Error message reference

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This page contains links to troubleshooting playbooks for errors and other issues that you may encounter when using Apigee Edge. Each troubleshooting playbook explains how to diagnose and resolve each type of problem.

Analytics problems

These topics explain how to troubleshoot cases where analytics data does not show up in the Analytics dashboards or in custom reports.

Error message or description Playbook
The report timed out: Try again with a smaller date range or a larger aggregation interval.

Analytics reports timing out


Report timed out

You may not observe any error message unless the disk space is completely filled on the Postgres Server. Postgres server running out of disk space
No errors are observed. Custom variable not visible to analytics custom reports
No traffic in the selected date range Data not showing up on analytics dashboards
The topic explains how to do a commonly requested task. Adding and deleting analytics components in analytics groups
Could not get data for path Custom Dimensions not appearing when multiple axgroups have been configured

Deployment errors

Deployment of API proxies might fail due to various reasons such as network connectivity issues between Edge servers, issues with the Cassandra datastore, ZooKeeper exceptions, and errors in the API proxy bundle. This section provides information and guidance on some specific procedures that can be followed for troubleshooting deployment errors.
Error message or description Playbook
Error: Call timed out; either server is down or server is not reachable Timeout Error
Unexpected error Error while fetching children for path Error Fetching Children for Path
Error while accessing datastore;Please retry later Error Accessing Datastore
Configuration failed, associated contexts = [] Configuration failed
Unexpected error occurred while processing the updates, associated contexts = [] Error Processing Updates

Developer Portal errors

These topics provide help you with issues you may encounter when using the developer portal. Before attempting to fix developer portal problems, be sure you have a basic understanding of how the developer portal works, as explained in Developer Portal Troubleshooting Overiew.
Error message or description Playbook
An internal error has occurred. Please retry your request. Developer Portal Internal Error
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. OR There was an error trying to create the App. Please try again later. Developer Portal Communication Issues

Monetization problems

The following topics will help you troubleshoot and fix common Monetization problems.

Error message or description Playbook
        <message>Exceeded developer limit configuration -</message>
        <message>Is Developer Suspended - true</message>
Developer Suspended
You may not observe any error messages, but you will see issues as explained in the Symptom section in Monetization setup issues. Monetization setup issues

Edge Router problems

The Edge Router is implemented with NGINX. During the Edge upgrade process, or when changing the configuration of the Router, you might see NGINX configuration errors. The following topic will help you address such problems.

Error message or description Playbook
You will not see any error messages. However, you might not be able to execute your API proxies because of the bad config files. Bad Config Files
429 Too Many Requests: Tuning Nginx Router connection limits 429 Too Many Requests

OpenLDAP problems

The following topics will help you troubleshoot and fix common OpenLDAP problems.

Error message or description Playbook
Unknown username and password combination. SMTP is disabled and users need to reset password
No errors appear, the Edge UI simply does not show the list of users that should have been replicated across all OpenLDAP servers. LDAP is not replicating.
SLAPD Dead But Pid File Exists Unable to start OpenLDAP
Unknown username and password combination. OpenLDAP data corruption

Runtime errors

The following topics will help you troubleshoot and fix common runtime problems.

Error message or description Playbook
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error OR
      "faultstring":"Execution of ServiceCallout callWCSAuthServiceCallout failed.
        Reason: ResponseCode 400 is treated as error"

500 Internal Server Error
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway OR
   "fault": {
      "faultstring": "Unexpected EOF at target",
      "detail": {
           "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.UnexpectedEOFAtTarget"
502 Bad Gateway
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable OR HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity OR
   "fault": {
      "faultstring": "The Service is temporarily unavailable",
      "detail": {
           "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ServiceUnavailable"
503 Service Unavailable
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable OR Received fatal alert: handshake_failure SSL Handshake Failures
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable OR
 "fault": {
    "faultstring":"The Service is temporarily unavailable",
SSL Handshake Failures - Bad Client Certificate
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout OR
   "fault": {
      "faultstring": "Gateway Timeout",
      "detail": {
           "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.flow.GatewayTimeout"

504 Gateway Timeout

Zookeeper problems

The following topics will help you troubleshoot and fix common Zookeeper problems.
Error message or description Playbook
org: env: main ERROR ZOOKEEPER - ZooKeeperServiceImpl.exists() : Could not detect existence of path: /regions/dc-1/pods/analytics/servers/abc123/reachable , reason: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss


org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss


The Edge UI may display this error:

Error Fetching Deployments Error while checking path existence for path: path
Zookeeper Connection Loss Errors
Data related issues, commonly referred to as wiring issues, can manifest as one of several issues. See Zookeeper Data Issues for details. Zookeeper Data Issues
+ apigee-service apigee-zookeeper status apigee-service: apigee-zookeeper: Not running (DEAD) apigee-all: Error: status failed on [apigee-zookeeper] Unable to Start Zookeeper

Diagnostic tools and logs

These topics describe tools and logs that you can use to help diagnose certain kinds of problems that you may encounter when using Apigee Edge.

  • TCP/IP packet sniffer (tcpdump) utility
    The tcpdump tool is a command-line packet sniffer tool that allows you to capture or filter TCP/IP packets that are received or transferred over a network.
  • Heap dumps
    Heap dumps are a snapshot of the memory of a Java process. They contain the information about the Java objects and classes in the heap at the moment the heap dump is collected.
  • Thread dumps
    A thread dump is a snapshot of the state of all the threads of a running Java process. The state of each thread is presented with the contents of its stack, referred to as a stack trace.