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The ExtractVariables policy extracts content from a request or response and sets the value of a variable to that content. You can extract any part of the message, including headers, URI paths, JSON/XML payloads, form parameters, and query parameters. The policy works by applying a text pattern to the message content and, upon finding a match, sets a variable with the specified message content.
While you often use this policy to extract information from a request or response message, you can also use it to extract information from other sources, including entities created by the AccessEntity policy, XML objects, or JSON objects.
After extracting the specified message content, you can reference the variable in other policies as part of processing a request and response.
Watch the following videos to learn more about the ExtractVariables policy.
Video | Description |
Extract variables from XML payload | Extract variables from an XML payload using the Extract Variable policy. |
Extract variables from JSON payload | Extract variables from a JSON payload using the Extract Variable policy. |
Extract variables from parameters | Extract variables from parameters, such as query, header, form, or URI parameters. |
Extract variables from multi-value parameters | Extract variables from multi-value parameters. |
Extract variables from query parameter (Classic Edge) | Extract variables from a query parameter using Classic Edge UI. |
Extract variables from XML or JSON payload (Classic Edge) | Extract variables from an XML or JSON payload using Classic Edge UI. |
These policy code samples illustrate how to extract variables from the following types of artifacts:
These links point to working API proxy samples that you can deploy and run on Edge. They use ExtractVariables and are located in Apigee's api-platform-samples repository on GitHub. The READMEs explain how ExtractVariables is used in each case, and how to deploy and run each sample.
- Extract and assign variables sample (extract data from JSON and XML messages)
- Access entity sample
- Pagination and caching sample
- Reroute a target URL sample
- Policy composition mashup sample
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-1"> <DisplayName>Extract a portion of the url path</DisplayName> <Source>request</Source> <URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/accounts/{id}</Pattern> </URIPath> <VariablePrefix>urirequest</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
Consider the sample policy code above. The <URIPath>
element tells the
ExtractVariables policy to extract information from the URI path. The
element specifies the pattern to apply to the URI path. The
pattern is treated as a simple template, with the curly braces denoting the varying portion
of the URI path.
The name of the variable to be set is determined by the value specified in the
element, as well as the value enclosed in curly braces {}
in the <Pattern>
element. The two values are joined by an intervening dot,
resulting in a variable name of
for example. If there is no
element, then the variable name is just the value
enclosed in curly braces.
Consider the sample policy code above working with the following incoming request:
Suppose the basepath for the API Proxy is /svc1
. When Apigee Edge applies the
ExtractVariables policy code above to this incoming request, it sets the variable
to 12797282
. After Apigee Edge executes the policy,
subsequent policies or code in the processing flow can refer to the variable named
to get the string value 12797282
For example, the following AssignMessage policy embeds the value of that variable into the payload of a new request message:
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="AssignPayload"> <DisplayName>AssignPayload</DisplayName> <Set> <Payload contentType="text/xml"> <IdExtractedFromURI>{}</IdExtractedFromURI> </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="true" transport="http" type="request">newRequest</AssignTo> </AssignMessage>
Query params
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-2"> <DisplayName>Extract a value from a query parameter</DisplayName> <Source>request</Source> <QueryParam name="code"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">DBN{dbncode}</Pattern> </QueryParam> <VariablePrefix>queryinfo</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
Consider the sample policy code above working with the following incoming request:
When Apigee Edge applies the ExtractVariables policy code above to this incoming request,
it sets the variable queryinfo.dbncode
to 88271
. After Apigee Edge
executes the policy, subsequent policies or code in the processing flow can refer to the
variable named queryinfo.dbncode
to get the string value 88271
You can now access the variable queryinfo.dbncode
in your proxy.
For example, the following AssignMessage policy copies it to the payload of the request:
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="GetURIPath"> <DisplayName>GetQP</DisplayName> <Set> <Payload contentType="text/xml"> <ExtractQP>{queryinfo.dbncode}</ExtractQP> </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/> </AssignMessage>
Multiple params
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-2"> <DisplayName>Extract a value from a query parameter</DisplayName> <Source>request</Source> <QueryParam name="w"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{firstWeather}</Pattern> </QueryParam> <QueryParam name="w.2"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{secondWeather}</Pattern> </QueryParam> <VariablePrefix>queryinfo</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
Suppose your API design allows you to specify multiple query parameters with the same name. You can use this policy to extract the value of multiple instances of the query parameter "w". To reference these query parameters in the ExtractVariables policy, you use indexes, where the first instance of the query parameter has no index, the second is at index 2, the third at index 3, etc.
Consider the sample policy code above working with the following incoming request:
When Apigee Edge applies the ExtractVariables policy code above to this incoming request,
it sets the variable queryinfo.firstWeather
to Boston
and the
variable queryInfo.secondWeather
to Chicago
You can now access the variable queryinfo.firstWeather
queryinfo.secondWeather in
your proxy. For example, the following AssignMessage policy copies it to the payload of the
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="GetURIPath"> <DisplayName>GetQP</DisplayName> <Set> <Payload contentType="text/xml"> <ExtractQP1>{queryinfo.firstWeather}</ExtractQP1> <ExtractQP2>{queryinfo.secondWeather}</ExtractQP2> </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/> </AssignMessage>
<ExtractVariables name='ExtractVariable-OauthToken'> <Source>request</Source> <Header name="Authorization"> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">Bearer {oauthtoken}</Pattern> </Header> <VariablePrefix>clientrequest</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
Suppose that your API uses OAuth v2.0 bearer tokens. Consider the sample policy code above
working with a request carrying an OAuth v2.0 token that includes a header like this:
Authorization: Bearer TU08xptfFfeM7aS0xHqlxTgEAdAM.
As the API designer, suppose that you want to use the token value (but not the entire header) as a key in a cache lookup. You could use the ExtractVariables policy code above to extract the token.
When Apigee Edge applies the ExtractVariables policy code above to this header, it will
set the variable clientrequest.oauthtoken
You can now access the variable clientrequest.oauthtoken
in your
proxy. For example, the following AssignMessage policy copies it to the payload of the
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="GetURIPath"> <DisplayName>GetHeader</DisplayName> <Set> <Payload contentType="text/xml"> <ExtractHeader>{clientrequest.oauthtoken}</ExtractHeader> </Payload> </Set> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/> </AssignMessage>
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-3"> <Source>response</Source> <JSONPayload> <Variable name="latitude" type="float"> <JSONPath>$.results[0]</JSONPath> </Variable> <Variable name="longitude" type="float"> <JSONPath>$.results[0].geometry.location.lng</JSONPath> </Variable> </JSONPayload> <VariablePrefix>geocoderesponse</VariablePrefix> </ExtractVariables>
Consider the following JSON response payload:
{ "results": [{ "geometry": { "location": { "lat": 37.42291810, "lng": -122.08542120 }, "location_type": "ROOFTOP", "viewport": { "northeast": { "lat": 37.42426708029149, "lng": -122.0840722197085 }, "southwest": { "lat": 37.42156911970850, "lng": -122.0867701802915 } } } }] }
When Apigee Edge applies the ExtractVariables policy code above to this JSON message, it
sets two variables: geocoderesponse.latitude
. Both variables use the same variable prefix of
. The suffix for these variables is specified explicitly by the
element's name
The variable geocoderesponse.latitude
gets the value
. The variable geocoderesponse.longitude
gets the value
You can now access the variable geocoderesponse.latitude
in your
proxy. For example, the following AssignMessage policy copies it to a header named "latitude"
in the response:
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="GetURIPath"> <DisplayName>GetJSONVar</DisplayName> <Add> <Headers> <Header name="latitude">{geocoderesponse.latitude}</Header> </Headers> </Add> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="response"/> </AssignMessage>
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-4"> <Source>response</Source> <XMLPayload> <Namespaces> <Namespace prefix="dir">urn:43BFF88D-D204-4427-B6BA-140AF393142F</Namespace> </Namespaces> <Variable name="travelmode" type="string"> <XPath>/dir:Directions/dir:route/dir:leg/dir:step/@mode</XPath> </Variable> <Variable name="duration" type="string"> <XPath>/dir:Directions/dir:route/dir:leg/dir:step/dir:duration/dir:value</XPath> </Variable> <Variable name="timeunit" type="string"> <XPath>/dir:Directions/dir:route/dir:leg/dir:step/dir:duration/dir:text</XPath> </Variable> </XMLPayload> <VariablePrefix>directionsresponse</VariablePrefix> </ExtractVariables>
Consider the following XML response payload:
<Directions xmlns="urn:43BFF88D-D204-4427-B6BA-140AF393142F"> <status>OK</status> <route> <summary>I-40 W</summary> <leg> <step mode="DRIVING"> <start_location> <lat>41.8507300</lat> <lng>-87.6512600</lng> </start_location> <end_location> <lat>41.8525800</lat> <lng>-87.6514100</lng> </end_location> <duration> <value>19</value> <text>minutes</text> </duration> </step> </leg> </route> </Directions>
When Apigee Edge applies the ExtractVariables policy code above to this XML message, it
sets three variables: directionsresponse.travelmode,
, and directionsresponse.timeunit
. All
variables use the same variable prefix of directionsresponse
. The suffix for
these variables is specified explicitly by the <Variable>
The variable directionsresponse.travelmode
gets the value
. The variable directionsresponse.duration
gets the value
. The variable directionsresponse.timeunit
gets the value
You can now access the variable directionresponse.travelmode
your proxy. For example, the following AssignMessage policy copies it to a header named
"tmode" in the response:
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="GetURIPath"> <DisplayName>GetXMLVar</DisplayName> <Add> <Headers> <Header name="tmode">{directionsresponse.travelmode}</Header> </Headers> </Add> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/> </AssignMessage>
About the ExtractVariables policy
API developers build API proxies that behave differently based on the content of messages, including headers, URI paths, payloads, and query parameters. Often, the proxy extracts some portion of this content for use in a condition statement. Use the ExtractVariables policy to do this.
When defining the ExtractVariables policy, you can choose:
- Names of the variables to be set
- Source of the variables
- How many variables to extract and set
When executed, the policy applies a text pattern to the content and, upon finding a match, sets the value of the designated variable with the content. Other policies and code can then consume those variables to enable dynamic behavior or to send business data to Edge API Analytics.
To see how ExtractVariables can be used to build content-driven Analytics reports, see Analyze API message content using custom analytics.
Variables set with the ExtractVariables policy have global scope. That is, after the ExtractVariables policy defines a new variable, you can access that variable from any policy or code in any stage of the flow (that executes after the ExtractVariables policy). This includes:
- PreFlow: ProxyEndpoint and TargetEndpoint (Request and Response)
- PostFlow: ProxyEndpoint and TargetEndpoint (Request and Response)
- PostClientFlow: ProxyEndpoint (Response only, using the Message Logging policy)
- Error Flows
About matching and variable creation
The ExtractVariables policy extracts information from a request or response and writes that information to a variable. For each type of information that you can extract, such as URI path or XML data, you specify the pattern to match and the name of the variable used to hold the extracted information.
However, the way pattern matching works depends on the source of the extraction. The following sections describe the two basic categories of information that you can extract.
Matching URI paths, query parameters, headers, form parameters, and variables
When extracting information from a URI path, query parameters, headers, form parameters, and variables you use the <Pattern> tag to specify one or more patterns to match. For example, the following policy example shows a single matching pattern for the URI path:
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-1"> <Source>request</Source> <URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/{pathSeg}</Pattern> </URIPath> <VariablePrefix>urirequest</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
In this example, the urirequest.pathSeg variable is set to whatever appears in the proxy.pathsuffix after "/a/". For example, suppose the base path for your API Proxy is /basepath/v1 . With an inbound request to the variable is set to "b".
Specifying multiple patterns
You can specify multiple patters to match, corresponding to <Pattern> tags, where:
- All patterns are tested for match.
- If none of the patterns match, the policy does nothing and the variable(s) is not created.
- If more than one pattern matches, the pattern with longest path segments is used for extraction.
- If two matched patterns has same longest path segments, then the pattern specified first in the policy is used for extraction.
In the next example, you create a policy that contains three matching patterns for the URI path:
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-1"> <Source>request</Source> <URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/{pathSeg}</Pattern> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/b/{pathSeg}</Pattern> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/b/c/{pathSeg}</Pattern> </URIPath> <VariablePrefix>urirequest</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
Suppose, for an API Proxy with a basepath of /basepath/v1 , the inbound request URL to the API proxy is of this form:
In this example, the first pattern matches the URI and the urirequest.pathSeg variable is set to "b".
If the request URL is:
...then the third pattern matches and the urirequest.pathSeg variable is set to "d".
Specifying patterns with multiple variables
You can specify multiple variables in the matching pattern. For example, you specify a matching pattern with two variables:
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-1"> <Source>request</Source> <URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/{pathSeg}</Pattern> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/b/{pathSeg}</Pattern> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/{pathSeg1}/c/{pathSeg2}</Pattern> </URIPath> <VariablePrefix>urirequest</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
Again supposing an API Proxy with a base path of /basepath/v1 , for the inbound request URL:
...the urirequest.pathSeg1 variable is set to "b" and the urirequest.pathSeg2 variable is set to "d".
Matching multiple instances in the pattern
You can also match patterns when there are multiple instances of an item with the same name. For example, you can make a request that contains multiple query parameters or multiple headers with the same name. The following request contains two query parameters named "w":
To reference these query parameters in the ExtractVariables policy, you use indexes, where the first instance of the query parameter has no index, the second is at index 2, the third at index 3, etc. For example, the following policy extracts the value of the second query parameter named "w" in the request:
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-1"> <Source>request</Source> <QueryParam name="w.2"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{secondW}</Pattern> </QueryParam> <VariablePrefix>urirequest</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> </ExtractVariables>
The urirequest.secondW variable is set to "2". If the second query parameter is omitted from the request, then the urirequest.secondW variable is empty. Use indexing any time there are multiple items with the same name in the request.
Using special characters in the pattern
When matching URI paths, you can use the "*" and "**" wildcard characters in the pattern, where:
- "*" matches any one segments of the path
- "**" matches multiple segments of the path
For example, you specify patterns to the <URIPath> element as shown below:
<URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/*/{id}</Pattern> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">/a/**/{id}</Pattern> </URIPath>
The first pattern matches requests with pathsuffixes (the portion of the URI path following the basepath) such as "/a/b/c", "/a/foo/bar", etc. The second pattern matches any number of path segments after "/a/", such as "/a/foo/bar/baz/c", as well as "/a/b/c" and "/a/foo/bar".
When specifying patterns to query parameters, headers, and form parameters, the "*"character specifies to match any number of characters. For example, when matching a header, specify the pattern as:
This pattern matches the values "text/xml;charset=UTF-16" and "application/xml;charset=ASCII".
If the value passed to the ExtractVariables policy contains a special character, such as "{", use the "%" character to escape it. The following example escapes the "{" and "}" characters in the pattern because they are used as literal characters in the value of the query parameter:
<QueryParam> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">%{user%} {name}</Pattern> </QueryParam>
In this example, the pattern matches the value "{user} Steve" but not the value "user Steve".
Matching JSON and XML
When extracting data from JSON and XML, you specify one or more <Variable> tags in the policy. The <Variable> tag specifies the name of the destination variable where the extracted information is stored, and the JsonPath (JSON) or XPATH (XML) to the extracted information.
All <Variable> tags in the policy are evaluated, so that you can populate multiple variables from a single policy. If the <Variable> tag does not evaluate to a valid field in the JSON or XML, then the corresponding variable is not created.
The following example shows an ExtractVariables policy that populates two variables from the JSON body of a response:
<ExtractVariables name="ExtractVariables-3"> <Source>response</Source> <JSONPayload> <Variable name="latitude" type="float"> <JSONPath>$.results[0]</JSONPath> </Variable> <Variable name="longitude" type="float"> <JSONPath>$.results[0].geometry.location.lng</JSONPath> </Variable> </JSONPayload> <VariablePrefix>geocoderesponse</VariablePrefix> </ExtractVariables>
Writing to the same variable in multiple places
Take care when choosing the names of variables to set. The policy executes sequentially from the first extraction pattern to the last. If the policy writes a value to the same variable from multiple places, the last write in the policy determines the value of the variable. (This may be what you want.)
For example, you want to extract a token value that can be passed either in a query parameter or in a header, as shown below:
<!-- If token only in query param, the query param determines the value. If token is found in both the query param and header, header sets value. --> <QueryParam name="token"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{tokenValue}</Pattern> </QueryParam> <!-- Overwrite tokenValue even if it was found in query parameter. --> <Header name="Token"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{tokenValue}</Pattern> </Header>
Controlling what happens when no match occurs
If the pattern does not match, then the corresponding variable is not created. Therefore, if another policy references the variable, it can cause an error.
One option is to set <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>
true in a policy that references the variable to configure the policy to treat
any unresolvable variable as an empty string (null):
Element reference
The element reference describes the elements and attributes of the ExtractVariables policy.
<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Extract-Variables-1"> <DisplayName>Extract Variables 1</DisplayName> <Source clearPayload="true|false">request</Source> <VariablePrefix>myprefix</VariablePrefix> <IgnoreUnresolvedVariables>true|false</IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> <URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/accounts/{id}</Pattern> </URIPath> <QueryParam name="code"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">DBN{dbncode}</Pattern> </QueryParam> <Header name="Authorization"> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">Bearer {oauthtoken}</Pattern> </Header> <FormParam name="greeting"> <Pattern>hello {user}</Pattern> </FormParam> <Variable name="request.content"> <Pattern>hello {user}</Pattern> </Variable> <JSONPayload> <Variable name="name"> <JSONPath>{example}</JSONPath> </Variable> </JSONPayload> <XMLPayload stopPayloadProcessing="false"> <Namespaces/> <Variable name="name" type="boolean"> <XPath>/test/example</XPath> </Variable> </XMLPayload> </ExtractVariables>
<ExtractVariables> attributes
<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Extract-Variables-1">
The following table describes attributes that are common to all policy parent elements:
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence |
name |
The internal name of the policy. The value of the Optionally, use the |
N/A | Required |
continueOnError |
Set to Set to |
false | Optional |
enabled |
Set to Set to |
true | Optional |
async |
This attribute is deprecated. |
false | Deprecated |
<DisplayName> element
Use in addition to the name
attribute to label the policy in the
management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.
<DisplayName>Policy Display Name</DisplayName>
Default |
N/A If you omit this element, the value of the policy's |
Presence | Optional |
Type | String |
<Source> element
(Optional) Specifies the variable to be parsed. The value of
defaults to message
. The message
is context-sensitive. In a request flow, message
resolves to the request message. In
a response flow, message
resolves to the response message.
While you often use this policy to extract information from a request or response message, you
can use it to extract information from any variable. For example, you can use it to extract
information from an entity created by the AccessEntity policy, from data
returned by the Service
Callout policy, or extract information from an XML or JSON object.
If <Source>
cannot be resolved, or resolves to a non-message type,
the policy will fail to respond.
<Source clearPayload="true|false">request</Source>
Default: | message |
Presence: | Optional |
Type: | String |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
clearPayload |
Set to true if you want to clear the payload specified in
<Source> after extracting data from it. |
false |
Optional | Boolean |
<VariablePrefix> element
(Optional) The complete variable name is created by joining the
, a dot, and the name you define in {curly braces} in the
element or <Variable> element. For example:
, myprefix.dbncode
, or myprefix.oauthtoken.
For example, suppose the value of name is "user".
- If
is not specified, the extracted values are assigned to a variable nameduser
. - If
is specified as myprefix, the extracted values are assigned to a variable namedmyprefix.user
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional |
Type: | String |
<IgnoreUnresolvedVariables> element
(Optional) Set to true
to treat any unresolvable variable as an empty string
(null). Set to false
if you want the policy to throw an error when any referenced
variable is unresolvable.
Default: | False |
Presence: | Optional |
Type: | Boolean |
If an XPath reference is unresolved in an <XMLPayload>
, the policy throws
the following error:
{ "fault":{ "faultstring":"Unresolved xpath path in policy policy_name.", "detail":{ "errorcode":"steps.extractvariables.InvalidXPath" } } }
<URIPath> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Extracts a value from the proxy.pathsuffix of a request source message. The path applied to the pattern is the proxy.pathsuffix, which does not include the basepath for the API Proxy. If the source message resolves to a message type of response, then this element does nothing.
<URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/accounts/{id}</Pattern> </URIPath>
It is possible to use multiple <Pattern> elements:
<URIPath> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/accounts/{id}</Pattern> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/accounts/{id}/transactions/{index}</Pattern> </URIPath>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
ignoreCase | Specifies to ignore case when matching the patern. |
false |
Optional | Boolean |
<QueryParam> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Extracts a value from the specified query parameter of a request source message. If the source message resolves to a message type of response, then this element does nothing.
<QueryParam name="code"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">DBN{dbncode}</Pattern> </QueryParam>
If multiple query parameters have the same name, use indexes to reference the parameters:
<QueryParam name="w.2"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{secondW}</Pattern> </QueryParam>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
name | Specifies the name of the query parameter. If multiple query parameters have the same name, use indexed referencing, where the first instance of the query parameter has no index, the second is at index 2, the third at index 3, etc. |
N/A |
Required | String |
<Header> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Extracts a value from the specified HTTP header of the specified request or response message. If multiple headers have the same name, their values are stored in an array.
<!-- The name is the actual header name. --> <Header name="Authorization"> <!-- Provide a name for your new custom variable here. --> <Pattern ignoreCase="false">Bearer {oauthtoken}</Pattern> </Header>
If multiple headers have the same name, use indexes to reference individual headers in the array:
<Header name="myHeader.2"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{secondHeader}</Pattern> </Header>
Or the following to list all the headers in the array:
<Header name="myHeader.values"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{myHeaders}</Pattern> </Header>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
name | Specifies the name of the header from which you extract the value. If multiple
headers have the same name, use indexed referencing, where the first instance of the
header has no index, the second is at index 2, the third at index 3, etc. Use
.values to get all headers in the array. |
N/A |
Required | String |
<FormParam> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Extracts a value
from the specified form parameter of the specified request or response message. Form parameters
can be extracted only when the Content-Type
header of the specified message is
<FormParam name="greeting"> <Pattern>hello {user}</Pattern> </FormParam>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
name | The name of the form parameter from which you extract the value. |
N/A |
Required | String |
<Variable> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Specifies the name of a variable from which to extract a value.
<Variable name="myVar"> <Pattern>hello {user}</Pattern> </Variable>
To extract two values from the variable:
<Variable name="myVar"> <Pattern>hello {firstName} {lastName}</Pattern> </Variable>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
name | The name of the variable from which to extract the value. |
N/A |
Required | String |
<JSONPayload> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Specifies the JSON-formatted message from which the value of the variable will be extracted. JSON extraction is performed only when message's Content-Type header is application/json.
<JSONPayload> <Variable name="name" type="string"> <JSONPath>{example}</JSONPath> </Variable> </JSONPayload>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
<JSONPayload>/<Variable> element
(Required within the JSONPayload element.) Specifies the variable where the extracted value is assigned. You can include multiple <Variable> tags in the <JSONPayload> element to populate multiple variables.
<Variable name="name" type="string"> <JSONPath>{example}</JSONPath> </Variable>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Required within the JSONPayload element. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
name |
Specifies the name of the variable to which the extracted value will be assigned. |
name |
Required | String |
type | Specifies the data type of the variable value. | N/A | Optional |
String. Select from:
<JSONPayload>/<Variable>/<JSONPath> element
(Required within the JSONPayload:Variable element.) Specifies the JSON path used to extract a value from a JSON-formatted message.
<Variable name="name"> <JSONPath>$</JSONPath> </Variable>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Required |
Type: | String |
<XMLPayload> element
(Optional, but see the Presence row in the table below for more information.) Specifies the
XML-formatted message from which the value of the variable will be extracted. XML payloads
are extracted only when the Content-Type
header of the message
is text/xml
, application/xml
or application/*+xml
<XMLPayload stopPayloadProcessing="false"> <Namespaces> <Namespace prefix="apigee"></Namespace> <Namespace prefix="gmail"></Namespace> </Namespaces> <Variable name="name" type="boolean"> <XPath>/apigee:test/apigee:example</XPath> </Variable> </XMLPayload>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional. However, you must include at least one of the following:
<URIPath> , <QueryParam> , <Header> ,
<FormParam> , <JSONPayload> , or
<XMLPayload>. |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
stopPayloadProcessing |
Set to |
false |
Optional | Boolean |
<XMLPayload>/<Namespaces> element
(Optional) Specifies the namespace to be used in the XPath evaluation. If you're using namespaces in your XPath expressions, you must declare the namespaces here, as shown in the following example.
<XMLPayload stopPayloadProcessing="false"> <Namespaces> <Namespace prefix="apigee"></Namespace> <Namespace prefix="gmail"></Namespace> </Namespaces> <Variable name="legName" type="string"> <XPath>/apigee:Directions/apigee:route/apigee:leg/apigee:name</XPath> </Variable> </XMLPayload>
If you are not using namespaces in your XPath expressions, you can omit or comment out the
element, as the following example shows:
<XMLPayload stopPayloadProcessing="false"> <!-- <Namespaces/> --> <Variable name="legName" type="string"> <XPath>/Directions/route/leg/name</XPath> </Variable> </XMLPayload>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional |
Type: | String |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
prefix |
The namespace prefix. |
N/A |
Required | String |
<XMLPayload>/<Variable> element
(Optional) Specifies variable to which the extracted value will be assigned.
<Variable name="name" type="boolean"> <XPath>/test/example</XPath> </Variable>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Optional |
Type: | N/A |
Attribute | Description | Default | Presence | Type |
name |
Specifies the name of the variable to which the extracted value will be assigned. |
name |
Required | String |
type | Specifies the data type of the variable value. | Boolean | Optional |
String. Select from:
<XMLPayload>/<Variable>/<XPath> element
(Required within the XMLPayload:Variable element.) Specifies the XPath defined for the variable. Only XPath 1.0 expressions are supported.
<Variable name="name" type="boolean"> <XPath>/test/example</XPath> </Variable>
Example with a namespace. If you use namespaces in your XPath expressions, you must declare
the namespaces in the <XMLPayload><Namespaces>
of the policy.
<Variable name="name" type="boolean"> <XPath>/foo:test/foo:example</XPath> </Variable>
Default: | N/A |
Presence: | Required |
Type: | String |
Error reference
This section describes the fault codes and error messages that are returned and fault variables that are set by Edge when this policy triggers an error. This information is important to know if you are developing fault rules to handle faults. To learn more, see What you need to know about policy errors and Handling faults.
Runtime errors
These errors can occur when the policy executes.
Fault code | HTTP status | Cause | Fix |
steps.extractvariables.ExecutionFailed |
500 |
This error occurs when:
build |
steps.extractvariables.ImmutableVariable |
500 | A variable used in the policy is immutable. The policy was unable to set this variable. | |
steps.extractvariables.InvalidJSONPath |
500 | This error occurs if an invalid JSON path is used in the JSONPath element of the
policy. For example, if a JSON payload does not have the object Name ,
but you specify Name as the path in the policy, then this error occurs. |
build |
steps.extractvariables.JsonPathParsingFailure |
500 | This error occurs when the policy is unable to parse a JSON path and
extract data from the flow variable specified in Source element. Typically this
happens if the flow variable specified in the Source element does not exist in the current
flow. |
build |
steps.extractvariables.SetVariableFailed |
500 | This error occurs if the policy could not set the value to a variable. The error generally happens if you try to assign values to multiple variables whose names start with the same words in a nested dot-separated format. | build |
steps.extractvariables.SourceMessageNotAvailable |
500 | This error occurs if the message
variable specified in the Source element of the policy
is either:
build |
steps.extractvariables.UnableToCast |
500 | This error occurs if the policy was unable to cast the extracted value to a variable. Typically this happens if you attempt to set the value of one data type to a variable of another data type. | build |
Deployment errors
These errors can occur when you deploy a proxy containing this policy.
Error name | Cause | Fix |
NothingToExtract |
If the policy does not have any of the elements URIPath , QueryParam ,
Header , FormParam , XMLPayload , or JSONPayload ,
the deployment of the API Proxy fails, because there's nothing to extract. |
build |
NONEmptyPrefixMappedToEmptyURI |
This error occurs if the policy has a prefix defined in the
Namespace element under the XMLPayload element, but no URI is
defined. |
build |
DuplicatePrefix |
This error occurs if the policy has the same prefix defined more than
once in the Namespace element under the XMLPayload element. |
build |
NoXPathsToEvaluate |
If the policy does not have the XPath element within the
XMLPayload element, then the deployment of the API proxy fails with this error.
build |
EmptyXPathExpression |
If the policy has an empty XPath expression within the XMLPayload
element, then the deployment of the API proxy fails. |
build |
NoJSONPathsToEvaluate |
If the policy does not have the JSONPath element within the
JSONPayload element, then the deployment of the API proxy fails with this error. |
build |
EmptyJSONPathExpression |
If the policy has an empty XPath expression within the
XMLPayload element, then the deployment of the API proxy fails. |
build |
MissingName |
If the policy does not have the name attribute in any of the policy
elements like QueryParam , Header , FormParam or
Variable , where it is required, then the deployment of the API proxy fails. |
build |
PatternWithoutVariable |
If the policy does not have a variable specified within the Pattern element,
then the deployment of the API proxy fails. The Pattern element requires the name of
the variable in which extracted data will be stored. |
build |
CannotBeConvertedToNodeset |
If the policy has an XPath expression where the Variable type
is defined as nodeset,
but the expression cannot be converted to nodeset, then the deployment of the API proxy fails. |
build |
JSONPathCompilationFailed |
The policy could not compile a specified JSON Path. | |
InstantiationFailed |
The policy could not be instantiated. | |
XPathCompilationFailed |
If the prefix or the value used in the XPath element is not part of any of the
declared namespaces in the policy, then the deployment of the API proxy
fails. |
build |
InvalidPattern |
If the Pattern element definition is invalid in any of the elements like URIPath ,
QueryParam , Header , FormParam , XMLPayload
or JSONPayload within the policy, then the deployment of the
API proxy fails.
build |
Fault variables
These variables are set when this policy triggers an error at runtime. For more information, see What you need to know about policy errors.
Variables | Where | Example |
---|---|---|"fault_name" |
fault_name is the name of the fault, as listed in the Runtime errors table above. The fault name is the last part of the fault code. | = "SourceMessageNotAvailable" |
extractvariables.policy_name.failed |
policy_name is the user-specified name of the policy that threw the fault. | extractvariables.EV-ParseJsonResponse.failed = true |
Example error response
{ "fault":{ "detail":{ "errorcode":"steps.extractvariables.SourceMessageNotAvailable" }, "faultstring":"request message is not available for ExtractVariable: EV-ParseJsonResponse" } }
Example fault rule
<FaultRule name="Extract Variable Faults"> <Step> <Name>AM-CustomErrorMessage</Name> <Condition>( = "SourceMessageNotAvailable") </Condition> </Step> <Condition>(extractvariables.EM-ParseJsonResponse.failed = true) </Condition> </FaultRule>