Installing Edge Microgateway

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Edge Microgateway v. 2.5.x

This topic explains how to install or uninstall Edge Microgateway.

Minimum hardware requirements

Edge Microgateway requires the following minimum hardware configuration:

  • On a virtual machine (VM), Edge Microgateway requires a minimum of 1 core and at least 256 MB of RAM. The Edge Microgateway process itself takes less than 128 MB of RAM.
  • On a container, Microgateway can be used with an image size of less than 100MB.


  • You must have Node.js version 6.x LTS or 8.x LTS installed on your system. You can check the version by executing the following command:
    node -v
  • Windows requires OpenSSL to be installed and added to the PATH.
  • If you are using Apigee Edge Private Cloud to configure with Edge Microgateway, you must be running Private Cloud version 4.18.01 or later.

Installing Edge Microgateway if you have an internet connection

This section explains how to install Edge Microgateway and initialize a default configuration.

  1. Install the latest version of Edge Microgateway with npm as follows. This command installs the software and puts the edgemicro executable in your path.
    npm install edgemicro -g

    To install a specific version of Edge Microgateway, you need to specify the version number in the installation command. If you do not specify the version number, the latest version will be installed. For example, to install version 2.5.7, use the following command.

    npm install edgemicro@2.5.7 -g
  2. Check the version number. For example, if you installed version 2.5.7:
    edgemicro --version
    current nodejs version is v6.9.1
    current edgemicro version is 2.5.7
  3. Follow the setup and configuration steps in Setting up and configuring Edge Microgateway.

Operating Edge Microgateway on Windows as a Service

You can operate Edge Microgateway on Windows as a service. For details, see Best practices for operational management of Microgateway (edgemicro) on Windows on the Apigee Community.

Can I install Edge Microgateway without an internet connection?

On sites that do not have ready internet access, it is possible for an administrator to install and maintain a private npm registry on your internal network. Instructions for setting up a private npm registry are beyond the scope of this guide; however, you can search for and find helpful instructions. With a private npm registry installed, you can follow the installation instructions given above.

Getting started

If you're new to Edge Microgateway, the Setting up and configuring Edge Microgateway is the best place to start after you complete the install. The setup and configuration guide covers all the steps you need to do to install, configure, start, and use an instance of Edge Microgateway.

Where is Edge Microgateway installed?

When you use npm with the global option (npm install -g edgemicro), the software is installed in [prefix]/lib/node_modules/edgemicro. You can find the value of [prefix] with this command:

npm config get prefix

The prefix config defaults to the location where node is installed. On most systems, this is /usr/local. On Windows, it's %AppData%\npm. The value of [prefix] is configurable. See npm-folders for more information about where Node.js modules are installed by default and how to configure the installation location.

Uninstalling Edge Microgateway

If you need to remove Edge Microgateway:

  1. Delete or archive the installation directory [prefix]/lib/node_modules/edgemicro, where [prefix] is the npm prefix as explained in Where is Edge Microgateway installed?
  2. Delete or archive the log files. By default, edgemicro-*.log files are in /var/tmp/, but this location is configurable. Check the Edge Microgateway configuration file if in doubt.
  3. Delete or archive the runtime config and cache config files:

Kubernetes support

You can use Edge Microgateway to provide Apigee API management for services running in a Kubernetes cluster. See Integrate Edge Microgateway with Kubernetes overview.

Docker support

You can now download the latest Edge Microgateway release as a Docker image:

docker pull