2.0.0 - Apigee Edge / Cloud Foundry Integration release notes

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New features and enhancements

Authentication with OAuth2 tokens

The service broker now supports authentication with OAuth2 tokens (recommended) or Basic authentication. As described in “Creating an Edge API proxy,” you can easily get an OAuth2 token from your Edge instance and pass it with requests to bind a route service to an Edge proxy.

Apigee no longer stores your org admin user ID and password

With this release’s support for OAuth2, you no longer need to submit your Edge user ID and password when creating an instance of the service broker. Instead, you can authenticate with an OAuth token you retrieve separately from Edge.

Fewer dependencies

With this release, external storage for route and binding configuration is no longer required, simplifying deployment. Previously, the Apigee Edge service broker used Redis to store route and binding configuration. The broker now requires that you pass configuration information with every bind call. Unbinding no longer does any clean up; if you unbind, simply pass the configuration information when you bind a proxy.

Optional integration of Edge Microgateway with Cloud Foundry

You can optionally integrate Edge Microgateway with Cloud Foundry. You can do this through an add-on that you include in Edge Microgateway. You can then push your Edge Microgateway instance to Cloud Foundry, where it will be managed by Cloud Foundry.

For more information, see readme content for the add-on.

Automatic Edge Microgateway configuration refresh

As Edge Microgateway is dynamically scaled in Cloud Foundry, configuration for new instances automatically refreshed (there is no practical way to command some arbitrary number of instances to reload their configs). Edge Microgateway reloads after there are new or changed proxies.

Improved documentation

See the following links for documentation content: