4.17.01 - Edge for Private Cloud release notes

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On Wednesday, January 25, 2017, we released a new version of Apigee Edge for Private Cloud.

Since the previous Edge for Private Cloud Feature Release, the following releases have occurred and are included in this Feature Release:

See About release numbering to understand how you can figure out whether a specific cloud release is included in your version of Edge for Private Cloud.

Release overview

This release includes a number notable features that help you better control and secure your APIs.

Shared Flows and Flow Hooks let you create a reusable set of policies and behaviors across multiple API proxies.

Key value maps (KVMs), which were already an Edge feature for long-term persistence of key-value pairs, can now be encrypted for stronger data security.

For more flexible control over developer access to your APIs, the Edge management UI provides more options for creating and managing API keys and secrets (credentials), revoking developer apps, and deactivating developers. These enhancements let you more easily implement strategies such as API key rotation and let you disable multiple API keys by revoking a developer app (all its keys are disabled) or deactivating a developer (all of the developer’s apps and keys are disabled).

On the deprecation front, the Monetization Limits feature was retired.

The remainder of this topic contains details on all the new features, updates, and bug fixes contained in the release.

Deprecations and retirements

The following features were deprecated or retired in this release. See the Edge deprecation policy for more information.

Retired: Monetization Limits (Cloud 16.10.26 UI)

The monetization Limits feature has been removed from the management UI (Admin > Limits). See the deprecation notice for more details, including what to use instead: http://docs.apigee.com/monetization/content/limit-feature-deprecation-notice. (DEVRT-3259)

Support for RedHat/CentOS version 6.5 removed

If you are currently using RedHat/CentOS version 6.5, you must update your operating system to version 6.6 or later before you update to Edge 4.17.01.

New features and updates

Following are the new features and enhancements in this release. In addition to the following enhancements, this release also contains multiple usability, performance, security, and stability enhancements.

For further details and instructions, see the Edge for Private Cloud documentation.

Private Cloud

You can display a consent banner when a user first accesses the Edge UI. The consent banner displays HTML-formatted text and a button that the user selects to proceed to the log in screen. See Enabling the consent banner for more.

API BaaS supports multiple data centers

You can now install API BaaS in multiple data centers. See Multiple Data Center Installation for API BaaS for more.

New API BaaS installation configuration parameters

Two new configuration parameters have been added to the API BaaS configuration file:

  • BAAS_CASS_DC_LIST - specifies the region names of the BaaS data centers. For a single data center, specify the same value as BAAS_CASS_LOCALDC.
  • BAAS_CLUSTER_SEEDS - specifies the BaaS Stack nodes used to define the seeds of the BaaS cluster.

See Update Apigee Edge 4.16.09 to 4.17.01 for more.

No longer run "deploy" option with apigee-service command for API BaaS

The deploy option for the apigee-service command is no longer supported for API BaaS Stack and Portal. Instead, you use the configure and restart options. See API BaaS Installation for more.

New port requirement for API BaaS

All BaaS Stack nodes must now open port 2551 for access from all other Stack nodes. If you have multiple BaaS Data Centers, the port must be accessible from all Stack nodes in all Data Centers.

See API BaaS Installation and Installation Requirements for more.

Developer Services portal now uses Postgres as its database and Nginx as its web server

For all new installations, the portal uses Postgres as its database instead of MySQL and MariaDB. Customers upgrading to 4.17.01 from a previous version continue to use MySQL or MariaDB.

New installations for 4.17.01 also install Nginx as the web server. Customers upgrading to 4.17.01 from a previous version continue to use Apache.

Developer Services portal no longer enables SmartDocs by default

You must enable SmartDocs on the portal. For more information on SmartDocs, see Using SmartDocs to document APIs.

Developer Services portal now installed from RPMs

The 4.17.01 version of the Developer Services portal is installed from RPMs using the same repo and tools as Edge and API BaaS. See Developer Services portal installation for more.

The RPM-based install and the .tar-based updater use different components:

RPM-based install

.tar-based install

Web server



Web root










php-fpm (FastCGI)

mod_php (in-process with Apache)

Qpid upgraded to version 1.35

This release includes Qpid version 1.35.

Cassandra upgraded to version 2.1.16

This release includes Cassandra version 2.1.16.

Play upgraded to version 2.4

This release includes the Play 2.4 UI framework.

Support for RedHat/CentOS version 7.3 added

Edge now supports RedHat/CentOS version 7.3.

Updates to Beta Monitoring Dashboard

The Beta version of the Edge Monitoring Dashboard has been updated to:

  • Include new dashboards for Cassandra, Zookeeper, OpenLDAP, Postgres, and Qpid.
  • Upgraded Influx version in 4.16.09 from 0.11 to 1.0.2.
  • Added a number of stability fixes.

See Apigee Monitoring Dashboard Beta Overview for more.

Can now set Postgres password in installation config file

Use the PG_PWD property to set the Postgres password in the installation config file. See Edge Configuration File Reference for more.

Enable EPEL repo

You must enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) to install or update Edge. See Installation Requirements for more.

The command you use depends on your version of RedHat/CentOS:

  • For RedHat/CentOS 7.x:
    > wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm; rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
  • For RedHat/CentOS 6.x:
    wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm; rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm

Disable DNS lookup on IPv6 when using NSCD (Name Service Cache Daemon)

If you have installed and enabled NSCD (Name Service Cache Daemon) the Message Processors makes two DNS lookups: one for IPv4 and one for IPv6. You must disable DNS lookup on IPv6 when using NSCD. See Installation Requirements for more.

To disable the DNS lookup on IPv6:

  1. On every Message Processor node, edit /etc/nscd.conf.
  2. Set the following property:
    enable-cache hosts no

API Services

Shared Flows and Flow Hooks to operationalize API proxies (Cloud 16.09.21)

A new "Shared Flows" feature lets you operationalize functionality in API proxies. By combining conditionalized policies and resources into a Shared Flow, you can reference it from any API proxy to execute single-source, reusable logic. For example, a Shared Flow might verify the API key, protect against spike arrests, and log data.

You define Shared Flows in the management UI (APIs > Shared Flows), then reference them in two different ways:

  • With a new Flow Callout policy in an API proxy
  • On a new artifact called Flow Hooks, which are in the following locations:

    These attachment points let you execute operational logic before or after the main flow points of the individual proxy. You assign Shared Flows to these Flow Hook locations in the management UI (APIs > Environment Configuration > Flow Hooks).

    • Request: Before the ProxyEndpoint PreFlow, after the TargetEndpoint PostFlow
    • Response: Before the TargetEndpoint PreFlow, after the ProxyEndpoint PostFlow

For more information, see Reusable shared flows and Attaching a shared flow using a flow hook.

Encrypted key value maps (Cloud 16.09.21)

You can create encrypted key value maps (KVMs) for storing sensitive information such as credentials or PII/HIPAA data. This feature is different than the existing Edge secure store (vault) and is designed to supplant it, as vault values can be accessed only with Node.js (in addition to the management API). You can access encrypted KVM values with Node.js or the Key Value Map Operations policy.

Creating encrypted KVMs

  • Use the existing KVM management APIs. When you include “encrypted”: “true” in the payload definition when creating a KVM, Edge generates an encryption key that has the same scope as the KVM and encrypts the KVM using that key.
  • You cannot use the Key Value Map Operations policy to create an encrypted KVM. You have to create an encrypted KVM using the KVM management APIs before using it in the policy.
  • You cannot encrypt an existing unencrypted KVM.

Using encrypted KVMs

  • Use the Key Value Map Operations policy to get and update encrypted KVM values.
  • When getting an encrypted key value, prefix the variable to hold the value with the keyword "private." For example: <Get assignTo="private.secretVar">. That private.secretVar variable holds the decrypted value.
  • When updating a value with the policy, you don't need to do anything special. The value will be encrypted automatically in encrypted KVMs.
  • You can also access the decrypted value using the apigee-access module in Node.js code. Use the function getKeyValueMap() to retrieve a KVM based on the name and scope. Two functions are available on the returned object: getKeys(callback) to get an array of key names and get(key, callback) to get the value for a particular key. For example, the following gets an apiproxy-scoped KVM called VerySecureKVM and retrieves the encrypted value of key1:
    var apigee = require('apigee-access');
      var encryptedKVM = apigee.getKeyValueMap('VerySecureKVM', 'apiproxy'); 
      encryptedKVM.get('key1', function(err, secretValue) { 
      // use the secret value here 

For more information, see Working with key value maps and Accessing key value maps in Node.js.


Create encrypted key value maps in the UI (16.10.26 UI)

When creating an environment-scoped key value map (KVM) in the management UI (APIs > Environment Configuration > Key Value Maps), a new Encrypted checkbox lets you create an encrypted KVM. After you add keys to the KVM, the encrypted values appear in the management UI as asterisks (*****). You add keys/values to an encrypted KVM exactly as you do for non-encrypted KVMs. Full backend support for encrypted KVMs was available in cloud release 160921. (EDGEUI-764)

OpenAPI Spec URLs included in API proxy metadata (Cloud 16.09.21)

When you create an API proxy based on an OpenAPI Specification, the location of the OpenAPI Spec is stored in the API proxy metadata. For example, if you use the management API to get the details of a proxy revision, the metadata includes the path to the OpenAPI Spec in the following format:

"spec" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apigee/api-platform-samples/master/default-proxies/helloworld/openapi/mocktarget.yaml"

This enhancement supports the next-generation version of Edge, which links OpenAPI Specs to API proxies, API products, and API reference docs in the new developer portal. (MGMT-2913)

OpenAPI Spec generation for SOAP proxies (Cloud 16.10.05 UI)

When you create a "REST to SOAP to REST" proxy based on a WSDL, Edge automatically generates a hosted OpenAPI Spec based on the proxy resources. You can access the spec at http(s)://[edge_domain]/[proxy_base_path]/openapi.json. However, the conversion is not always accurate, since not all the rules of an XML schema can be represented in an OpenAPI Spec. (EDGEUI-718)

Edge-hosted WSDL for passthrough SOAP proxies (Cloud 16.10.05 UI)

When you create a "Pass-Through SOAP" proxy based on a WSDL, Edge hosts the WSDL and creates a flow in the proxy to let you access it. You can access the hosted WSDL at http(s)://[edge_domain]/[proxy_base_path]?wsdl, which is the new service endpoint URL for clients calling the SOAP service through the proxy. (EDGEUI-718)

New sample stock quote WSDL in API proxy wizard (Cloud

When creating a SOAP service API with the API proxy wizard, a replacement stock quote WSDL is available in the examples: https://ws.cdyne.com/delayedstockquote/delayedstockquote.asmx?WSDL. (EDGEUI-655)

Developer Services

Developer app management goodness in the UI (Cloud 16.10.05 UI)

Developer app management in the Edge UI has gotten more powerful with a number of enhancements:

  • You can revoke and approve apps (in edit mode) in a new "App Status" field. In view mode, the field also displays the current app status. If an app is revoked, none of its API keys are valid for API calls. They keys themselves aren’t revoked and are available again for use if the developer is re-approved. The "Approved" label for API keys is displayed in strikethrough text while an app is in a revoked state.
  • API key expiry dates are now shown on the Developer App Details page, and keys are organized by expiry dates in a "Credentials" section. For example, a key with no expiration is shown in one group with its associated API products, and a key that expires in 90 days is shown in another group with its associated products. You can’t change the expiration of an existing credential.
  • With a new add Credential button in Developer App edit mode, you can generate API keys with specific expiration times or dates (or no expiration). As (or after) you create a credential, you can add API products to it.
    This functionality replaces the "Regenerate Key" button on the Developer App Details page. That button has been removed.

These enhancements add features in the UI that were already available in the management API. (EDGEUI-104)

Activate/Deactivate app developer in the UI (Cloud 16.10.05 UI)

You can change the status of an app developer between active and inactive in the Edge UI (Developer Details page, edit mode, Activate/Deactivate button). When a developer is inactive, none of her developer app API keys or OAuth tokens generated with those keys are valid in calls to API proxies. (EDGEUI-304)

Inactive developer indicators in the UI (16.10.26 UI)

When an app developer is set to "Inactive," the developer's apps and credentials are no longer valid even though they remain in an "Approved" state. Now when viewing an inactive developer's apps and credentials in the management UI, the "Approved" status label on apps and credentials is displayed in strikethrough text, and a mouseover tooltip on the label indicates that the developer is inactive. If the developer is restored to "Active," her approved apps and credentials are once again valid, and the strikethrough text on the "Approved" label is removed. (EDGEUI-728)

Analytics Services

Renamed "Error Code Analysis" dashboard (16.10.26 UI)

The "Error Analysis" dashboard has been renamed to "Error Code Analysis." The dashboard includes API calls with HTTP status codes of 4xx and 5xx. (EDGEUI-738)

TPS data on proxy dashboards (16.10.26 UI)

Data for average transactions per second ("Average TPS") has been added to the main Proxy Traffic dashboard. In addition, when you hover over individual data points on the Proxy Traffic and Proxy Performance charts, TPS for that time interval is displayed in the tooltip. (EDGEUI-668)

Analytics error display (16.10.26 UI)

When an analytics dashboard received a 500 error, the management UI displayed "Report timed out" regardless of the error. To provide better troubleshooting capabilities, the UI now displays the actual error. (EDGEUI-753)

Bugs fixed

The following bugs are fixed in this release. This list is primarily for users checking to see if their support tickets have been fixed. It's not designed to provide detailed information for all users.

Edge for Private Cloud 4.17.01

Issue ID Description
APIBAAS-1990 API BaaS Stack no longer tries to authenticate to SMTP when smtp.auth is false

Running the "apigee-service baas-usergrid restart" command now also runs "configure"

You no longer have to run "apigee-service baas-usergrid configure" followed by "apigee-service baas-usergrid restart" for the BaaS Stack.


Do not perform DNS lookup if the host name is an IP address.


"apigee-all -version" now shows version of edge-mint-* RPMs


Added "pdb" option to install Postgres database only.

Used only when installing the Developer Services portal. See Developer Services portal installation.

Cloud 16.10.26 (UI)

Issue ID Description
EDGEUI-768 Proxy creation with StockQuote WSDL is failing

Cloud 16.09.21_9

Issue ID Description
MGMT-3674 Unable to create encrypted KVM or Vaults for HIPAA-enabled orgs
MGMT-3647 Userrole access for users with Capitalized email throws 403

Cloud 16.09.21

Issue ID Description
APIRT-3507 Intermittent errors (such as SNI errors) on JavaScript service callouts
APIRT-3408 MP release 160817 apigee-access analytics module processing messages differently

Change in fault response returned by refresh access token policy

APIRT-3381 High latencies on customer production proxies
APIRT-3366 Javascript policies are failing on all new Trial organizations
APIRT-3363 Invalid URL parsing returns a 500 status with ApplicationNotFound
APIRT-3356 OAuth invalid token message
APIRT-3355 Intermittent 403 error on OAuth proxy
APIRT-3261 Credentials are validated against another dev app in production
APIRT-3234 Node.js app returns NPE
APIRT-3223 Apigee stale cache issue
APIRT-3193 Node.js target server is hanging after move to ASG
APIRT-3152 cachedlogs management call causes log messages to be broken up
APIRT-3117 MP reached 100% CPU utilization and stopped serving traffic
APIRT-3064 Router - custom 503 error message from router
APIRT-2620 Separate thread pool for some blocking steps to improve load handling
CORESERV-774 Access using valid key with invalid apiproduct reference causes internal server error

Cloud 16.10.05 (UI)

Issue ID Description
EDGEUI-697 Reports page export button
The Export button has been removed from the Custom Reports home page. Report export is available on each custom reports page.


Issue ID Description
EDGEUI-663 Proxy generated for WeatherHttpGet port of Weather.wsdl fails at runtime with 500 error
When generating an API proxy for a SOAP service, WSDL ports without a SOAP protocol binding are no longer visible in the API proxy wizard. This is by design, as the wizard only generates SOAP requests.
EDGEUI-658 SOAP WSDL passthrough operation name issue
EDGEUI-653 Error in creating node.js API Proxy when Enable Cors option is selected
EDGEUI-648 Calls From the UI that take between 2 and 3 minutes time out
EDGEUI-623 Organization history Change date button does not work on Firefox