extension. | None | Yes |
configuration |
Configuration value specific to the extension you're adding. See Properties for this extension package | None | Yes |
Properties for this extension package
Specify values for the following configuration properties specific to this extension.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
Authorization server URL | The URL to use when getting authorization from Salesforce. Typically, this is |
None. | Yes. |
Connected app consumer key | The consumer key provided by Salesforce for the connected app you created. See the instructions under Prerequisites for retrieving your consumer key. | None. | Yes. |
Credential | When entered in the Apigee Edge console, this is the contents of the salesforce.key file you generated in the steps above. When sent via the management API, it is a base64-encoded value generated from the salesforce.key file. | None. | Yes. |
Username of the Salesforce user | The username associated with the connected app you created. The Salesforce extension will use this to get authorization from Salesforce. | None. | Yes. |