- Edge for Private Cloud release notes

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On Thursday, August 4, 2016, we released a new version of Apigee Edge for Private Cloud.

Update procedure

This release includes an update to the OpenLDAP RPM. To update your installation, perform the following procedure on all OpenLDAP nodes:

  1. Update the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies:

    > sudo bash /tmp/bootstrap_4.16.05.sh apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord JAVA_FIX=I

    where uName:pWord are the username and password you received from Apigee. If you omit pWord, you will be prompted to enter it.

  2. Source the apigee-service.sh file:
    > source /etc/profile.d/apigee-service.sh

  3. Clean Yum repos:
    > sudo yum clean all

  4. Update apigee-setup:
    >/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup update

  5. Update OpenLDAP:
    >/opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/update.sh -c ldap -f configFile

    where configFile specifies the config file you used to install Edge.

Bugs fixed

The following bugs are fixed in this release.

Issue ID Description Build number

Initial sysadmin account is not linked to correct LDAP password policy

This issues resulted in the default policy with password expiration being applied to the sysadmin, locking out the sysadmin user after 30 days.


Known issues

This release has the following known issues.

Issue ID Description

Router fails to start Nginx or Router fails to start

If the Edge Router fails to start Nginx or fails to start at all, as shown in the /opt/apigee/var/log/edge-router/logs/system.log file, then delete all files in the /opt/nginx/conf.d directory, and restart the router:

> rm -f /opt/nginx/conf.d/*
> /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service edge-router restart

Message Processor does DNS lookup on IPv4 and IPv6

If you have installed and enabled NSCD (Name Service Cache Daemon) you might notice that Message Processors make two DNS lookups: one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.

To disable the DNS lookup on IPv6:

  1. On every Message Processor node, edit /etc/nscd.conf.
  2. Set the following property:

    enable-cache hosts no

Error when running "apigee-service apigee-postgresql pg-data-purge" command

If you run the "apigee-service apigee-postgresql pg-data-purge" command and see an error in the form:

ERROR: must be owner of relation

Edit /opt/apigee/apigee-postgresql-4.16.05-0.0.894/lib/actions/pg-data-purge and set the following property to 'apigee':


DOC-1687 Due to a known package dependency conflict, the Katello agent used in Satellite Server 6 will not install properly on Apigee Edge hosts running the Qpid daemon.