Apigee release process

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This topic describes the release process for Apigee products.


Apigee Edge follows a continuous release model for the Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Edge Microgateway products to ensure our users can access the product innovation and enhancements quickly and at the highest quality possible.

All releases are expected to be free of interruption to the products, unless it is a planned downtime which will be done with at least five business days notification. As Apigee products provide a mission-critical infrastructure that enables access to enterprise services by developers, customers, employees and partners, new releases often require our customers to perform advance planning with internal and external stakeholders. We believe a clearly communicated release cadence will assist in this planning.

Getting release notifications

You can sign up to receive release notifications by going to this page and clicking the Subscribe to Updates button.

Apigee Edge Public Cloud release process

About release numbering

Releases use the following numbering scheme: YY.MM.DD, where:

  • YY is the two-digit year in which the release occurred.
  • MM is the two-digit month in which the release occurred.
  • DD is the day of the month on which the release occurred.

Release numbers for Public Cloud represent approximate release dates. For example, Public Cloud release 19.03.01 roughly corresponds to March 1, 2019.

Release windows

  • Release windows are every Monday through Thursday.
  • During the release window, you will see information about a release in progress when you go to https://status.apigee.com.
  • Upon completion of the release, you can find release notes at http://docs.apigee.com/release/notes/apigee-edge-release-notes.
  • All releases are expected to be free of interruption to Apigee Edge, unless it is a planned downtime, which will be done with at least five business days notification.
  • Our Global Services Center (GSC) will be available 24x7 as usual and during the release windows if you need to raise a support ticket.
  • Hot fixes or emergency patches, due to their time-critical nature, are excluded from this process and will be released with urgency and as soon as possible without prior notification.

Apigee Edge for Private Cloud support timeline

The following sections describe the Apigee Edge for Private Cloud support timeline. For supported versions of third-party software, see Edge for Private Cloud supported versions.

Full support phase

The full support phase for a major version of Edge for Private Cloud lasts for 18 months following the version's initial release date. During this phase, you can submit support tickets for help using Edge for Private Cloud. Apigee will also release patches quarterly, and hot fixes as necessary, to fix bugs and make improvements to features.

The full support phase ends on the end-of-life date (18 months after the initial release date), after which you must upgrade to the next major version of Edge for Private Cloud to continue to receive full support.

End-of-life phase

At the end-of-life date, a major version of Edge for Private Cloud enters the end-of-life phase. After this date, Apigee will no longer provide full support for the major version: all bug fixes, hot fixes, security updates, and patches end for the major version line.

However, if you upgraded to a patch release for the major version, you will continue to receive break-fix support (described below) for 12 months after the release date of the latest patch you upgraded to.

Break-fix support

During the end-of-life phase, if you are within 12 months of the release date of the latest patch release that you upgraded to, you can still file support requests for break-fix support for an issue. Break-fix support includes:

  • Review, analysis, and troubleshooting of the issue.
  • Providing workarounds and best practices to solve the issue.

However, no bug fix patches will be provided for the major version. If no solution on the version is possible, and the problem is determined to be a bug, the bug fix may be included in a subsequent major version, in which case you will need to upgrade to the later version to resolve the issue.

Support end dates for version 4.52

The following table lists the dates when support for version 4.52 ends, based on the latest patch release you upgraded to.

Latest patch release you upgraded to Release date Support end date
4.52.02 6/27/2024 12/31/2025 5/23/2024 9/30/2025
4.52.01 3/28/2024 9/30/2025 2/13/2024 2/13/2025 10/25/2023 10/25/2024 07/25/2023 08/31/2024 04/19/2023 08/31/2024
4.52.00 (initial release) 02/14/2023 08/31/2024

Support end dates for version 4.51

The following table lists the dates when support for version 4.51 ends, based on the latest patch release you upgraded to.

Latest patch release you upgraded to Release date Support end date 03/20/2023 03/20/2024 10/26/2022 10/26/2023 09/28/2022 09/28/2023 08/25/2022 08/25/2023 06/27/2022 06/27/2023 05/26/2022 05/26/2023 04/28/2022 04/28/2023 03/28/2022 03/28/2023 02/16/2022 02/16/2023 01/13/2022 01/31/2023 11/03/2021 01/31/2023 09/28/2021 01/31/2023
4.51.00 (initial release) 07/29/2021 01/31/2023

Support end dates for version 4.50

The following table lists the dates when support for version 4.50 ends, based on the latest patch release you upgraded to.

Latest patch release you upgraded to Release date Support end date 02/22/2022 02/22/2023 01/13/2022 01/13/2023 11/03/2021 11/03/2022 09/23/2021 09/23/2022 08/26/2021 08/26/2022 08/18/2021 08/18/2022 03/30/2021 03/30/2022 02/19/2021 02/23/2022 01/22/2021 02/23/2022 10/28/2020 02/23/2022 10/08/2020 02/23/2022 09/29/2020 02/23/2022 08/20/2020 02/23/2022 08/06/2020 02/23/2022
4.50.00 (initial release) 06/26/2020 02/23/2022

Apigee Edge for Private Cloud release process

Versioning numbering scheme

Starting with 4.50.00, Apigee Edge for Private Cloud releases will use the following version numbering scheme: 4.5N.XX-YY.ZZ, where:

Number part Description
5N Starting with 50, this number will increment by 1 for each major release.
XX Starting with 00, this number will increment by 1 for each minor release.
YY Starting with 00, this number will increment by 1 for each patch release.
ZZ Starting with 00, this number is reserved for hotfixes only.

For example, after release (4.50.00), the next patch release after that is

Types of releases and their cadences

Apigee Edge for Private Cloud has the following types of releases:

Release type Description Cadence
Major versions May include significant changes to the architecture, rewrites of components, and upgrades to software components. Upgrade paths from the currently supported versions will be provided. As needed.
Minor versions May include cumulative bug fixes, configuration changes, installer changes, documentation changes, enhancements, features, and security vulnerability mitigation. Once per year.
Patches Priority issues that are resolved for customers. As needed, up to four times per year, if there are priority issues to be resolved for customers.
Hot fixes Targeted critical bug fixes and security vulnerability mitigation. As soon as possible, depending on the severity of the issue.

Installer downloads

For Apigee Edge for Private Cloud version 4.16.01 and later, use the credentials you received from Apigee to:

Management plane compatibility and support timelines

Apigee hybrid management plane will remain compatible with and be supported to work with a new hybrid runtime release for 12 months after the runtime version is published (or the greater of the last 4 runtime releases and 12 months).

A management plane upgrade may break a runtime version that was published 12 months or longer.

After the support window expires, Apigee requires customers to upgrade to a current release. No support tickets will be accepted for any releases that are outside the support window.


Apigee will collect and store hybrid runtime versions in the management plane. This information will be used to notify customers who are at risk of operating hybrid runtime on a version that will no longer be supported by Apigee.

Edge Microgateway release process

This section describes the versioning scheme, release cadence, and support timelines for Edge Microgateway. For more information, see the Release notes.

Release versioning scheme

Releases for Edge Microgateway use the following numbering scheme: Major.Minor.Patch. For example, 3.2.1, where the major number is 3, the minor number is 2, and the patch number is 1.

Release degree Description
Major Major releases may contain new features and enhancements, cumulative bug fixes, security vulnerability mitigation, configuration changes, and infrastructure/architecture changes.
Minor Minor releases may contain existing feature enhancements, cumulative bug fixes, and security vulnerability mitigation.
Patch Patch releases may contain bug fixes and targeted security vulnerability mitigation.

Release cadence

Apigee will release a new version of Edge Microgateway approximately once a month; however, this monthly release cadence is subject to change and may be longer or shorter as circumstances require. A release may be a Major, Minor, or Patch version.

Support timelines

The current version of Edge Microgateway will continue to be supported for one year after the next version becomes available.

For example, if version 3.1.0 is released on January 17, 2020 and version 3.1.1 is released on February 17, 2020, version 3.1.0 will be supported until February 17, 2021.

After the support window expires, Apigee requires customers to upgrade to a current release. No support tickets will be accepted for any releases that are outside the support window.