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本主題說明您在使用 Edge Microgateway 時可能會遇到的錯誤和警告。
HTTP 500,在錯誤處理常式中失敗 - 大部分錯誤都會顯示這個編號,目標傳回的部分錯誤也會顯示這個編號。特別是,errors-middleware.js 會用於整個 microgateway-core 模組。使用時,會透過 Edge Microgateway 將 statusCodes 寫入記錄
logger object: logger.error(err, 'failed in error handler');
。如果從目標收到的程式碼介於 100 和 300 之間,errors-middleware.js 會將 statusCode 重寫為 500,以便傳回至用戶端。HTTP 404:您可能會看到這個狀態以堆疊追蹤的形式產生,並附上訊息
no match found for [API_path_name]
您可以使用這項資訊設定警示,以便監控及管理 Edge Microgateway 部署作業。
下列術語會顯示在「Handler」下方的錯誤參考資料中,指出 Edge Microgateway 如何處理各種錯誤。
- 斷言:通常,如果斷言評估失敗,Edge Microgateway 就會停止。不過,這不一定是事實,因為「斷言」會擲回可能遭到擷取的例外狀況。
- throws:系統可能會停止。
- 回呼:錯誤會傳遞至回呼,系統可能會繼續運作。
類型 | 訊息 | Handler | 附註 |
microgateway 模組 |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | assert | assert(options.org,"org is required"); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | 斷言 | assert(options.env,"env is required") |
錯誤 | 必須提供使用者名稱 | 斷言 | assert(options.username || options.token,"username is required"); |
錯誤 | 必須提供密碼 | 斷言 | assert(options.password || options.token,"password is required") |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | assert | assert(options.org,"org is required"); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | 斷言 | assert(options.env,"env is required") |
錯誤 | 必須提供使用者名稱 | 斷言 | assert(options.username || options.token,"username is required"); |
錯誤 | 必須提供密碼 | 斷言 | assert(options.password || options.token,"password is required") |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | assert | assert(options.org,"org is required"); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | 斷言 | assert(options.env,"env is required") |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | assert | assert(options.org,"org is required"); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | 斷言 | assert(options.env,"env is required") |
錯誤 | 必須提供使用者名稱 | 斷言 | assert(options.username, 'username is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須提供密碼 | 斷言 | assert(options.password, 'password is required'); |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | 斷言 | assert(options.org, 'org is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | 斷言 | assert(options.env, 'env is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須有指派的目標檔案 | 斷言 | assert(targetFile, 'must have an assigned target file') |
錯誤 | 必須有索引鍵 | 斷言 | assert(key, 'must have a key'); |
錯誤 | 必須有密鑰 | assert | assert(secret, 'must have a secret'); |
錯誤 | 必須設定 dir | 斷言 | assert(dir, 'dir must be configured') |
錯誤 | 回呼必須存在 | assert | assert(callback, 'callback must be present') |
錯誤 | 必須提供使用者名稱 | 斷言 | assert(options.username, 'username is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須提供密碼 | 斷言 | assert(options.password, 'password is required'); |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | 斷言 | assert(options.org, 'org is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | 斷言 | assert(options.env, 'env is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 runtimeUrl | assert | assert(options.runtimeUrl, 'runtimeUrl is required'); |
錯誤 | 必須提供 mgmtUrl | 斷言 | assert(options.mgmtUrl, 'mgmtUrl is required'); |
錯誤 | 檔案 | 斷言 | assert(options.file,"file is required") |
錯誤 | 必須有目標 | 斷言 | assert(options.target, 'must have target'); |
錯誤 | 未設定外掛程式 | 斷言 | assert(config.edgemicro.plugins, 'plugins not configured'); |
錯誤 | 外掛程式目錄不存在:+ pluginDir | 斷言 | assert(fs.existsSync(pluginDir), 'plugin dir does not exist: ' + pluginDir); |
錯誤 | 外掛程式目錄不是目錄:+ pluginDir | 斷言 | assert(stat.isDirectory(), 'plugin dir is not a directory: ' + pluginDir); |
錯誤 | 讀取外掛程式目錄時發生錯誤:+ pluginDir | 斷言 | assert(dirs, 'error reading plugin dir: ' + pluginDir); |
錯誤 | 必須有符記 | 斷言 | assert(token, 'must have a token'); |
錯誤 | configpath 不得留空 | 斷言 | assert(config, 'configpath can't be empty'); |
錯誤 | 必須有 EDGEMICRO_KEY | assert | assert(key, 'must have EDGEMICRO_KEY'); |
錯誤 | 必須有 EDGEMICRO_SECRET | 斷言 | assert(secret, 'must have EDGEMICRO_SECRET'); |
錯誤 | 設定不存在 | throws | 與 yaml 檔案相關 |
錯誤 | edgemicro 似乎已在執行。 | console.error | 嘗試覆寫 .sock 檔案 |
錯誤 | 無法檢查設定中的變更。之後會再次嘗試 | console.error | 邊緣通訊發生問題 |
錯誤 | 如果伺服器未執行,可能是因為先前啟動時未正確關閉。 | console.error | |
錯誤 | 缺少 %s,請執行 | console.error | 缺少 (.*),請執行 |
錯誤 | 重新載入 edgemicro 失敗 | console.error | 指令層級 |
錯誤 | 無法停止 edgemicro | console.error | 指令層級 |
錯誤 | 「Try removing ' + ipcPath + ' and start again'」 | console.error | |
錯誤 | 「cache configuration ' + cache + ' does not exist. exiting.」 | console.error | |
錯誤 | 無法寫入設定檔: | console.error | 設定會失敗 |
錯誤 | 未下載設定檔: | console.error | 設定會失敗 |
錯誤 | 無法啟動 Edge Micro | console.error | 不應執行 |
錯誤 | edgemicro 未執行。 | console.error | 檢查程序,不應列出 |
錯誤 | 必須提供 env | console.error | 執行所需的環境變數 |
錯誤 | 錯誤 - 編輯 apiproxy Callout.xml | console.error | 檔案存取權 |
錯誤 | 錯誤 - 編輯 apiproxy default.xml | console.error | 檔案存取權 |
錯誤 | 檢查憑證的錯誤。正在安裝新的憑證。 | console.error | 無法使用公開金鑰 |
錯誤 | 擷取機構區域時發生錯誤 | console.error | key-gen.js、cert-lib.js 和 private.js |
錯誤 | 上傳憑證時發生錯誤 | console.error | 無法將公開金鑰與 Edge 同步 |
錯誤 | 失敗 | console.error | key-gen.js |
錯誤 | 無法初始化設定路徑檔案 %s | console.error | 無法載入設定 |
錯誤 | 來自 region API 的無效回應 | console.error | key-gen.js、cert-lib.js 和 private.js |
錯誤 | 必須提供索引鍵 | console.error | 參數 |
錯誤 | org 為必填 | console.error | 參數 |
錯誤 | 無法使用。 | console.error | 參數 |
錯誤 | 必須提供密碼 | console.error | 參數 |
錯誤 | 不支援的網址通訊協定: | console.error | 設定資訊指出某個網路通訊協定不在 Edge Microgateway 的範圍內 |
錯誤 | 驗證 Analytics 負面案例:失敗 | console.error | 可能發生的當機/失敗 |
錯誤 | 使用酬載驗證數據分析:失敗 | console.error | 可能發生的當機/失敗 |
錯誤 | 驗證啟動網址可用性:失敗 | console.error | 可能發生的當機/失敗 |
錯誤 | 驗證 jwt_public_key 可用性:失敗 | console.error | 可能發生的當機/失敗 |
錯誤 | 驗證產品供應情形:失敗 | console.error | 可能發生的當機/失敗 |
錯誤 | 使用已設定的產品驗證配額:失敗 | console.error | 可能發生的當機/失敗 |
warn | 無法從閘道擷取設定。繼續嘗試快取副本。 | console.error | |
warn | 貴機構中已存在 KVM | console.log | |
warn | 已部署 | console.log | |
warn | 找不到排序外掛程式: | console.warn | |
warn | pluginDir %s 不存在 | console.log | pluginDir (.*) 不存在 |
microgateway-core 模組 |
錯誤 | 未初始化的設定 | 斷言 | assert(config, 'config not initialized') |
錯誤 | 必須具備設定 | 斷言 | assert(config, ' must have a config') |
錯誤 | 必須有設定 | 斷言 | assert(config, 'must have config') |
錯誤 | 設定必須有 uid | 斷言 | assert(config.uid, 'config must have uid'); |
錯誤 | 設定中必須有 config.edgemicro.logging | assert | assert(logConfig, 'must have config.edgemicro.logging in config'); |
錯誤 | 必須有要求方法 | 斷言 | assert(httpLibrary.request, 'must have request method'); |
錯誤 | 必須將外掛程式載入記憶體中 | 斷言 | assert(options.plugin, "must have plugin loaded in memory"); |
錯誤 | init 必須是函式 | 斷言 | assert(_.isFunction(options.plugin.init), 'init must be a function'); |
錯誤 | 必須有外掛程式名稱 | 斷言 | assert(options.pluginName, "must have plugin name"); |
錯誤 | 忽略無效的外掛程式處理程序 + 名稱 | 斷言 | assert(_.isObject(middleware), 'ignoring invalid plugin handlers ' + name); |
錯誤 | 選項必須包含設定 | 斷言 | assert(config, 'options must contain config') |
錯誤 | 外掛程式必須有名稱 | 斷言 | assert(name,"plugin must have a name") |
錯誤 | name 必須是字串 | 斷言 | assert(_.isString(name),"name must be a string"); |
錯誤 | 外掛程式必須是函式 | assert | assert(_.isFunction(plugin),"plugin must be a function(config,logger,stats){return {onresponse:function(req,res,data,next){}}}"); |
錯誤 | 必須有索引鍵 | 斷言 | assert(key, 'must have a key'); |
錯誤 | 必須有密鑰 | assert | assert(secret, 'must have a secret'); |
錯誤 | 必須有來源設定目錄 | 斷言 | assert(source, 'must have a source config directory'); |
錯誤 | 載入外掛程式時發生錯誤 | console.error | 未載入外掛程式 |
錯誤 | 在錯誤處理常式中失敗 | 回呼 | HTTP server.on() 函式 |
錯誤 | 標頭長度超過允許大小 | HTTP 錯誤 | 未執行外掛程式 |
錯誤 | 回應在工作完成前就結束 | logger.error | 目標外掛程式無法執行 |
錯誤 | 處理常式擲回例外狀況 | 回呼 | 擷取外掛程式中的錯誤 (擷取) |
錯誤 | 啟動 Edge Micro 時發生錯誤 | 回呼 | Edge Microgateway 無法啟動 |
錯誤 | 外掛程式必須是函式 | throws | |
warn | console.error | 警告 | 記錄寫入 |
warn | targetRequest 錯誤 | 叫用目標錯誤處理機制 | 與目標連線時發生 HTTP 用戶端錯誤 |
warn | targetResponse 錯誤 | 叫用目標錯誤處理機制 | 在用戶端中,與目標連線的 HTTP 目標伺服器錯誤 |
microgateway-config 模組 |
錯誤 | allow_message | 斷言 | assert(+config.quota.allow > 0, allow_message); |
錯誤 | 設定不存在 | throws | 設定 yaml 檔案 |
錯誤 | 設定檔為空白 | throws | 設定 yaml 檔案 |
錯誤 | 設定檔不是檔案 | throws | 設定 yaml 檔案 |
錯誤 | 未定義 config | 斷言 | assert(config, 'config is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.batchSize 無效 | 斷言 | assert(+config.analytics.batchSize > 0, 'config.analytics.batchSize is invalid'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.batchSize 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.analytics.batchSize === 'number', 'config.analytics.batchSize is not a number'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.bufferSize 無效 | assert | assert(+config.analytics.bufferSize > 0, 'config.analytics.bufferSize is invalid'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.bufferSize 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.analytics.bufferSize === 'number', 'config.analytics.bufferSize is not a number'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.flushInterval 無效 | 斷言 | assert(+config.analytics.flushInterval > 0, 'config.analytics.flushInterval is invalid'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.flushInterval 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.analytics.flushInterval === 'number', 'config.analytics.flushInterval is not a number'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.proxy 不是「dummy」 | assert | assert(config.analytics.proxy === 'dummy', 'config.analytics.proxy is not "dummy"'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.analytics.proxy | assert | assert(config.analytics.proxy, 'config.analytics.proxy is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.proxy_revision 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.analytics.proxy_revision === 'number', 'config.analytics.proxy_revision is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.analytics.proxy_revision | 斷言 | assert(config.analytics.proxy_revision, 'config.analytics.proxy_revision is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.source 不是「microgateway」 | 斷言 | assert(config.analytics.source === 'microgateway', 'config.analytics.source is not "microgateway"'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.analytics.source | assert | assert(config.analytics.source, 'config.analytics.source is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.analytics.uri 不是字串 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.analytics.uri === 'string', 'config.analytics.uri is not a string'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.analytics.uri | assert | assert(config.analytics.uri, 'config.analytics.uri is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.apikeys.public_key | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.apikeys.public_key === 'string', 'config.apikeys.public_key is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edge_config | 斷言 | assert(config.edge_config, 'config.edge_config is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edge_config.bootstrap | 斷言 | assert(config.edge_config.bootstrap, 'config.edge_config.bootstrap is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edge_config.jwt_public_key | 斷言 | assert(config.edge_config.jwt_public_key, 'config.edge_config.jwt_public_key is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 如果已定義 config.edge_config.proxy_tunnel,則必須定義 config.edge_config.proxy | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.edge_config.proxy !== 'undefined', 'config.edge_config.proxy must be defined if config.edge_config.proxy_tunnel is defined'); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.proxy_tunnel 不是布林值 | assert | assert(typeof config.edge_config.proxy_tunnel === 'boolean', 'config.edge_config.proxy_tunnel is not a boolean'); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.refresh_interval 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.edge_config.refresh_interval === 'number', 'config.edge_config.refresh_interval is not a number'); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.refresh_interval 太短 (最小 1 小時) | assert | assert(config.edge_config.refresh_interval >= 3600000, 'config.edge_config.refresh_interval is too small (min 1h)'); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.retry_interval 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.edge_config.retry_interval === 'number', 'config.edge_config.retry_interval is not a number'); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.retry_interval 太短 (最小 5 秒) | 斷言 | assert(config.edge_config.retry_interval >= 5000, 'config.edge_config.retry_interval is too small (min 5s)'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edgemicro | 斷言 | assert(config.edgemicro, 'config.edgemicro is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edgemicro.logging | assert | assert(config.edgemicro.logging, 'config.edgemicro.logging is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edgemicro.logging.dir | assert | if (!config.edgemicro.logging.to_console) assert(config.edgemicro.logging.dir, 'config.edgemicro.logging.dir is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edgemicro.logging.level | assert | assert(config.edgemicro.logging.level, 'config.edgemicro.logging.level is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.edgemicro.max_connections 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.edgemicro.max_connections === 'number', 'config.edgemicro.max_connections is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edgemicro.max_connections | 斷言 | assert(config.edgemicro.max_connections, 'config.edgemicro.max_connections is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.edgemicro.plugins.sequence 不是陣列 | 斷言 | assert(Array.isArray(config.edgemicro.plugins.sequence), 'config.edgemicro.plugins.sequence is not an array'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.edgemicro.port | 斷言 | assert(config.edgemicro.port, 'config.edgemicro.port is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.oauth.allowInvalidAuthorization | assert | assert(typeof config.oauth.allowInvalidAuthorization === 'boolean', 'config.oauth.allowInvalidAuthorization is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.oauth.allowNoAuthorization | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.oauth.allowNoAuthorization === 'boolean', 'config.oauth.allowNoAuthorization is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.oauth.public_key | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.oauth.public_key === 'string', 'config.oauth.public_key is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.oauthv2.public_key | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.oauthv2.public_key === 'string', 'config.oauthv2.public_key is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxies | 斷言 | assert(config.proxies, 'config.proxies is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxy[ + index + ].base_path | 斷言 | assert(proxy.base_path, 'config.proxy[' + index + '].base_path is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.proxy[ + index + ].max_connections 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof proxy.max_connections === 'number', 'config.proxy[' + index + '].max_connections is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxy[ + index + ].max_connections | 斷言 | assert(proxy.max_connections, 'config.proxy[' + index + '].max_connections is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxy[ + index + ].name | assert | assert(proxy.name, 'config.proxy[' + index + '].name is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxy[ + index + ].proxy_name | 斷言 | assert(proxy.target_name, 'config.proxy[' + index + '].proxy_name is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxy[ + index + ].revision | assert | assert(proxy.revision, 'config.proxy[' + index + '].revision is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.proxy[ + index + ].url | 斷言 | assert(proxy.url, 'config.proxy[' + index + '].url is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.quota.allow 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.quota.allow === 'number', 'config.quota.allow is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.quota.allow | 斷言 | assert(config.quota.allow, 'config.quota.allow is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.quota.interval 不是數字 | assert | assert(typeof config.quota.interval === 'number', 'config.quota.interval is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.quota.interval | 斷言 | assert(config.quota.interval, 'config.quota.interval is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.spikearrest | assert | assert(config.spikearrest, 'config.spikearrest is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.spikearrest.allow 無效 | 斷言 | assert(+config.spikearrest.allow > 0, 'config.spikearrest.allow is invalid'); |
錯誤 | config.spikearrest.allow 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.spikearrest.allow === 'number', 'config.spikearrest.allow is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.spikearrest.allow | 斷言 | assert(config.spikearrest.allow, 'config.spikearrest.allow is not defined'); |
錯誤 | config.spikearrest.bufferSize 無效 | 斷言 | assert(+config.spikearrest.bufferSize > 0, 'config.spikearrest.bufferSize is invalid'); |
錯誤 | config.spikearrest.bufferSize 不是數字 | 斷言 | assert(typeof config.spikearrest.bufferSize === 'number', 'config.spikearrest.bufferSize is not a number'); |
錯誤 | 未定義 config.spikearrest.timeUnit | assert | assert(config.spikearrest.timeUnit, 'config.spikearrest.timeUnit is not defined'); |
錯誤 | 重大錯誤:剖析下載的產品清單時發生錯誤 | 回呼 | |
錯誤 | 嚴重錯誤:剖析已下載 Proxy 清單時發生錯誤 | 回呼 | |
錯誤 | DETECTED PRODUCT MISCONFIGURATION ERROR | console.error | 接著是 console.warn('using old cached configuration'); |
錯誤 | 讀取 | throws | 設定 yaml 檔案 |
錯誤 | 儲存設定至 | 回呼 | 設定 yaml 檔案 |
錯誤 | 致命錯誤:快取設定無法使用,無法繼續 | 回呼 | |
錯誤 | interval_message | assert | assert(+config.quota.interval > 0, interval_message); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.proxy 的通訊協定無效 (應為 http: 或 https:: + proxy_url.protocol) | 斷言 | assert(proxy_url.protocol === 'http:' || proxy_url.protocol === 'https:', 'invalid protocol for config.edge_config.proxy (expected http: or https:): ' + proxy_url.protocol); |
錯誤 | config.edge_config.proxy 的 Proxy 主機無效 | 斷言 | assert(proxy_url.hostname, 'invalid proxy host for config.edge_config.proxy: ' + proxy_url.hostname); |
錯誤 | 似乎尚未設定 Edge Micro,請參閱管理員指南 | 回呼 | 結果:無法載入設定 |
錯誤 | 缺少鍵 | assert | assert(keys.key, 'key is missing'); |
錯誤 | 必須有 configDir | 斷言 | assert(configDir, 'must have configDir') |
錯誤 | 必須提供選項 | assert | assert(options, 'must have options'); |
錯誤 | 必須有來源 | assert | assert(source, 'must have source') |
錯誤 | 必須有來源才能載入 | 斷言 | assert(options.source, 'must have source to load from') |
錯誤 | 必須有 targetFile | 斷言 | assert(fileName, 'must have targetFile') |
錯誤 | 選項不得為空值 | 斷言 | assert(options, 'options cannot be null'); |
錯誤 | options.keys 不得為空值 | 斷言 | assert(options.keys, 'options.keys cannot be null'); |
錯誤 | port_message | 斷言 | assert(+config.edgemicro.port < 65536, port_message); |
錯誤 | products 應為陣列 | assert | assert(Array.isArray(products), 'products should be an array'); |
錯誤 | 'proxies for product ' + product + ' should be an array' | 斷言 | assert(Array.isArray(product.proxies), 'proxies for product ' + product + ' should be an array'); |
錯誤 | 缺少密鑰 | 斷言 | assert(keys.secret, 'secret is missing'); |
錯誤 | 未設定目標 | 斷言 | assert(target, 'target is not set'); |
warn | 下載設定時發生錯誤,請檢查 Bootstrap 設定 | console.warn | |
warn | 無法下載 jwt_public_key | console.warn | |
warn | 未啟用 jwk 金鑰 | console.warn | |
warn | message, 'download from', url, 'returned' | console.warn | 搜尋:(.*)\sdownload from\s(.*)\sreturned |
warn | 回應中找不到邊緣微型產品 | console.warn | |
warn | 在 org 中找不到邊緣微型 Proxy | console.warn | |
warn | 回應中未找到邊緣微型 Proxy | console.warn | |
warn | 找不到 org 中的產品 | console.warn | |
warn | 回應中找不到任何產品 | console.warn | |
warn | 使用舊的快取設定 | console.warn | |
microgateway-plugins 模組 |
錯誤 | 設定不存在 | throws | 與 yaml 檔案相關 |
錯誤 | apikey | HTTP 回應 | apiky 外掛程式發生錯誤 |
錯誤 | bauth | HTTP 回應 | bauth 外掛程式發生錯誤 |
錯誤 | extauth | HTTP 回應 | extauth 外掛程式失敗 |
錯誤 | OAuth | HTTP 回應 | OAuth 外掛程式失敗 |
warn | 處理 Apigee Analytics 時發生錯誤。允許繼續處理要求 | logger.error | |
warn | ignoring err | console.warn | apikeys、oauth 和 oauthv2 外掛程式 |
warn | 剖析 JWT 發生錯誤: | console.warn | |
warn | oath 回應物件缺少 setHeader | console.warn | oauth 參數錯誤表示系統不會回報部分錯誤。 |
warn | 執行階段未提供 oath 回應物件 | console.warn | oauth 參數錯誤 |
warn | 執行階段未提供 oath 統計資料物件 | console.warn | oauth 參數錯誤 |
apigeetool-node 模組 |
錯誤 | 刪除快取失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 deletecache.js 中擲回。Apigee Edge 的狀態代碼。將堆疊追蹤錯誤傳遞至回呼,並附上以下訊息:done(new Error(errMsg)); |
錯誤 | 刪除產品失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 deleteproduct.js 中擲回。Apigee Edge 的狀態代碼。將堆疊追蹤錯誤傳遞至回呼,並附上以下訊息:done(new Error(errMsg)); |
錯誤 | 必須指定 org、api 和修訂版本! | 回呼 | 在 fetchproxy.js 中擲回。設定發生錯誤。 |
錯誤 | 擷取 Proxy 時收到錯誤 %d:%j | 回呼 | 在 fetchproxy.js 中擲回。狀態碼為 200 以外的值。 |
錯誤 | 建立應用程式失敗,狀態碼為 %d | 回呼 | 在 createapp.js 中擲回。將所有錯誤以堆疊追蹤錯誤的形式傳回至回呼。不會產生任何控制台輸出或記錄項目。 |
錯誤 | 指令 + ' 失敗,狀態碼為 %d | 回呼 | 在 command-utils.js 中擲回。無論解析並傳遞至此模組的指令為何,如果程式碼不是 200 或 201,都會產生錯誤訊息。格式化這則訊息,但不會列印。將堆疊追蹤錯誤連同訊息傳回至回呼。 |
錯誤 | 擷取共用流程時收到錯誤 %d:%s | 回呼 | 在 fetchsharedflow.js 中擲回。針對任何非 200 的 HTTP 狀態。如果成功但無法寫入檔案,則會寫入至主控台: 寫入檔案失敗 錯誤文字:[stack_trace_error] |
錯誤 | 建立 KeySecret 失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 createappkey.js 中擲回。適用於 Apigee Edge 傳回的 HTTP 狀態碼,但不是 200 或 201。 |
錯誤 | 建立快取失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 createcache.js 中擲回。適用於 Apigee Edge 傳回的 HTTP 狀態碼,但不是 200 或 201。 |
錯誤 | Create Product 失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 createproduct.js 中擲回。適用於 Apigee Edge 傳回的 HTTP 狀態碼 (非 201)。如果 HTTP 狀態為 201,但回應包含錯誤 JSON,則錯誤 JSON 會轉送至回呼。 |
錯誤 | 刪除應用程式失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 deleteapp.js 中擲回。適用於 Apigee Edge 傳回的非 200 狀態碼。如果 HTTP 狀態為 200,但回應包含錯誤 JSON,則錯誤 JSON 會轉送至回呼。 |
錯誤 | Create Developer 失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 createdeveloper.js 中擲回。適用於 Apigee Edge 傳回的 HTTP 狀態碼 (非 201)。如果 HTTP 狀態為 201,但回應包含錯誤 JSON,則錯誤 JSON 會轉送至回呼。 |
錯誤 | 刪除開發人員失敗,狀態碼為 %d',res.statusCode | 回呼 | 在 deletedeveloper.js 中擲回。適用於 Apigee Edge 傳回的非 200 狀態碼。如果 HTTP 狀態為 200,但回應包含錯誤 JSON,則錯誤 JSON 會轉送至回呼。 |
accesscontrol plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
Not printed | Forbidden | 403 | Access control rule |
accumulate-request plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
accumulate-resopnse plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
analytics plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Errors encountered processing Apigee analytics are written to the Edge Microgateway log. Edge Microgateway processing continues.
apikeys plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
invalid_request | Invalid Request | 400 | allowNoAuthorization == false
No Authorization header in the HTTP request allowOAuthOnly == true |
invalid_request | API Key Verification URL not configured | 400 | Verification API service not in header. |
access_denied | Copy service message | 403 | In response to the auth service timeout |
missing_authorization | Missing API Key header | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Unless allowInvalidAuthorization |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Copy service message | 504 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other not categorized |
bauth plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
missing_authorization | Missing API Key header | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Unless allowInvalidAuthorization |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Copy service message | 504 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other not categorized |
cloud-foundry-route-service plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
cors plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
eurekaclient plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
The eurekaclient plug-in throws a few console errors only, including a stack trace error on failed start and a warning about the target endpoint from Eureka not found.
extauth plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
invalid_request | Invalid Request | 400 | allowNoAuthorization == false
No Authorization header in the HTTP request allowOAuthOnly == true |
invalid_request | API Key Verification URL not configured | 400 | Verification API service not in header. |
access_denied | Copy service message | 403 | In response to the auth service timeout |
missing_authorization | Missing API Key header | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Unless allowInvalidAuthorization |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Copy service message | 504 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other not categorized |
header-uppercase plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
healthcheck plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
503 | Too busy. No messages in HTTP or console | ||
default | Application is not running on specified application port | 500 | All other not categorized |
invalidHeader plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
json2xml plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
default | 500 | All other not categorized |
monitor plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.
oauth plug-in (v1)
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in (v1) with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
invalid_request | Invalid Authorization Header | 400 |
invalid_request | API Key Verification URL not configured | 400 | Verification API service not in header. |
Access_denied | Copy service message | 403 | In response to the auth service timeout |
invalid_token | Missing API Key header | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Unless allowInvalidAuthorization is set |
invalid_token | token could not be parsed | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Bad token delivered |
missing_authorization | Missing Authorization header | 401 | allowNoAuthorization == false
Authorization-header in HTTP allowOAuthOnly == true |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Copy service message | 504 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other uncategorized responses |
oauthv2 plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
invalid_request | Invalid Authorization Header | 400 |
invalid_request | API Key Verification URL not configured | 400 | Verification API service not in header |
access_denied | Copy service message | 403 | In response to the auth service timeout |
invalid_token | Missing API Key header | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Unless allowInvalidAuthorization is set |
invalid_token | token could not be parsed | 401 | allowAPIKeyOnly == true
Bad token delivered |
missing_authorization | Missing Authorization header | 401 | allowNoAuthorization == false
Authorization-header in HTTP allowOAuthOnly == true |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Copy service message | 504 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other uncategorized responses |
quota plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Defers to volos quota/apigee.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Not authorized to call the remote proxy. Check the "key" parameter. | 404 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other not categorized | |
throw | uri parameter must be specified | apigeequota.js | |
throw | key parameter must be specified | apigeequota.js | |
callback | Apigee Remote Proxy not found at: ' + self.uri + '. Check your configuration | apigeequota.js | |
callback | HTTP error getting proxy version: %d. Check the "uri" parameter. | apigeequota.js | |
callback | Quotas with a fixed starting time are not supported | apigeequota.js | |
callback | Error updating remote quota: %d %s', resp.statusCode, body | apigeequota.js |
If there is an error on an entry in the product list, the product list will stop being processed.
quota-memory plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Defers to volos quota/apigee.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
invalid_authorization | Invalid Authorization header | 401 | allowOAuthOnly == true
Authorization-header not in HTTP |
gateway_timeout | Not authorized to call the remote proxy. Check the "key" parameter. | 404 | In response to the auth timeout |
default | 500 | All other not categorized | |
throw | start time not allowed for month time units | quota.js. volos error on time format. | |
throw | Invalid start time %s | quota.js. volos error on time format. | |
throw | Invalid timeUnit %s | quota.js. volos error on time format. |
If there is an error on an entry in the product list, the product list will stop being processed.
spikearrest plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
Defers to volos spikearrest/memory.
Error | Message | HTTP status | Possible Causes |
SpikeArrest engaged | 503 | Traffic spike. This is expected behavior. | |
throw | Invalid timeUnit %s | spikearrest.js | |
callback | key must be a string | spikearrest.js | |
throw | %s must be a number', name | spikearrest.js |
transform-uppercase plug-in
This section describes the error codes and messages that are returned by the
plug-in with descriptions of possible causes.
No errors generated.