مشکلات شناخته شده با Apigee

شما در حال مشاهده اسناد Apigee Edge هستید.
به مستندات Apigee X بروید .

بخش های زیر مشکلات شناخته شده Apigee را شرح می دهد. در بیشتر موارد، مشکلات ذکر شده در نسخه بعدی برطرف می شود.

Miscellaneous Edge known issues

The following sections describe miscellaneous known issues with Edge.

Area Known issues
Cache expire results in incorrect cachehit value

When the cachehit flow variable is used after the LookupCache policy, due to the way debug points are dispatched for asynchronous behavior, the LookupPolicy populates the DebugInfo object before the call back has executed, resulting in an error.

Workaround: Repeat the process (make second call) again right after the first call.

Setting InvalidateCache Policy PurgeChildEntries to true does not work correctly

Setting PurgeChildEntries in the InvalidateCache policy should purge the KeyFragment element values only but clears the entire cache.

Workaround: Use the KeyValueMapOperations policy to iterate cache versioning and bypass the need for cache invalidation.

Concurrent deployment requests for a SharedFlow or API proxy can result in an inconsistent state in the Management Server where multiple revisions are shown as deployed.

This can happen, for example, when concurrent runs of a CI/CD deployment pipeline occur using different revisions. To avoid this problem, avoid deploying API proxies or SharedFlows before the current deployment is complete.

Workaround: Avoid concurrent API proxy or SharedFlow deployments.

Known issues with the Edge UI

The following sections describe the known issues with the Edge UI.

Area Known issues
Can't access Edge SSO Zone Administration page from navigation bar after organization is mapped to an identity zone When you connect an organization to an identity zone, you can no longer access the Edge SSO Zone Administration page from the left navigation bar by selecting Admin > SSO. As a workaround, navigate to the page directly using the following URL: https://apigee.com/sso

مشکلات شناخته شده با پورتال یکپارچه

بخش های زیر مشکلات شناخته شده پورتال یکپارچه را شرح می دهد.

حوزه مشکلات شناخته شده
  • Apigee Edge از OpenAPI Specification 3.0 پشتیبانی می‌کند زمانی که مشخصاتی را با استفاده از ویرایشگر مشخصات ایجاد می‌کنید و APIها را با استفاده از SmartDocs در پورتال خود منتشر می‌کنید ، اگرچه زیر مجموعه‌ای از ویژگی‌ها هنوز پشتیبانی نمی‌شوند.

    برای مثال، ویژگی‌های زیر از OpenAPI Specification 3.0 هنوز پشتیبانی نمی‌شوند:

    • allOf ویژگی ها برای ترکیب و گسترش طرحواره ها
    • مراجع از راه دور

    اگر یک ویژگی پشتیبانی‌نشده در مشخصات OpenAPI شما ارجاع داده شود، در برخی موارد ابزارها این ویژگی را نادیده می‌گیرند اما همچنان مستندات مرجع API را ارائه می‌کنند. در موارد دیگر، یک ویژگی پشتیبانی نشده باعث بروز خطاهایی می شود که از ارائه موفقیت آمیز اسناد مرجع API جلوگیری می کند. در هر صورت، باید مشخصات OpenAPI خود را تغییر دهید تا از استفاده از ویژگی پشتیبانی نشده تا زمانی که در نسخه بعدی پشتیبانی نشود، خودداری کنید.

    توجه : از آنجایی که ویرایشگر مشخصات در هنگام ارائه اسناد مرجع API محدودتر از SmartDocs است، ممکن است نتایج متفاوتی را بین ابزارها تجربه کنید.

  • هنگام استفاده از Try this API در پورتال، هدر Accept بدون توجه به مقدار تنظیم شده برای consumes در مشخصات OpenAPI، روی application/json تنظیم می شود.
ارائه دهنده هویت SAML خروج واحد (SLO) با ارائه دهنده هویت SAML برای دامنه های سفارشی پشتیبانی نمی شود. برای فعال کردن دامنه سفارشی با ارائه‌دهنده هویت SAML، هنگام پیکربندی تنظیمات SAML، فیلد URL خروج از سیستم را خالی بگذارید.
ادمین پورتال
  • به‌روزرسانی‌های همزمان پورتال (مانند ویرایش صفحه، موضوع، CSS یا اسکریپت) توسط چندین کاربر در حال حاضر پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.
  • اگر یک صفحه مستندات مرجع API را از پورتال حذف کنید، راهی برای ایجاد مجدد آن وجود ندارد. شما باید محصول API را حذف و دوباره اضافه کنید و اسناد مرجع API را دوباره ایجاد کنید.
  • هنگام پیکربندی خط‌مشی امنیت محتوا ، ممکن است حداکثر 15 دقیقه طول بکشد تا تغییرات به طور کامل اعمال شوند.
  • هنگام سفارشی کردن تم پورتال خود ، ممکن است تا 5 دقیقه طول بکشد تا تغییرات به طور کامل اعمال شوند.
ویژگی های پورتال
  • جستجو در نسخه آینده در پورتال یکپارچه ادغام خواهد شد.

Known issues with Edge for Private Cloud

The following sections describe the known issues with Edge for Private Cloud.

Area Known issues
Edge for Private Cloud 4.52.01 Mint update

This issue affects only those who are using MINT or have MINT enabled in Edge for Private Cloud installations.

Component affected: edge-message-processor

Issue: If you have monetization enabled and are installing 4.52.01 as a fresh install or upgrading from previous Private Cloud versions, you will encounter an issue with message processors. There will be a gradual increase in open thread count leading to resource exhaustion. The following exception is seen in edge-message-processor system.log:

Error injecting constructor, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
Apigee HTTP/2 vulnerability

A Denial-of-Service (DoS) vulnerability was recently discovered in multiple implementations of the HTTP/2 protocol (CVE-2023-44487), including in Apigee Edge for Private Cloud. The vulnerability could lead to a DoS of Apigee API management functionality. For more details, see Apigee Security Bulletin GCP-2023-032.

The Edge for Private Cloud router and management server components are exposed to the internet and can potentially be vulnerable. Although HTTP/2 is enabled on the management port of other Edge-specific components of Edge for Private Cloud, none of those components are exposed to the internet. On non-Edge components, like Cassandra, Zookeeper and others, HTTP/2 is not enabled. We recommend that you take the following steps to address the Edge for Private Cloud vulnerability:

Follow these steps if you are using Edge Private Cloud versions or newer:

  1. Update the management server:

    1. On each management server node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/management-server.properties
    2. Add this line to the properties file:
    3. Restart the management server component:
      apigee-service edge-management-server restart
  2. Update the message processor:

    1. On each message processor node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/message-processor.properties
    2. Add this line to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-message-processor restart
  3. Update the router:

    1. On each router node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/router.properties
    2. Add this line to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-router restart
  4. Update QPID:

    1. On each QPID node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/qpid-server.properties
    2. Add this line to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-qpid-server restart
  5. Update Postgres:

    1. On each Postgres node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/postgres-server.properties
    2. Add this line to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-postgres-server restart

Follow these steps if you are using Edge for Private Cloud versions older than

  1. Update the management server:

    1. On each management server node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/management-server.properties
    2. Add the following two lines to the properties file:
    3. Restart the management server component:
      apigee-service edge-management-server restart
  2. Update the message processor:

    1. On each message processor node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/message-processor.properties
    2. Add the following two lines to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-message-processor restart
  3. Update the router:

    1. On each router node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/router.properties
    2. Add the following two lines to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-router restart
  4. Update QPID:

    1. On each QPID node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/qpid-server.properties
    2. Add the following two lines to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-qpid-server restart
  5. Update Postgres:

    1. On each Postgres node, open /opt/apigee/customer/application/postgres-server.properties
    2. Add the following two lines to the properties file:
    3. Restart the message processor component:
      apigee-service edge-postgres-server restart
Postgresql upgrade when updating to version 4.52

Apigee-postgresql is having issues with upgrading from Edge for Private Cloud version 4.50 or 4.51 to version 4.52. The issues mainly occur when the number of tables is greater than 500.

You can check the total number of tables in Postgres by running the SQL query below:

select count(*) from information_schema.tables

Workaround: When Updating Apigee Edge 4.50.00 or 4.51.00 to 4.52.00, be sure to perform the preliminary step before upgrading Apigee-postgresql.

LDAP policy

149245401: LDAP connection pool settings for JNDI configured through the LDAP resource are not reflected, and JNDI defaults cause single-use connections each time. As a result, connections are being opened and closed each time for single use, creating a large number of connections per hour to the LDAP server.


In order to change the LDAP connection pool properties, do the following steps to set a global change across all LDAP policies.

  1. Create a configuration properties file if it does not already exist:
  2. Add the following to the file (replace values of Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) properties based on your LDAP resource configuration requirement).
  3. Make sure the file /opt/apigee/customer/application/message-processor.properties is owned by apigee:apigee.
  4. Restart each message processor.

To verify that your connection pool JNDI properties are taking effect, you can perform a tcpdump to observe the behavior of the LDAP connection pool over time.

High Request Processing Latency

139051927: High proxy processing latencies found in the Message Processor are affecting all API Proxies. Symptoms include 200-300ms delays in processing times over normal API response times and can occur randomly even with low TPS. This can occur when than more than 50 target servers in which a message processor makes connections.

Root cause: Message processors keep a cache that maps target server URL to HTTPClient object for outgoing connections to target servers. By default this setting is set to 50 which may be too low for most deployments. When a deployment has multiple org/env combinations in a setup, and have a large number of target servers that exceed 50 altogether, the target server URLs keep getting evicted from cache, causing latencies.

Validation: To determine if target server URL eviction is causing the latency problem, search the Message Processor system.logs for keyword "onEvict" or "Eviction". Their presence in the logs indicate that target server URLs are getting evicted from the HTTPClient cache because the cache size is too small.

Workaround: For Edge for Private Cloud versions 19.01 and 19.06, you can edit and configure the HTTPClient cache, /opt/apigee/customer/application/message-processor.properties:


Then restart the message processor. Make the same changes for all message processors.

The value 500 is an example. The optimal value for your setup should be greater than the number of target servers that the message processor would connect to. There are no side effects from setting this property higher, and the only affect would be an improved message processor proxy request processing times.

Note: Edge for Private Cloud version 50.00 has the default setting of 500.

Multiple entries for key value maps

157933959: Concurrent inserts and updates to the same key value map (KVM) scoped to the organization or environment level causes inconsistent data and lost updates.

Note: This limitation only applies to Edge for Private Cloud. Edge for Public Cloud and Hybrid do not have this limitation.

For a workaround in Edge for Private Cloud, create the KVM at the apiproxy scope.